Wednesday 13 March 2024

The Blue Butterfly

"The Blue Butterfly" (author unknown)
There was once a man whose wife died, so he lived with his two daughters, who were by nature very curious and intelligent. The girls always asked him many questions. Some he knew how to answer, others he didn't.
Their father wanted to give them the best education, so one day he sent his daughters to spend some time in the house of a wise old man.
He always knew how to answer the questions they asked.
At one point one of them brought a blue butterfly that she planned to use to deceive the sage.
- What will you do? her sister asked.
- I will hide the butterfly in my hands and I will ask the sage if it is alive or dead. If he says he's dead, I'll open my hands and let him fly. If he says he's alive, I'll squeeze him and crush him. And so any answer he will have, he will be wrong!
The two girls immediately went to the sage and found him meditating.
- I have a blue butterfly here. Tell me, sage, is he alive or dead?
Very calmly, the sage smiled and said to her:
- It depends on you, because it is in your hands!
So is our life, our present and our future. We don't have to blame anyone when something goes wrong: we are responsible for what we get or don't get.
Our life is in our hands, like the blue butterfly. It's up to us to choose what to do with it...

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1575 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.


"NO WAITING ROOM" (author unknown"
What if you didn’t wake up tomorrow and your soul is watching down thinking of all the things you didn’t get to do yet because you were too scared, or too shy, or too worried about money. And all the things you told yourself you weren’t good enough for, swam in front of your eyes, fighting for a place in the line, beside the words you didn’t say and the joy you forgot to have.
My friend, there is absolutely no room for anything in your day, other than acceptance. You will never have enough money, or time, and you will certainly never have that perfect body the world told you you need to be happy.
And before you say it’s too late to embrace this thing we call life, no it is not. You can do it right where you are. Right this minute. Get outside, breathe, look at the trees, put your bare feet on the grass - hand on your heart to feel that pulse - and that’s it.
You’re living.
Keep that up.
Wait up for the moon sometimes or get up early to see a sunrise, just because.
Jump in the lake. Run and skip.
The things you need to feel alive are free and all around my friend.
You just have to see them.
Let in opportunity and say yes to the invitations that scare you a little, in a good way.
Say no to some of the things you force yourself to do, knowing they rinse you of your peace.
Life was never supposed to be a waiting room, it was supposed to be a hillside, with paths leading in every direction and mountains as far as the eye can see, hiding adventures and new friends behind them.
Don’t let yourself get to the end of this ride without having stopped to smell those beautiful roses.
That’s the only thing you need to fear in this life.
Everything else is all part of it.
It’s all just a messy, complicated, beautiful and terrifying part of it.
Chin up, throw your arms wide open and let it be so.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1575 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.


by Becky Hemsley

Sometimes someone’s perfect
Is another person’s flawed
Sometimes someone’s peaceful
Is another person’s bored
Sometimes someone’s freedom
Is another person’s trapped
And sometimes someone’s make-believe
Is someone else’s fact
One man’s trash, they often say
Is someone else’s treasure
And someone’s stormy forecast
Is another’s perfect weather
Sometimes someone’s scars
Can tell a very painful story
And sometimes they’re reminders
Of a celebrated glory
Because it all depends you see
On where you’re actually stood
On what you care to notice
And how far you dare to look
And there is sometimes someone
Standing just across from you
Who from the other side
Can see a very different view
Yes, all the time perspective
Will determine what we find
It’s how the number 6
Is sometimes someone’s number 9
And it is also how
You sit and count your flaws and scars
Whilst to someone just across from you
You’re perfect as you are
Our own beauty and magic is often the hardest for us to see

Becky Hemsley 2024
Fabulous perspectives artwork by Menghui Huang via Behance
‘Sometimes Someone’ is a newer poem, but if you like it, you might also like my most recent collection, Letters from Life:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1575 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.


IF DIAMONDS COULD TALK pdf downloadable free e-book  He makes her say "YES" bliss of capitulation

Three totally free e-books from our library shelves, just click on the individual images to download them, all are in pdf format and will open in any browser
Want more free downloadable e-books then why not join us and sign up for our Newsletter and gain free access to our ever growing library with over 1575 e-books on our shelves already...

