Friday 24 November 2023

BREATHE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2021

She sat at the back and they said she was
She led from the front and they hated her
They asked her advice and then questioned her
They branded her loud then were shocked by her
When she shared no ambition, they said it was
So she told them her dreams and they said she was
They told her they'd listen then covered their
And gave her a hug whilst they laughed at her
And she listened to all of it, thinking she
Be the girl they told her to be, best as she
But one day she asked what was best for
Instead of trying to please everyone
So she walked to the forest and stood with the
She heard the wind whisper and dance with the
And she spoke to the willow, the elm and the
And she told them what she'd been told, time after
She told them she felt she was never enough
She was either too little or far, far too much
Too loud or too quiet, too fierce or too weak
Too wise or too foolish, too bold or too meek
Then she found a small clearing, surrounded by
And she stopped and she heard what the trees said to
And she sat there for hours not wanting to
For the forest said nothing, it just let her
Becky Hemsley 2021
Gorgeous artwork by @sa_alvr via Instagram
Breathe is from my first collection, Talking to the Wild

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IT WAS AS IF? by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

It was as if you read my dreams today,
when the rain poured down hard,
and washed away the invisible ink,
that I was writing in a card.
It was as if you read my thoughts today,
when the wind was wild and free,
blowing away the angry words
that were trying to change me.
It was as if you understood today,
when the thunder shouted back,
shouting louder than a steam train,
that had fallen from the track.
It was as if you just knew today,
when the sun lit up my day,
and followed me like a secret shadow,
to help me on my way.
Joanne Boyle

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Thursday 23 November 2023

God also needed you by Joanne Boyle

"God also needed you" by Joanne Boyle

The skies opened up their clouds,
made a stairway in the sky.
They shone a light to guide you,
as the angels whispered fly.
I held your hand so tightly,
fought those angels off with love,
but I knew it was for the best,
to let you move above.
As your grip got weaker,
I could feel it deep within
that I was now out numbered,
and the angels came to win.
They didn't want to take you,
but they knew it was your time.
It didn't matter who you left,
or that you were mine.
I felt a sense of peace,
as my grip got weaker too.
I knew I had to let you go,
as God also needed you.

Joanne Boyle

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I'LL REMEMBER I'M LOVED by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

When I am older
I might not remember
I might get confused
And I might lose my temper
And there may be times
When I don’t know your name
Because it’s been trapped,
Locked away in my brain
And though it will hurt
To think I could forget you
Offer me smiles,
Hold my hand if I’ll let you
And talk of adventures
We had long ago
Show me the photos
Of people I know
Play music we’ve danced to
And songs we have sung
Read me the books I read
When I was young
‘Cause your voice and your words
Might just be the key
That opens the door -
That unlocks it for me
And maybe the music
Will spark tiny embers
Of memories dormant
And I will remember
Your name and your face
And the words to our song
The times and the places
To which I’ve belonged
And it might last moments
Or minutes or more
As the fire sheds light
Through the crack in the door
But when the door closes
And gone are the flames
When you are once more
A stranger again
Just know you’ll have stirred something
Deep down inside
Something familiar
That I recognise
Something that’s real
That’s not stored in my head
But right at the core
Of my heart space instead
Something that’s stirred
By your smiles and your stories
The touch of your hand
And the songs you sing for me
And though I’ll have no words to tell you
Just trust
That deep down inside
I’ll remember
I’m loved
Becky Hemsley 2022
Exquisite artwork by the wonderful Lisa Aisato
Sending so much love, peace and compassion to anyone dealing with this - either directly or whilst caring for a loved one. Be kind to yourself.
This poem is called Embers and Keys and is in the book 'Letters from Life'

