Sunday 3 December 2023

A love letter from those who have passed on by Tahlia Hunter

"A love letter from those who have passed on" by Tahlia Hunter
Take the love you have for me
And radiate it outwards
Allowing it to touch and impact others
Take the memory you have of me
And use it as a source of inspiration
To live fully, meaningfully and intentionally
Take the image you have of me in your mind
And allow it to fuel you
To take action
Seize the day
And be reminded of what is most important in life
Take the care you have for me
And let it remind you
To care for yourself fully
And shower yourself with your own love
And take the pain and grief you feel
Following my loss
And alchemize it into
Love, compassion and beauty
Build a castle
From the wreckage of my passing
And allow it to unlock your greatness and potential
And empower you to become more than you ever thought you were capable of being
And know that I can never truly leave you
And will always remain beside you
Watching over you in spirit
And that the love I have for you lives on
Through the connections you form
The kindness and compassion you share
And the future relationships and friendships you cultivate.
And until we are one day reunited
I will remain with you
Through the storms and chaos of life
And am always beside you
Walking with you, laughing with you, crying with you and smiling with you
And I am proud of you for being strong
I am proud of you for being brave
And I am proud of you for being you.
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork by Márfy Art, Gabriella Márfy

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THE POWER OF ONE by Becky Hemsley 2022

by Becky Hemsley 2022

One leaf can disrupt a whole army of ants
And can leave them all scared and confused
And it takes just one word, even one from a stranger
To render our self-esteem bruised
It takes just one flick of a switch in a light room
To promptly turn everything black
And it only takes one hand to push us too far
Just one straw to break our camel’s back
It takes just a moment when all is aligned
For the sunshine to blot out the moon
And it takes just one foot to kick us whilst we’re down
Just one sprinkle of salt in the wound
And yet when we think of ourselves as the one
Then we think we’ve no power at all
That we won’t make a difference when this world’s so big
And we feel so incredibly small
But it takes just one leaf to announce spring is coming
One seed for a flower to grow
And it takes just one hand to stop someone from falling
Which might mean far more than you know
It takes just a word to make somebody’s day
Just one switch to turn dark into light
And it takes just one foot to stand up for someone,
Just one sunrise to soften the night
So harness the power of one for yourself
It’s a power you’ve held all along
Yes, I know that you think you can’t change the whole world
But you can change the world for someone
Becky Hemsley 2022
Gorgeous image by kenzistudioco
'The Power of One' is from the book What the Wild Replied

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NOBODY TOLD ME by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Nobody showed me how to love you,
or how I'd feel when you were around.
Nobody explained how my heartbeat,
would dance to your breaths sound.
Nobody told me how I'd laugh out loud
even when you were not there.
Nobody told me my heart would sing,
to the tunes that we both share.
Nobody taught me that my feelings,
would engulf me from inside.
Nobody told me my heart would break
each and every time you cried.
Nobody left me any instructions,
they were all etched deep in my heart,
but no one etched them deep enough,
on how to be now we are apart.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Saturday 2 December 2023

TRADING PLACES by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

If one day we swapped places
I was you and you were me
I wonder what it is that both of us
Would actually see
I wonder if you’d notice
How your smile lights up your face
How when you walk into a room
You brighten up the place
I wonder if you’d see the way
You always make the time
For those who seek you out because
You’re patient and you’re kind
And maybe I would notice
How I always stand my ground
And how I lift up those I love
When they are lost or down
Perhaps I’d notice how
I’m quite content all by myself
And how I’m always there for others
When they ask for help
And if you felt your patience
And if you could see your smile
If I could help myself
And feel my kindness for a while
Then maybe we would understand
We cannot be defined
By all that we fixate on
In our mirrors and our minds
Yes, if we both swapped places
And had someone else to be
Perhaps we’d come to realise
There’s so much we cannot see
And maybe in the moments
You were me and I was you
We would see why people love us
And we’d learn to love us too
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by the wonderful Lucy Campbell
'Trading Places' is from 'Letters from Life'

