Thursday 29 February 2024


by Joanne Boyle

Excitedly she stood there,
staring at the moon,
ever since her Daddy said,
mother's Day would be soon.
She had chosen a little gift,
it was her mums favourite flower.
and Patiently she waited
watching every hour.
She kept looking at the time,
but afraid she'd miss her mum.
Surely if she moved,
then her mum would come.
She walked a little closer,
with her hand behind her back,
and then she saw the shadow,
on a distant track.
Her mum was now an angel,
and excitedly she waved,
caring for the flower,
the Gift she had saved.
Her Mother then got closer,
and kissed her little face.
and together they both danced,
in an enchanting embrace.
Two petals had now fallen.
They laid on the ground.
A gentle reminder
of a memory they had found.
She gave the flower to her Mum,
as she was swept through the air,
but when the child woke up
the flower was still there.
Two petals were missing,
and as she held it tight.
She breathed in its memory,
and whispered "good night."
She then looked out of the window,
and saw the exact same moon.
She knew she'd see her Mum again,
and it would be real soon.
Joanne Boyle

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AUTISM by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

All alone with his thoughts
he had dreams and fears.
His world overcome
by the noise in his ears.
The touch of a cloth
unfamiliar to his skin.
A battle of emotions
felt from within.
An anxious feeling
with his twiddling thumb.
The sound of music
is the banging drum.
A crowd of people
takes his breathe right away.
A routine is needed
for him every day.
The smell of cut grass
or of yeast on his bread
is enough to set fireworks
off in his head.
The colour of his food
or the way that it's cut
can send him in turmoil
right from his gut.
The most loveable boy
In his world of his own,
teaching others around him
about the unknown.
Joanne Boyle

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LEAP YEAR by Becky Hemsley 2024

Becky Hemsley 2024

Today won’t be here next year
Or for two years after that
And we’ll be waiting almost
Half a decade ‘til it’s back
It’s only here ‘til midnight
So we don’t have long at all
Before it leaves like Cinderella
Running from the ball
And then it will be years before
We see it rise again
Before we say hello once more
Like some long-distance friend
And so, perhaps its rarity
Should give us cause to pause:
How much will things have changed for us
The next time this day dawns?
And when it comes around again
I wonder, will we see
That we are in the place in life
We hoped that we would be?
Or will we end up wishing
That four years ago that day
We hadn’t been afraid to chase
The dreams we longed to chase?
Yes, maybe it’s a Thursday
Just like any other week
That passes by then slips and fades
Into a dreamless sleep
But maybe it’s a day for wishing,
Dreaming whilst you wake
And maybe it’s the time
To take those leaps you long to take
Becky Hemsley 2024
Gorgeous artwork by Akira Kusaka Illustration
This is called ‘Leap Year’ and will not even be relevant come tomorrow - not until four years from today. But I think that’s what makes this day pretty powerful actually

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Wednesday 28 February 2024

THE WILLOW CATS by Margaret Widdemer

by Margaret Widdemer
They call them pussy-willows,
But there's no cat to see
Except the little furry toes
That stick out on the tree:
I think that very long ago,
When I was just born new,
There must have been whole pussy-cats
Where just the toes stick through----
And every Spring it worries me,
I cannot ever find
Those willow-cats that ran away
And left their toes behind!

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 Art by Rose Mary Berlin

LOOK AROUND by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

People in myths pay no mind to the prince
Who was changed from a frog with just kisses
And none of them balk at the trees that can talk
And don’t doubt that the stars can grant wishes
They think very little of speaking to mirrors
That answer them back from the wall
They sing with the dryads and drink with the giants
Who tower one hundred feet tall
They do not imagine the fairies and dragons
‘Cause those things are already there
With captured princesses whose extra-long tresses
Mean people can climb up their hair
Yes, all of these creatures with fairy-tale features
Don’t notice the magic they make
So they overlook half of what’s in their book
‘Cause it’s part of the plot every day
And maybe we too are so blind to our view
‘Cause it’s one that we know very well
And so we don’t stop and don’t listen to what
Kinds of stories our world has to tell
The stories of trees as they’re shedding their leaves
Just to welcome them back come the spring
And the way we all stay – how we don’t float away
From this great ball of rock as it spins
The stories of skies full of water and fires
With the power to flood and ignite
The mountains, volcanoes, the rare double rainbows
The phases of moon every night
And once long ago, we would never have known
That we’d one day explain it somehow
We’d have marvelled at more, we’d have stared with such awe
And perhaps we should do the same now
Because without seeing and knowing, believing,
We’d say it’s a tale in a book
Yet there’s wonder abound in the world – all around
We just keep forgetting to look
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by @Paula Belle Flores
'Look Around' is from 'Letters from Life'

