Wednesday 6 December 2023

The Enchanted Snow Globe by English With Mia

"The Enchanted Snow Globe" by English With Mia
Once upon a time in a little town nestled between snow-capped mountains, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily loved collecting magical things, especially snow globes. Each one held a tiny world within—a wintery wonderland encased in glass.
One day, while exploring her grandma's attic, Lily stumbled upon a peculiar snow globe hidden in a dusty box. It sparkled under the sunlight, beckoning her to take a closer look. Inside the globe was a miniature village blanketed in shimmering snow. But this wasn’t an ordinary globe; it seemed to radiate a faint glow.
As Lily held it in her hands, a soft voice whispered, "Seek the Crystal Heart to unlock the enchantment."
Confused yet intrigued, Lily decided to unravel the mystery. She asked her grandma about the snow globe, but her grandma only smiled mysteriously and said, "Sometimes, magic finds those who are kind and brave."
Determined to solve the riddle, Lily embarked on an adventure. She set off towards the mountains, where legends spoke of a hidden cave containing the Crystal Heart.
Braving icy winds and frosty paths, Lily climbed higher and higher until she stumbled upon a cavern. Inside, the walls glistened with precious stones, and in the centre lay the Crystal Heart a radiant gem pulsating with otherworldly light.
As Lily reached out to touch it, the heart emitted a bright glow, enveloping her in a warm embrace. Suddenly, she found herself within the snow globe village, surrounded by tiny townsfolk made of twinkling snowflakes.
The villagers cheered, thanking Lily for breaking the enchantment that trapped them. They explained that an evil sorceress had cast a spell, trapping their village within the globe until someone kind and brave came to their rescue.
With the Crystal Heart in her hand, Lily returned home. The moment she placed it beside the snow globe, the villagers burst out, growing into life-size beings, expressing gratitude for their freedom.
From that day on, Lily’s snow globe held a special place in her heart, reminding her of the magical adventure that taught her the true power of kindness and bravery.
And every winter, as the first snowflake danced from the sky, Lily would give the globe a gentle shake, watching the tiny village inside sparkle with joy a reminder of the enchanted adventure that changed her life.

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SHINE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

Yesterday she told you
She’d been beckoned by the moon
That she was to become a star
And would be leaving soon
And like a supernova
You felt your heart collapse
Knowing that the days ahead
Would soon become her last
But mop up all your tears
And squeeze them out amongst the clouds
Buy her favourite flower seeds
And plant them in the ground
Savour every smile of hers
And send them to the sun
Paint the sky her favourite pink
As day has just begun
Gather all the words she says
And teach the birds her song
So that the world still speaks of her
Even when she’s gone
So when the sun comes up
You’ll know it’s her that’s smiling down
And when it rains you’ll feel her love
Escaping from the clouds
Watch her flowers flourish
And listen to the birds
And hear them sing the echoes
Of her voice and of her words
Look for her in sunrises
In thunderstorms and snow
Because she’s trying to tell you
She’ll be everywhere you go
And when it’s dark, look for the stars
And see the way she shines
And realise, though she’ll leave
She’ll never really say goodbye

Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by the brilliant 小油画 / Little Oil Art
'Shine' is from When I Am Gone

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Tuesday 5 December 2023

HOPE IS by John Roedel

by John Roedel

hope is often
so much quieter
than fear
hope is the whisper
between screams
hope is the nearly inaudible
sound of your tears drying
on the rosebud of your cheek
hope is the hushed wind passing
through a tall Wyoming pine
hope is the noise of you
softly exhaling while
looking for God in the mirror
hope is the sound of stars winking
at us from across the cosmos
hope is the babbling river
hope is the snoring baby
hope is the thumping heartbeat
hope is the lightly
beeping hospital monitor
hope is the sound
of butterfly wings
moving in the spring
hope is the noise ice
makes as it melts on a lake
hope is the gentle scratching of
a flower as it claws its way
out of the earth to sunbathe
hope is never loud
hope is never fussy
hope is never announced
- in fact, you might miss hope’s
arrival if your not listening for it
hope is more piano
than it is saxophone
hope is humble
hope is stealthy
hope doesn’t wear a name tag
hope is so so silent
but that’s what 
makes hope
because it can
surprise us at a moments notice
hope is always present
it’s the beat between music's notes
it’s the pucker before the kiss
it’s the deep breath before the eulogy
hope is the quiet voice
that is endlessly begging
us to not surrender to
the crawling shadows
and the voice of hope is always
saying the same thing:
“Hold on, my love, hold on, my love.”
if you give it a moment of silence
you will find that hope is a real
chatter box
it won’t stop talking to you
if you let it get started
hope is everywhere
even in places where
you won’t expect to find it
~it’s in your blood
~ it’s in your wrinkles
~it’s in your grief
hope is relentless
amid the noise of
this clanging world
just listen
I swear,
my love,
if you just listen
to the murmuring hope
that surrounds you
I swear
it’s all you’ll hear
~ and you’ll never give up again

