Wednesday 27 September 2023


(by Becky Hemsley)

It would have been your birthday today.
And I wonder how we’d celebrate.
Would you tell us you were too old for cake?
Would you tell us that you didn’t want any presents -
only our presence –
like you always used to?
Where would you want to eat and what would you order?
Would there be balloons or champagne or candles?
It’s your birthday today.
And I can only wonder.
But I’ll put a candle in a cake.
I’ll order in your favourite food and
I’ll feel your presence.
I will remember your birthdays of before and I will look at photos of you opening presents and blowing out candles and making wishes.
And as I blow out the candle on my little cake,
I will make a wish too.
I will wish that you are at peace.
And wish that one day I will feel at peace too.
And then I will raise a glass and eat the cake.
And I will wish you
a Happy Birthday.
Someone requested that I post this today, ready for a departed loved one's birthday tomorrow. Sending love to that person and to anyone missing someone unbearably right now 💔
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork created with Dall.E
'I Wonder' is from 'When I Am Gone'

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