Tuesday 2 April 2024

AWARENESS IS GOOD by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Awareness is good
But acceptance is great
It breaks down a barrier
Opens a gate
It hands you a key
Which helps unlock the door
To a world that you struggle
To read the map for
Awareness is good
But acceptance is grand
It doesn’t just wave
But it offers a hand
It makes space at the table
And holds out a chair
It says “take a seat”
Not “I know you are there”
Awareness is good
But acceptance is key
It’s a place in the circle
Not the periphery
It’s tolerant, patient,
It listens and learns
It sees all your compromise
Then takes its turn
Awareness is good
But acceptance is wise
It’s reading the map
Through a new set of eyes
And it doesn’t just say
“There’s a knock on the door”
It says “come in -
You’re not outside any more”
For World Autism Awareness Day and the start of World Autism Acceptance Week

Artwork by Hisanori Yoshida

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

Sunday 31 March 2024


"THIS PICTURE TELLS A STORY" (author unknown)
This picture tells a story
of days so long ago
I was just a youth then
and I still had time to grow
This picture tells a story
See that brick built toilet block
Bloody cold in winter time
with ice on seat to shock
This picture tells a story
look up and see chimney stack
not one house has an aerial
It’s 1960-looking back
This picture tells a story
the steps-they are so clean
all of them donkey stoned
the best I've ever seen
This picture tells a story
little girl playing out in street
chaperones not required then
kids today can’t have this treat
This picture tells a story
See cobbles-look hard and stare
won’t see many of those today
they are so very rare
This picture tells a story
See no litter-strewn around
before fast food takeaways
no Cans thrown on the ground
This picture tells a story
my street is no longer there
flattened for road improvements
Planners simply didn’t care
This picture told you a story
of a time good men took a wife
an era of just make and mend
Then technology governed our life

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

Saturday 30 March 2024


by Tahlia Hunter

“The law of substitution,
states “this or better”:
What is in front of you
or what is to come
is always far greater
than what is gone.
What is meant to remain in your life
will remain,
and if it leaves,
it will be replaced with something equally good or better
and so if someone chooses to leave,
an even greater person is meant to enter your life.
And so whatever life takes away,
you may let go,
trusting that something better will takes its place
and choose only to put your energy towards
what you have a future with,
and fall in love with who you are in the present
and who you are becoming,
for as long as you are focused on the past,
you cannot glimpse the future.
And you may trust
that you do not need to know
exactly how things will unfold for you,
but as long as you are walking towards your dreams each day,
you are becoming closer to them.
And if you knew what was about to enter your life
you would have the greatest smile on your face,
and so you may prepare in advance.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

Artwork by Lucy Campbell


by Becky Hemsley

I held a party the other week and grief came.
She wasn’t invited but she came anyway - barged her way in through the door and settled down like she was here to stay.
And then she introduced me to the friends she’d brought with her - Anger. Fear. Frustration. Guilt. Hopelessness.
And they sang in the loudest voices, took up space in every corner of the room and spoke over anyone else that tried to talk.
They made it messy and loud and uncomfortable.
But finally, they left.
And long afterwards, when I was all alone,
I realised there was still someone here.
Quietly clearing up after the rest.
I asked who she was and she told me, “Love.”
And I assumed that’s why she looked familiar - because I had met her before.
“Or perhaps,” she said, “it’s because I’ve been here the whole time.”
And I was confused then because I hadn’t seen her all evening.
But when I looked more closely,
when I looked into her eyes,
I realised quietly that she had been here.
All the time.
She’d just been dressed as grief.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Image created with Canva
I share this poem a lot because I think it can be quite comforting to think of grief as simply love in disguise

‘Afterparty’ is from the book When I Am Gone

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.


by Tahlia Hunter

“People in your life
are like passengers on a train
who come and go
at different stations.
Some are strangers,
others acquaintances,
and others, relatives, friends or lovers
who you may wish to remain with you always on your journey.
And when they have reached their stop
and it comes time for them to leave,
you may feel that they are leaving too early
and take it personally when they must go,
feeling that maybe if they could see how perfect you were together
or you had more time,
you could prove to them
that they should stay
and choose to be with you,
not realising that it is inevitable that they leave,
for your paths were only ever meant to intersect
for that moment in time
however brief it was
as they have their own path they must follow.
And they are not on the wrong path;
you are simply on different paths.
And their path in life
is not for you to know;
it is only for you to love them
as best as you can,
while supporting them on their journey
and trusting that sometimes the universe takes certain people away from you
on the path to bringing you where you’re meant to be.
And though it is beautiful when they stay,
it is also beautiful when they leave,
because sometimes you will meet someone so special to you
that after meeting them,
you are no longer the same
as you have been transformed for the better
and they have helped you to see life through new eyes.
And though you were not meant to travel the entire journey together,
you share the same ultimate destination
and will one day be reunited.
And in the meantime,
you may trust that for the people
you are yet to meet on your journey,
you will meet them
when you are not looking for love.
And though there are people
who when you look into their eyes,
it feels like you have known them for a thousand years,
this means that you must also have known thousands of others,
and that you are still to meet thousands more.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

All react


by Tahlia Hunter
"The first time you remember them,
you feel nothing but emptiness,
for you are mourning the loss of one
whose absence can never be replaced.
The second time you remember them,
you feel nostalgic,
recalling treasured memories
of precious moments shared,
with the person you so loved
who is no longer physically there.
But the third time you remember them,
you smile,
as you only feel love.
For you know in your heart that only love is real:
All else is a temporary experience.
And they have never truly left you,
for they remain with you always in spirit.
And you know that you were so lucky and blessed to have shared those precious moments with them while they lasted. And they will feel lucky watching over you as you go on to experience many more.
And they would not wish to see you remain sad,
but for you to experience every single joy and miracle that life has to offer
and celebrating your life
is the best way to celebrate them.
And reaching this moment
may take a week, a month, a year, or a lifetime,
but with every breath you take and smile you muster,
you are one step closer,
and one step closer to being reunited with them."

Words by Tahlia Hunter

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.


by Tahlia Hunter

"Your life is like a photo frame.
As people choose to enter and exit your life,
the photo contained within the frame changes.
You may wish for a certain person from your past
to remain with you,
as you have a snapshot in your mind
of a single moment in time that you shared
that was special to you.
But you must remember
that your memory of them, while precious
is not an accurate reflection
of who they are capable of being in the present,
for if they wished to remain in your life,
they would be there.
And you must not let their presence
or absence overshadow you,
for they are not the main person in the image,
and so you may choose to let them go with love
and shift your focus from them back to you,
trusting that though the people in the photo may change,
your vision of love will always remain.
And remember that your future holds so much more than your past.
And you must not focus on what has left
but on what will take its place
and the new beautiful, positive memories
that you are yet to create
for the best is yet to come,
as no one can ever truly take away your happy ending
as it is never dependent on another person,
but on you.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...