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by Becky Hemsley 2023

Sometimes people tell us
“you’ve changed”.
And I believe the best response to that is
“I hope so.”
Because we are supposed to learn and experience things in life, and they
are supposed to help us grow. And growing means changing.
No-one tells a tree ‘you’ve changed’
when its leaves start turning orange or its blossoms start to grow.
They take photographs of it.
They write poetry about it.
They paint pictures of it.
They celebrate its growth, and they document its changes.
Yes, when a tree changes, people do not question it.
They see its beauty
and they turn it into art.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Stunning artwork by Olga Cuttell at Oladesign
This one is from 'Letters from Life':

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Tuesday 27 February 2024


(author unknown)

Today in one of our classes I introduced the children to two apples (the children didn't know this, but before the class I had repeatedly dropped one of the apples on the floor, you couldn't tell, both apples looked perfect). We talked about the apples and the children described how both apples looked the same; both were red, were of similar size and looked juicy enough to eat.

I picked up the apple I'd dropped on the floor and started to tell the children how I disliked this apple, that I thought it was disgusting, it was a horrible colour and the stem was just too short. I told them that because I didn't like it, I didn't want them to like it either, so they should call it names too.

Some children looked at me like I was insane, but we passed the apple around the circle calling it names, 'you're a smelly apple', 'I don't even know why you exist', 'you've probably got worms inside you' etc.

We really pulled this poor apple apart. I actually started to feel sorry for the little guy.

We then passed another apple around and started to say kind words to it, 'You're a lovely apple', 'Your skin is beautiful', 'What a beautiful colour you are' etc.
I then held up both apples, and again, we talked about the similarities and differences, there was no change, both apples still looked the same.
I then cut the apples open. The apple we'd been kind to was clear, fresh and juicy inside.

The apple we'd said unkind words to was bruised and all mushy inside.
I think there was a lightbulb moment for the children immediately. They really got it, what we saw inside that apple, the bruises, the mush and the broken bits is what is happening inside every one of us when someone mistreats us with their words or actions.

When people are bullied, especially children, they feel horrible inside and sometimes don't show or tell others how they are feeling. If we hadn't have cut that apple open, we would never have known how much pain we had caused it.
I shared my own experience of suffering someone's unkind words last week. On the outside I looked OK, I was still smiling. But, on the inside someone had caused me a lot of pain with their words and I was hurting.

Unlike an apple, we have the ability to stop this from happening. We can teach children that it's not ok to say unkind things to each other and discuss how it makes others feel. We can teach our children to stand up for each other and to stop any form of bullying, just as one little girl did today when she refused to say unkind words to the apple.

More and more hurt and damage happens inside if nobody does anything to stop the bullying. Let's create a generation of kind, caring children.
The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.”

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Monday 26 February 2024

I PROMISE by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if your life has fallen apart
Even if things surrounding you
Have come crashing down
And even if the foundations of your life have crumbled and fallen away
I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if people have walked out of your life
Or have chosen to reject you
Leaving you feeling abandoned, isolated and alone
I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if your greatest hopes and dreams have been dashed
And shattered to pieces
And the future seems bleak and uncertain
I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if your life as you know it
Has fallen away
Because your ability to create
Is far more powerful
Than life’s ability to destroy you
Your ability to regrow and regenerate
Is far greater
Than life’s ability to damage you
And your capacity to rebuild
Is far stronger
Than life’s capacity to break you
And you can take the rubble and ruins
Of what remains in your life
And use it to build a tower
That is even bigger and more beautiful than before.
And I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
As while things will come tumbling down in your life
Life can never keep you knocked down
As you can always rebuild
And that is your greatest power.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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"ERICA AND HER SHOW N TELL" (author unknown) I’ve been teaching for around fifteen years now. I have two kids of my own, but the b...