Tuesday, 21 May 2024

IF MY LIFE WAS A SONG by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

If my life was a song
Then I wonder who’d listen
Who’d fall in love
With the music I’d written?
Who’d sing my notes
At the top of their lungs?
Be moved by the melody
They had just sung?
Who’d hate the chorus -
The words on repeat?
Who’d feel my rhythm
And dance to the beat?
Who’d want to alter
My pitch and my tone?
Who’d only listen
In secret, alone?
If our lives are all songs
Then perhaps we should listen
More closely to what
Other people have written
And we’ll hear the pitch
Of their highs and their lows
The change as the music
Gets faster then slows
We’ll learn all their words
And we’ll know when to sing
And when to be quiet
And not say a thing
We’ll know all their rhymes
And repeated refrains
We’ll listen to them
And they might do the same
They might learn the lyrics
And chords to our track
And when we sing our song
Then they might sing it back
And right at the moment
They echo our words
We’ll realise just how much
We need to be heard

Artwork by Daniela Prezioso Einwaller
This is the opening poem in my collection 'Letters from Life' https://amzn.eu/d/53gondL

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More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html


"THE WAY PEOPLE VIEW YOU" (author unknown)
Sometimes I think about the different characters I play in everybody’s story.
I’m a terrible person in some people's narratives and a Godsend in others.
And none of it has anything to do with the person I truly am.
The lens that others view you through is coloured by their upbringing, beliefs, and individual experiences.
Some people see your bright personality as endearing and others see it as annoying.
Some people think you’re weak and emotional and others feel safe to be themselves around you.
Some people think you’re rude and selfish and others respect the way you stand up for yourself.
Some people admire the way you take pride in the way you look and others think you’re conceited.
And none of it has to do with who you truly are as a person.
What you have to understand is that you have no authority over how people view you so never try to control the way others see you because the only thing that truly matters when the dust settles down at the end of the day is what you genuinely see in yourself.

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

Monday, 20 May 2024

ONCE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

For years, I used a certain mug for my morning cup of tea. One that someone bought me as a present once.
They probably forgot they’d even given it to me.
I once listened to a song on repeat for days because I fell in love with it after someone told me it was their favourite.
They probably forgot they’d even told me that.
I once had an outfit that I wore over and over after someone stopped me in the street to compliment me on it.
They probably forgot they’d even done that.
They probably forgot.
But I didn’t.
I remembered it all, to the point where the mug and the song and the outfit became little things in my life that brought me great joy.
So never underestimate the little things you do every day. The seemingly trivial, forgettable things.
Because, whilst they might be trivial and forgettable to you, I can almost guarantee that
for someone else…
they could be entirely
the opposite.
Gorgeous artwork by Kira Panina
"Once" is from my fourth collection https://a.co/d/aot23A3

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html


"LIFE IS SHORT, SO ENJOY IT" (author unknown)

"Barely the day started and it’s already six in the evening. Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday, and the month is already over, and this year is almost over.
Already 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80 years of our lives have passed and we realize that we lost our parents, friends and we realize it's too late to go back.
So, Let's try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time. Let’s keep looking for activities that we like and let’s put some colour in our grey life. Let’s smile at the little things in life that put more love in our hearts.
And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let’s try to eliminate the afters. I’m doing it after, I’ll say it after. I’ll think about it after. We leave everything for later like ’after‘ is ours.
Remember what we don't understand is that: Afterwards, the coffee gets cold, afterwards, priorities change. Afterwards, the charm is broken. Afterwards, health passes. Afterwards, the kids grow up.
Afterwards parents get old. Afterwards, promises are forgotten. Afterwards, the day becomes the night. Afterwards, life ends. And then it's too late to turn back the clock and do or say what we should have done or said.
So, let’s leave nothing for later. Because still waiting to see later, we can lose the best moments, the best experiences, best friends, the best family moments.
The day is TODAY. The moment is NOW. We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone what needs to be done or said right away.
Life May Seem Like An Eternity, But It's A Very Short Trip, Always Enjoy Your Life, There Is No Turning Back The Hands Of Time!

image by DALL-E (AI) 2024

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html


"THE COWARD SERVANT" (author unknown)
A Story With A Valuable Lesson.
A king had a faithful and valiant servant who would guide and watch over him. His servant was a happy family man blessed with a beautiful wife and a little baby.
The king loved nature: trees, grass, flowers, and warm weather. One day, he was strolling through the forest with his servant. Suddenly, they heard a deep growl, so deep and near that it seemed more like a lion's roar. They both froze with fear and couldn't move.
The king was shaking, his heart pounding in his chest, too fast, too hard. He quickly turned around, but to his great surprise, his servant had escaped, leaving him all alone. Scared to death, he kept saying over and over to himself,
"Oh, that fool! How dare he do this me! He's such a coward!"
However, luckily for the king, he had the opportunity to hide and escape. He ran back to the village, panting and breathing heavily. The villagers saw him, then ran towards him, and asked him what had happened. The unhappy king howled with anger and rage,
"My servant is a coward! A big coward! He abandoned me in the forest when I needed him the most! We noticed a ferocious lion nearby, and he ran away to save himself, but left me to die. I am going to make him pay for what he did to me!"
The villagers were very disappointed with the servant as they thought him to be a brave man. "It was a foolish act of cowardice and it was evil!" they told the king.
Having made up his mind to punish his servant, the king ordered that his wife be locked up in prison, and his little baby be taken away. He then sent some men to search for the servant who had not returned ever since.
After a few days of searching, the men found the servant dead in the forest, his body ripped to pieces, and his bones broken. When they told the king, he could not comprehend what had happened. Then, a wise old man came and said to the king,
"My king, from the look of things, your servant was the most brave and courageous man in the world. He offered himself to the ferocious lion, in order to save you from being torn apart. In that dreadful moment, he didn't think about his wife and new baby, but the life of the king. He sacrificed his own life to save the king. He was truly a superhero!"
Always remember that your assumption, and the truth are totally different things. Yes, your assumption, and the truth, dine at totally different tables. What you see and perceive isn't always the reality, and what you perceive to be the truth, might be the exact opposite of that. On the other hand, assumptions can be wrong and harmful, making us to be judgemental, and causing us to react in ways that have negative effects. We should note that our assumptions are not always correct..

