Sunday 24 September 2023


LIVING WITH THEM (author Cody Bret)
Quite a few people think that living as a couple is always sunshine and rainbows, but this is the real reality.
Living with the person you love is not what everyone thinks it is.
You don’t wake up every morning to have breakfast together in bed every time the sun rises.
You don't always cuddle in bed together until you fall sleep peacefully every night.
Its not always having the house perfectly clean and having a home cooked meal at the end of each day.
Living with the person you love is arguing over the simplest of things, like who forgot to take out the trash or who's turn is it to do the dishes.
Or who spent "X" amount of money on something that wasn't a necessity.
And the list goes on....
But despite everything.....
At the end of the day you expect to go home to that special person every single day because you know they love and care about you more than words can describe.
It's about laughing together until you cry.
Its about cooking dinner together and talking about your life goals with each other.
It's about.... if one of you had a terrible day at work, your partner decides to sit next to you, hugs you and tells you that everything will be perfectly fine.
Living with the person you love isn't always easy but it's also having a love that many people spend all their lives looking for.

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