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WHEN by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

When life feels suffocating
And the way ahead too far
Then breath by breath by steady breath
Just stay right where you are
When morning comes in blazing
Threatening to burn the day
Just let the sun in gently
Ray by ray by steady ray
When night intimidates you
And the silence tries to scream
Just rest against the darkness
Dream by dream by steady dream
When life is just too much –
It’s far too loud and far too bright
Then live little by little,
Day by day and night by night
See, I know it all feels heavy
Like a load you cannot lift,
A race you want no part of
And a weight you cannot shift
But when the road ahead is long
And overwhelming you
Don’t push yourself too quickly -
Slow and steady gets you through
Becky Hemsley 2023
Absolutely stunning artwork by @sa_alvr on Instagram
This is from the book 'When I am Gone' but I think it can apply to any difficult day xx

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

The Brave Little Firefly by English With Mia

"The Brave Little Firefly"
by English With Mia
Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest filled with tall trees and shimmering streams, there lived a tiny firefly named Spark. Spark was the smallest firefly in the forest, but he had the biggest heart. He loved to light up the dark forest with his tiny glow.
One day, a thick fog settled over the forest, making it impossible for anyone to see. The animals were scared and couldn't find their way home. The big bears, the wise owls, and even the playful squirrels were lost.
Spark knew he had to help. He fluttered around, his little light flickering like a tiny star. "Follow me!" he called out in his soft voice. "I'll show you the way home."
The animals were surprised. "How can such a tiny firefly help us?" they wondered. But they decided to follow Spark's light, hoping for the best.
Through the foggy forest, Spark led the way. His light shimmered and glowed, guiding the animals slowly but surely. He flew low so everyone could see his light and follow him.
As they journeyed through the misty woods, Spark's light started to fade. He had been shining for a long time, and he was getting tired. But he didn't give up. He knew the animals were counting on him.
Just when it seemed his light would go out, the animals reached the edge of the forest. The fog lifted, and they could see their homes again! They cheered and thanked Spark for his bravery and guiding light.
Even though Spark was tired, seeing the happiness on the animals' faces made him feel strong. He smiled and said, "Remember, even the smallest light can make a big difference."
From that day on, the animals never underestimated the power of a tiny firefly's light. And Spark, the brave little firefly, continued to shine brightly, lighting up the forest and guiding anyone who needed his help.
And so, the forest was filled with the warmth of gratitude for the little firefly who showed that bravery comes in all sizes, even the tiniest ones.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Friday 1 December 2023

DANCING INSIDE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass..”
Except that sometimes it is.
Sometimes you are waterlogged.
Waterlogged and wading through flooded waters.
And you are exhausted.
Sometimes you’ve had too much of the storm.
Because sometimes it has taken too much from you.
So you don’t have to dance in the rain you don’t want to. You don’t have to embrace it if you think it might drown you.
You can sit and read a book.
You can call a friend.
You can close your eyes and sleep.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.
It’s about figuring out the best way through it.
And sometimes that means facing it,
sometimes embracing it.
And sometimes that means
closing the curtains,
turning the music up,
and dancing inside instead.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by the awesome @endmion1 (via Instagram)
'Dancing Inside' is from Letters from Life

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Thursday 30 November 2023

EMPTY by Joanne Boyle

"EMPTY" by Joanne Boyle
I wrap my arms around emptiness.
I fill the the space with tears.
I run to heaven in my mind
and tell God about my fears.
I tell him that when you come,
he needs to send you back.
The world wasn't ready to lose you,
and you had taken the wrong track.
I would lock the pearly gate
and safely store the key.
I'd show you an army of love,
that would be yours for eternity.
I would use all my strength to fight you,
to make you turn around.
I would even put you on my back
and carry you back to ground.
I guess that's why there are no ladders,
that lead us to the sky,
because then heaven would have no angels
because love wouldn't let you die.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...