(Art by the amazing Lauren Bridges)

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ROAR by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2020
As children we’re convinced
That monsters hide beneath our beds
But as adults we soon realise
That they walk the streets instead
It’s not their face that’s monstrous
It’s their loathing and their lies
For it isn’t how they look -
The monster’s who they are inside
And at first we tiptoe round them
Terrified to make a noise
But slowly, very surely
We are bound to find our voice
But as fear gives way to anger
And our loathing multiplies
We start becoming monstrous
And we think we’re justified
But flames won’t put out fire
Water will not halt a flood
And we cannot stop the monsters
By behaving as they would
You see, anyone that’s ever
Loved somebody else before
Knows no matter how much hate we feel
Love always matters more
So though you’re brave to fight them
And your courage makes you tough
Don’t fight them out of hate
But to protect the things you love
And when life gets too scary
Promise me you will make sure
That you won’t become a monster
But you’ll still learn how to roar
Becky Hemsley 2020
Image created with Dall.E
"Roar" is from Talking to the Wild

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REAL by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

I’ve cried when I’m happy
And cried when I’m sad
I’ve smiled through the good times
And smiled through the bad
I’ve screamed in excitement
I’ve screamed out in pain
I’ve gasped at the sunshine
And gasped at the rain
I’ve laughed when I’m nervous
And when I’m elated
I’ve sighed with contentment
And when I’m deflated
I’ve sung when I’m lonely
And sung in a crowd
I’ve shouted when angry
And when I’ve been proud
‘Cause whether we’re up
Or we’re riding a low
Our feelings are desperate
For somewhere to go
We can’t keep them trapped
And locked up in a cage -
They force their way out
‘Cause they need to escape
And sometimes we’re told
That emotions are weakness
That feeling is flawed
If we let it defeat us
But how can this be?
Surely this must be wrong
For what could be weak
About something so strong
That it cannot be silenced
Cannot be tamed
Can’t be kept down
And cannot be contained
So when you next shout
Or you laugh or you cry
You scream or you smile
Or let out a sigh
Whatever the reason
Just let yourself feel
We’re not here to be quiet -
We’re here to be real
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by @Hayk Shalunts
'Real' is from my newest collection Letters from Life:

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A TRUE EYE-OPENER! by Nino Razmadze

"A TRUE EYE-OPENER!" by Nino Razmadze
"A friend came to my house for coffee, we sat down and talked about life. After a while I interrupted the conversation and said to him, ′′I'm going to wash the dishes, I'll be right back.”
He looked at me like I told him he was going to build a spaceship. So he said to me with admiration and a little stumped, ′′Glad you help your wife, I rarely help mine because when I do she never thank me. Last week I washed the floor and she didn't even tell me to thank you.”
I sat back down with him again and explained to him that I don't ′′help′′ my wife. Actually, my wife doesn't need help, she needs a partner, a teammate. I'm her home partner… and due to that, all functions are divided, which is not “help” with household chores.
I don't “help” my wife clean the house because I also live in it and I need to clean it too.
I don't “help” my wife cook, because I also want to eat and I need to cook too.
I don't “help” her washing dishes after eating, because I use these dishes too.
I don't “help” my wife with kids, because they are mine too and I have to be a father.
I don't “help” my wife wash, extend, fold, and put away laundry because it's mine and my kids too.
I don't give a “helping hand” at home, I'm part of it.
Then with respect, I asked my friend when was the last time his wife finished cleaning the house, doing laundry, changing the bedsheets, bathing the kids, cooking, organizing, etc.. and did he say: “thank you?”
I mean a real thank you, like, “Wow, baby!! You're amazing!!"
Does this all seem absurd? Does it sound weird to you? When, once in your life, you cleaned the floor, you expected at least an excellence award with great glory... why? Haven't you ever thought about that?
Maybe, because for you, macho culture taught you that everything is a woman's task.

Maybe you've been taught that all this should be done without you having to move a finger.
So praise her as you would like to be praised, likewise, with the same intensity. Hold her hand and behave like a true companion, and assume your part, don't behave like a guest who simply comes to eat, sleep, shower, and satisfy sexual needs... feel at home, in your home.
Change in our society begins in our homes, teaching our children the true sense of fellowship!"

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