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1575 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

WHAT IF? by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

What if the mermaids are all of the women
Cast overboard ‘cause of old superstition
Drowning beneath the waves, gasping for breath
Then forging a tail with the strength they have left?
And what if the dragons, with their breath ablaze
Were once little lizards all thrown to the flames
Choking on smoke and then swallowing flares
Then rising up, claiming that power as theirs?
And maybe the vampires favour the night
‘Cause they’ve been kept in the dark most of their lives
Starved of companions, affection and love
‘Til they have no choice but to feed on our blood
Yes, what if these creatures of magic and myth
Are those who’ve known darkness but chosen to live
Chosen to breathe and to rise and survive
To harness adversity, hoping they’ll thrive?
And what if you too have been thrown to the waves,
Befriended the night and encountered the flames
And so you’ve assumed that you’re destined to burn,
To drown in the darkness -
But what if you learned…
That maybe your story is not over yet
That there are still pages that need to be read
Pages of oceans that you’re yet to swim,
Fiery chapters for you to breathe in
Lines built on words that are so full of light
Of such warmth and strength, they inspire you to write
And what if you choose now to pick up a pen
And write through the night ‘til you come to the end?
And what if you read it back?
Well, then you’ll find
That your story has always held magic inside

Becky Hemsley 2022
absolutely gorgeous artwork by Demelsa Haughton Illustration
‘What if?’ is from What the Wild Replied

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1575 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

Sunday 10 March 2024


by Joanne Boyle

Mother's Day in Heaven.
One Day a Mum was walking,
and she came across a star.
She wondered how it was possible
for it to have fell this far.
As she picked it up,
it felt as soft as skin.
She closed her eyes and knew,
that this star was sent from him.
The child that God had taken,
to help the sky light up,
whilst every day she cried,
into her coffee cup.
She looked up to the sky,
but found it had been replaced,
with an iridescent image,
of a world that can't be traced.
All the stars had took their form,
of the child that they once were.
Mother's held their hands,
as they danced with grace and flair.
Clouds were ladened with food,
there were treats for everyone,
and as the harps were playing,
the choir sang along.
This Earth Mum stood there crying,
with the star still in her hand.
She had been sent a special gift.
The star was meant to land.
Mother's Day in Heaven,
meant no Mother was alone,
and that all our angel babies
got to share their throne.
Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Saturday 9 March 2024

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

I went by our old house today,
to see if you were there.
I opened up the door,
but couldn't find you anywhere.
I called out your name.
"Mum, I am here."
But you never answered
yet I felt your presence near.
It was then that I remembered,
you don't live there any more.
You had moved to heaven.
You no longer had a door.
Before I was awakened,
from the noise of my own scream,
some butterflies appeared,
and walked me to a dream.
I stood in heavens garden,
and when I called your name,
through a field of flowers,
you and an angel came.
You couldn't see me there,
but my god could I see you.
I reached to pick a flower,
in fact I picked a few.
I threw them in your path.
You stopped and turned around.
For a second our world's merged,
we spoke without a sound.
You knew that I was watching,
and I knew that you were too.
And when you picked those flowers up,
I whispered "Happy Mothers Day" to you.
Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


by John A Elliott 2024

In a forest where old oaks grow,
A nightingale sings soft and low;
The spring air is sweet,
As our hearts skip a beat,
To the rhythm that the breezes blow.

With each note that the nightingale brings,
Nature listens and silently clings;
To the hope that the song,
Will make winter less long,
And usher in the warmth that spring flings.
So when the nightingale sings in spring,
Let's dance to the tune, let's swing;
For the melody rare,
Fills the cool evening air,
And to life, it does joyfully cling.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


THE STORY OF YOU by Donna Ashworth

"THE STORY OF YOU" by Donna Ashworth
She made a blue book,
with her learnings inside,
but nobody read it,
till after she died.
The wrath of her ego,
forbade her to share,
though the words she had penned,
were droplets of care.
Then one day, whilst searching,
for family clues,
her granddaughter stumbled
across the blue book.
She lost herself reading,
the dusty old tome,
and with every page turned,
felt herself coming home.
She rushed to her laptop,
and shared with the world,
these beautiful stories,
the book had unfurled.
Tales of heartbreak, endurance,
of loss and of gain,
a life full of lessons,
all free now, from shame.
The world was entranced,
by the chapters they read,
the doubt and the worry,
had been all in her head.
Her writing, a lifeboat,
to those lost at sea,
her musings, like torches,
the light made them see.
So write down your words,
in a book, red or blue,
there are many who need to read,
all you’ve been through.
And as the years pass,
and you’re gone from their view,
your pages will tell them,
the story of you.
Donna Ashworth
Art by Varya Kolesnikova

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...