Monday 13 November 2023

FAIRY ON THE TREE by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

What do you see when you look at me?
Is it a little angel on top of a tree?
Or did I make you feel something inside,
an emotion you keep trying to hide.
Did you think of a hug from someone past?
Did you remember one you were given last?
Did you look at my crown upon my head,
then think of the halo I now wear instead?
Did you laugh at my little flowered dress?
Did you look at my hair and see a mess?
Or did you walk down memory lane,
to a time when grief wasn't causing pain?
So what do you see when you look at me?
This little angel on top of a tree.
For me , I see love from years gone by,
a future memory, a reason to try.
I see hope in her arms for when I fall,
I see bells on her feet for when I call.
I see in her eyes they will always see,
that I am watching, her watching me.
Joanne Boyle

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SILVER LINNINGS by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

When the ocean waves engulf you
And there’s water all around
And when you feel you’re in so deep
You might as well swim down
When the forest’s looming darkly
And you can’t see your way through
When the trees are overbearing
And they’re closing in on you
When every path is dangerous
And treacherous to tread
And you decide to stop
And stay forever lost instead
I hope the sea is sapphires
That buoy you with their blue
I hope they shine a little
Of their precious light on you
I hope the forest prides itself
On all its emerald leaves
And helps you see your brilliance
Through the darkness of the trees
I hope your paths are gilded
And are lined with golden hues
Where ruby roses grow through grass
That shines with diamond dew
I hope you feel the sunshine
And the warmth that it possesses
I hope you see the way the clouds
Are shining at their edges
‘Cause there’s richness in the darkness,
When you’re lost, beneath the surface
There’s treasure waiting for you
And I promise you it’s worth it
So don’t give up or in
‘Cause pressure builds a precious stone
You’ve everything you need
And you are stronger than you know
So please keep going up and through
Keep walking, swimming, climbing
And keep on searching clouds for silver
Sewn into their linings
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork created on Canva
'Silver Linings' is from 'Letters from Life'

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Sunday 12 November 2023


by Joanne Boyle

Some say that we are haunted
by memories of our past.
Me, I say, that it's us that haunt,
the memories we had last.
We have a window with a view,
blinds we can choose to close,
but still we like to part them,
to remind us we are froze.
There's a pain outside the window,
to remind us where we've been.
A time that no one visits,
but a one that you have seen.
The familiar sting of raindrops,
that disguise your tears.
Your back turned on the moment,
as again you face your fears.
Being afraid of the creeping sun,
a reminder that it still shines.
Afraid of a moving future,
of a world that love defines.
Open up those blinds
and set every moment free,
because the brightest light of all,
is the one that you can't see.
Joanne Boyle

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FAIRYTALE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

This is for the princess
Who is trapped up in the tower
You think you have no cards to play
No leverage or power
Because you’ve read the books that start
With ‘once upon a time’
And so you’re waiting
‘Til a handsome prince comes riding by
You’re hoping that your beauty
Is enough to see you through
That he will see a pretty face
And fall in love with you
Well, let me tell a secret
You see, I once thought like this
I thought that thin or pretty
Would deliver true love’s kiss
So I craved a certain number
In the clothes that I would wear
I modified my make-up
And the way I wore my hair
But it’s not quite as simple
As they make out in the books
True love is not determined
By our bodies or our looks
You see, your real beauty’s
Not wrapped up in what you weigh
Your face may bring you suitors
But it will not make them stay
What will is all your courage
And the way your heart is kind
Your spirit, your adventure
And the way you speak your mind
But none of that will matter
Until you can see your worth
The truest love you’ll ever know
Is loving yourself first
So buy your own glass slippers
And take yourself to the ball
Then sing and dance as if
Nobody else is there at all
Let others crave the beauty
That is wrapped within your soul
You’re waiting to be rescued
Just ‘cause that’s what you’ve been told
But with your heart and spirit
You don’t need anyone else
So let your hair down princess
And go and save yourself
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by gisifraga (@gisifraga on Instagram)
'Fairytale' is from What the Wild Replied

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Saturday 11 November 2023


(author unknown)

I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to start.

