Thursday 15 February 2024

INSIDE STORY by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2020

They saw her in the library
Discarded on a chair
And her glossy, shiny cover
Made them notice she was there
They picked her up and held her
For a minute, maybe three
And they said she was exquisite
The most beautiful they’d seen
They thought not of her pages
Simply stared at her in awe
Then they put her on the bookshelf
As they headed out the door
So they never knew the words she chose
To mark her journey’s start
And they didn’t read the reams and reams
Of kindness at her heart
They didn’t read the things she hid
In pages left untouched
Or the hellos and goodbyes she’d said
To people that she loved
They didn’t read the chapters
Where she set herself apart
And they never read the lines she wrote
Of how they’d played their part
They didn’t turn the pages
On her struggles and her strengths
And they missed the ripped-up paper
Where she’d torn herself to shreds
They never read the parts
About the places she had been
Or the people she had helped
Or all the wonders she had seen
So when anybody asked them
What it was that she was like
They realised they had no idea
What she was like inside
See, they’d told her she was beautiful
Because of how she looked
But they’d just admired her cover
And they’d never read her book
Becky Hemsley 2020
"Inside Story" is from the book 'Talking to the Wild' and is also on my website as a free downloadable print

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Joanne Boyle

The little girl stood and watched,
as so many hearts arrived above.
She turned and asked an elder,
"what is all this love?"
Her heaven Mother smiled,
and said "today is valentines day,
and though love is always felt,
today it's sent this way.
These hearts will keep on coming,
and our sky will turn to red,
as every heart represents a memory,
a thought from someone's head."
The little girl smiled even more,
it spread from ear to ear.
She knew all about love,
as her presence had been near.
"Will those who are on earth,
know that we are thinking of them too?"
Her angel Mum took hold of a heart,
and whispered "I love you."
The heart then disappeared,
but the child knew where it went.
It was transported to her loved one,
through the love she sent.
Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Tuesday 13 February 2024

When you love an ancient soul by Luiza Fletcher

"When you love an ancient soul" by Luiza Fletcher
There is a special kind of person in this world who is often misunderstood. These people tend to be the loners, the free spirits, the innocent lovers. They see the world for all they can – and should be – although the world rarely sees them.
They are the old souls, the dreamers, the people in tune with life, so intuitive of emotions that they frighten us. They frighten us not because of who they are, but because of who we are not, what we lack.
Ancient souls reach depths we cannot understand. They have a connection with God, with the Universe, with Nature, and that's why they are the people who will change the world.
We often feel inferior, as if we have to strive to stay remotely close to their level, to be worthy of their love.
It takes a confident person to love an old soul. But it's worth it. It will change your life.
They are romantic, they are loyal, they help us grow, they are not materialistic, they understand the deep connections in life, they are grateful, they are examples of bravery.
They walk the most painful roads of this life, and yet somehow they find the courage to smile, often selfless. Supporting others.
Loving an old soul and being loved by one is a gift from the Universe!

~Luiza Fletcher~
Photo: Art by by Kimberly Kirk

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WILD by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

You’re a wildflower darling
You cannot be tamed
They recognise your beauty
Though they do not know your name
You sing a song of sunshine
Befriend butterflies and bees
You dance amongst the grasses
And you sleep beneath the trees
You’re bright but unassuming
You are delicate yet tough
You’re rooted but you’re ready
For when winds of change do come
And they meet you in the forest
And they’ll marvel at the way
You remind them of their childhood
And easy, carefree days
So they’ll make of you a bracelet
And they’ll weave you through their hair
They’ll wish upon your petals
And then blow you to the air
And as they watch you fly
They’ll wish that they could fly like that
They’ll realise that you have a freedom
They have never had
So they’ll pick you for a posy
And they’ll tie you at the stem
So they can take a little bit of freedom
Home with them
But home is where the heart is
And your heart cannot be still
So home for you is not a vase
Upon a windowsill
Remember, you’re a wildflower
Born to ride the wind
To plant your roots on new horizons
Each and every spring
So don’t ignore your wild heart
‘Cause freedom’s what you breathe
See, that is why they love you so -
And why you have to leave
Becky Hemsley 2022
Stunning artwork by Kajsa Li Art
‘Wild’ is part of my second collection:

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KNOWING WHAT LOVE IS by Becky Hemsley 2024

by Becky Hemsley 2024

Love is not what the shops and the stores and social media would have us believe at this time of year.
It is not chocolates or flowers or perfume.
It is not balloons and heart-shaped cookies.
It does not show off and shout.
Love is quiet but it feels so loud.
It is gentle but it feels so fierce.
It is both ordinary and yet entirely extraordinary.
So yes, buy the chocolates or the perfume.
Blow up the balloons and fetch the flowers.
But know that this is not where love lies.
Love lies in the in-between moments of life. The comfortable silences. The thoughts of special people that randomly pop into your head. The memories you have of your time with them.
Love does not need a dozen red roses to announce itself.
So if your tomorrow consists of comfortable silences and random thoughts of special people...
Then you know love.
It lies in you.
Becky Hemsley 2024
Artwork by the fabulous June Leeloo

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I SHALL TELL YOU by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

And when I find you
I shall tell you all about tomorrow,
and the tomorrow's after that.
We shall hide from the shadows,
whilst we sit and chat.
I shall tell you about the times,
you'll think you made mistakes,
all the people that you'll lose,
because they were really fakes.
I shall tell you to welcome you,
and to look you in the face,
and to never let others,
treat you with disgrace.
I shall tell you not to be afraid,
of the things that you can't do.
To walk away from trouble,
when it tries to follow you.
I shall tell you not to worry
about the things you can't control,
and how moments will become,
precious memories that you stole.
I shall tell you not to worry,
about what anyone else thinks,
because life will pass too quickly
before anyone even blinks.
I shall tell you when you sing,
the whole world sings with you
and every time you smile,
someone else smiles too.
I shall tell you all those items,
the ones you thought mattered,
will become lost amongst the memories,
that in your heart get scattered.
I shall tell you about true love,
and how it doesn't come with pain
and how it will be your saviour
time and time again.
And when I find you ...
I will become you.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Monday 12 February 2024

BEE by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Bee true to yourself
and always be brave.
Bee who you'd love
and want to save.
Bee who you'd want
for a guide.
Bee the friend
at your side.
Bee their voice
when they can't speak.
Bee their strength
when they feel weak.
Bee the light
to someone's day.
Bee the one,
to show them the way.
Bee their eyes
when they can't see.
Bee the person
you need to be.
Bee proud always
regardless of fear.
Bee kind to those,
who are near.
Bee everything
you are inside.
Bee seen and heard,
do not hide.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


"THE INCREDIBLE BABY BOOMERS" (author unknown) "Many have passed away, and those who are still here are called 'the el...