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html


(author unknown)

"My foster dog stinks to high heaven. I don’t know for sure what breed he is. His eyes are blank and hard. He won’t let me pet him and growls when I reach for him. He has ragged scars and crusty sores on his skin. His nails are long and his teeth which he showed me are stained.
I sigh.
I drove two hours for this. I carefully manoeuvre him so that I can stuff him in the crate. Then I heft the crate and put it in the car. I am going home with my new foster dog.
At home I leave him in the crate till all the other dogs are in the yard. I get him out of the crate and ask him if he wants ‘outside.’ As I lead him to the door he hikes his leg on the wall and shows me his stained teeth again.
When we come in he goes to the crate because that’s the only safe place he sees. I offer him food but he won’t eat it if I look at him, so I turn my back. When I come back the food is gone. I ask again about ‘outside.’ When we come back I pat him before I let him in the crate, he jerks away and runs into the crate to show me his teeth.
The next day I decide I can’t stand the stink any longer. I lead him into the bath with cheese in my hand. His fear of me is not quite overcome by his wish for the cheese. And well he should fear me, for I will give him a bath.
After an attempt or two to bail out he is defeated and stands there. I have bathed four legged bath squirter's for more dog years than he has been alive. His only defence was a show of his stained teeth that did not hold up to a face full of water.
As I wash him it is almost as if I wash not only the stink and dirt away but also some of his hardness. His eyes look full of sadness now. And he looks completely pitiful as only a soap covered dog can. I tell him that he will feel better when he is cleaned. After the soap the towels are not too bad so he lets me rub him dry. I take him outside. He runs for joy. The joy of not being in the tub and the joy of being clean. I, the bath giver, am allowed to share the joy. He comes to me and lets me pet him.
His skin is healing. He likes for me to pet him. I think I know what colour he will be when his hair grows in. I have found out he is terrified of other dogs. So I carefully introduce him to my mildest four legged brat. It doesn’t go well.
Two weeks later a new vet bill for an infection that was missed on the first visit. He plays with the other dogs.
Three weeks later he asks to be petted. He chewed up part of the rug.
Eight weeks later his coat shines, he has gained weight. He shows his clean teeth when his tongue lolls out after he plays chase in the yard with the gang. His eyes are soft and filled with life. He loves hugs and likes to show off his tricks, if you have the cheese.
Someone adopted him today... When they saw him the first time they said he was the most beautiful dog they had ever seen.
Six months later I got a call from his new family. He is wonderful, smart, well behaved and very loving. How could someone not want him? I told them I didn’t know. He is beautiful. They all are".
Fosters change the world, so please consider opening your home to a dog in need
******** image by DALL-E 3 (AI) 2024

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https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html


by Elena Mikhalkova

My wise old grandmother once gave me her WISDOM

In difficult times, you move forward in small steps..
Do what you have to do, but little by little..
Don't think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow..
Wash the dishes..
Remove the dust..
Write a letter..
Make a soup.
You see?
You are advancing step by step..
Take a step and stop..
Rest a little..
Praise yourself..
Take another step...
Then another..
You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more..
And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying..
words by Elena Mikhalkova
Art : Nino Chakvetadze

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html


(author unknown)

Every month, Martin's parents embarked on a journey to visit Grandma, returning on the identical train the following day.
One day the child said to his parents:
′′I'm already grown up.
Can I go to my grandma's alone?"
After a brief discussion, his parents accepted.
They stood with him as he waited for the train to exit.
They said goodbye to their son and gave him some tips through the window.
Martin repeated to them:
′′I know. I've been told this more than a thousand times."
As the train was about to leave, his father murmured in his ear:
′′Son if you feel bad or insecure, this is for you!"
And he put something in his pocket.
Now Martin was alone,
sitting on the train as he had wanted,
without his parents for the first time.
He was admiring the landscape out the window.
Around him some unknowns pushed themselves in.
They made a lot of noise.
They got in and out of the train car.
The conductor made some comments about him being alone.
One person looked at him with eyes of sadness.
Martin was feeling more uneasy with
every minute that passed.
And now he was scared.
He felt cornered and alone.
He put his head down, and
with tears in his eyes,
He remembered his dad had
Put something in his pocket.
Trembling, he searched for what his father had given him.
Upon finding the piece of paper he read it:
′′Son, I'm in the last train car!".
That's how life is,
We must let our kids go
We must let them try new things.
But we always like to be
In the last car, watching,
in case they are afraid or in case they find obstacles and don’t know what to do.
We want to be close to them.
as long as we are still alive.

image by DALL-E (AI)

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html


"A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS MARKET, NOT" (author unknown) Is there anything less festive than the Christmas markets? Thousands of piss...