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Wednesday 22 November 2023

Ouroboros by Becky Hemsley

"Ouroboros" by Becky Hemsley

Her wings were spun from sunsets
And from fading autumn leaves
From sycamore seed skeletons
And dandelion seeds
She wove in supernovas
With some scattered clouds sewn in
They were delicate and fragile
Barely there and paper thin
Her wings of nearly-nothing
Were at odds with all the rest
That were forged by flaming meteors
And blazed with fiery strength
But she didn’t need such power
Just a gentleness instead
For she sought the ones who fought
A raging battle in their heads
She found them in their darkness
In their all-consuming night
So she spread out her translucent wings
And let in pools of light
She saw them in their slumber
Whispering forgotten dreams
So she plucked a wish from in her wings
And threw it to the breeze
She recognised their winter
Frozen cold and bleak with snow
So she wrapped them in the embers
Of her incandescent glow
And the rest thought she was broken
With her wings so nearly dead
But if they had watched her closely
They’d have realised every thread
In her wings of seeds and sunsets
Simply echoed loud her cause -
To convince the lost and desperate
Everything can be reborn
Becky Hemsley 2021
Gorgeous artwork by Kat Fedora Artist
‘Ouroboros’ is from Talking to the Wild

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by Becky Hemsley 2020

He walked across the field
When he came upon a stile
And he almost turned around
‘Cause he’d already walked for miles
But then he heard a melody
That made him carry on
It was the faint and distant echo
Of an old familiar song
He walked towards the music
And it led him past a sign
To a row of houses starting at
The number ninety nine
And from that house the scent
Of childhood dinners filled the air
And he smelled the heady perfume
That his grandma used to wear
The next house on the path
Was somehow number thirty four
And it had a stained glass window
Of a rose within the door
He peered in through the window
Of the next house on the street
And he saw familiar photographs
Upon the mantelpiece
He heard some children laughing
So he looked over the fence
And he saw a young boy playing
In the garden with his friends
They were splashing in a paddling pool
And playing with a ball
They were practising their cartwheels
And their handstands at the wall
And something like… nostalgia
Made him stand there for a while
‘Til he tore himself away and turned
And headed for the stile
And it was then he passed the signpost
With an all-familiar name
And he realised he had just walked down
A street called
Memory Lane
Becky Hemsley 2020
Artwork by Pete Rumney
alternative title is "Back in Time" is from Talking to the Wild:

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Tuesday 21 November 2023


by  Rae Pathak

"You have been like this for the longest time—suffering, mothering grief, living with regrets.
You feel like you have learned your lesson, then you make the same mistakes again—risking your heart, risking being misunderstood, risking being hated—all of it in the hopes that maybe someday, someone will be able to understand you.
Anger? Not really.
Disappointment? Perhaps.
For you let go of something that was good for you for something that you could love, and now you have neither.
There are no instant relief methods to this illness. Melancholy, like a tandem passenger, sits behind you as you pedal forward alone. Would it have been easier if there were love? Maybe.
But then love, too, has been a difficult subject all through your life. You have only known hunger. Just caring wasn't enough. Just loving wasn't either. You needed more. Even when there was enough love, you were hungry for more. You are a glutton who doesn't know how to stop.
There was an empty space inside you that grew more and more each time you were loved. Some sort of sadness sits inside it. You don't pray, but sometimes, you wish for someone to make you whole. All your life, you have had this empty feeling. Even when you were laughing, there was this lingering heartache—a sorrow without a source.
If you really could run, you'd run away to home. But you have run for so long, you aren't sure where home is supposed to be anymore. You tell yourself sometimes that maybe there is no home. We all just exist. What you mean is that if there was a home, why does it escape you? Why does everyone know that feeling but you?
You wished your body were a city. Then it could be ruined and reconstructed. The body is a thing without an exit. Once you are alive, you have to keep living until you die. There's no escape, no way to skip parts you do not like. You hope this anguish leaves you before your cold body is buried in the ground. At least once, you'd like to know what it's like being perfectly happy.
In the past, you have always wanted to fix yourself. If there were a time machine, you would have travelled to the past and erased all that went wrong. But would it be enough to make everything okay? At the crux of it all, you hoped for acceptance—for yourself. And change. It wouldn't fix anything, but all you have wanted was to not mourn yourself so terribly.
At the very least, for once, you'd like to learn to live with yourself."
Rae Pathak, things that eat me alive
Illustration by Haylee Morice
Inspired Diane Wakoski & Zhao

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...