While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked up the front walk, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.

When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation.. His face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.

Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.

'Oh, that's my trouble tree,' he replied 'I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children.. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again.' 'Funny thing is,' he smiled,' when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.

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TODAY I SAW A POPPY by Becky Hemsley 2021

by Becky Hemsley 2021

Today I saw a flower -
It reminded me of you
You stood there in the sunshine
With your petals in full bloom
But you were stood alone
There were no flowers of your kind
Standing there beside you
For they had been left behind
In fields that you used to share
With them some time ago
When they became your family
Whilst you helped each other grow
But there were stormy days ahead
With skies all dark and grey
Fields that were torched by lightning,
Flooded by the rain
And though they tried to fight it
There were flowers by your side
That had to lay themselves down
So that others could survive
And I know you feel guilty
That you’re growing on without them
But they need you to keep going
So that you can talk about them
To keep their hearts alive
To share their stories and their names
You know if you were in their place
That you would want the same
You’d want them to chase sunshine
And to camp beneath the stars
To honour you by living
Whilst they kept you in their hearts
So try to stem your sadness
And those guilty tears you shed
‘Cause they live on within you
In your petals bright and red
Yes, today I saw a poppy
It reminded me of you
And every time I see it
I’ll be reminded of them too

A poem I wrote a couple of years ago as a request from a former soldier, who was struggling with the guilt of coming home safely when so many of his fellow comrades didn't.

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Friday 10 November 2023

The Golden Key and the Talking Animals by English With Mia

"The Golden Key and the Talking Animals" by English With Mia
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a young girl named Lily. She loved exploring the woods near her house, where tall trees whispered secrets and colourful birds sang cheerful songs.
One sunny afternoon, while Lily was chasing butterflies, she stumbled upon an old, moss-covered door half-hidden in the bushes. It had an ornate lock, and it seemed to be waiting for something special. Lily's heart skipped a beat.
"I wonder what's behind this door," she mused aloud.
Just then, a mischievous squirrel named Nutty popped up. "You're in luck, young explorer! That door leads to a magical world, but it's locked. To open it, you'll need the golden key."
Lily's eyes widened with wonder. "Where can I find the golden key?"
Nutty scratched his furry chin. "Legend has it that it's hidden somewhere in the heart of the Enchanted Forest. But beware, for the forest is full of talking animals, each with a riddle you must solve to get closer to the key."
Undeterred, Lily thanked Nutty and set off towards the Enchanted Forest, her heart brimming with excitement.
As Lily ventured deeper into the forest, she met a wise old owl perched on a branch.
"Hoot, young traveller! To find the golden key, answer me this: What has keys but can't open locks?"
Lily thought for a moment, then smiled. "A piano!"
The owl blinked in surprise. "You're clever, indeed. Go forth and seek the next riddle."
Next, she encountered a chatty blue jay who perched on her shoulder.
"Squawk! Ready for your next challenge? What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and rivers, but no water?"
Lily pondered, then grinned. "A map!"
The blue jay flapped its wings in approval. "You're sharper than a beak full of thorns. Onward you go!"
One by one, Lily met the talking animals and solved their riddles. A poetic rabbit, a singing squirrel, and a riddle-loving tortoise all offered their challenges. With each riddle solved, Lily felt closer to her goal.
Finally, at the heart of the forest, she met a wise old turtle. "Ah, you've come far, young one. Here's your final riddle: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?"
Lily's eyes sparkled with realization. "A stamp!"
The old turtle beamed. "You've done it, my dear! The golden key is yours."
With trembling hands, Lily held the key. She rushed back to the moss-covered door, heart pounding in anticipation. As the key turned in the lock, the door creaked open, revealing a world of enchantment beyond.
And there, amidst a meadow of wildflowers, stood the most beautiful castle Lily had ever seen. It was a place where dreams danced in the air and laughter echoed through the halls.
Lily knew that her adventures were just beginning, and she stepped through the door with a heart full of gratitude for the talking animals and the golden key that had unlocked a world of magic.

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"THE INCREDIBLE BABY BOOMERS" (author unknown) "Many have passed away, and those who are still here are called 'the el...