Sunday 8 October 2023

10 Different Types of Readers---What Type Are You?

"10 Different Types of Readers"
What Type Are You?
(author unknown)
While it’s already known that we all enjoy books and reading in different ways, we did our research and tried to identify all the different kinds of readers. Here is the sequel to the most popular types of readers we were able to identify. What kind of reader are you?
1. The Digital Reader
Like with anything, the exact opposite of the physical book loyalist does exist. The digital reader has a completely different approach to reading than the aforementioned type.
You won’t be able to find a single paper book in a digital reader’s house and that is because they embrace technology to the fullest. They will own e-readers, e-books, audiobooks, and pretty much anything else that isn’t a physical book.
2. The Fiction Fanatic
On the other end of the scale, we find those readers who want their books to take them to different universes and see their reading as an escape from reality. They appreciate an author’s imagination and like to recreate in their minds the worlds they read about.
Whether it’s science fiction, fantasy, heroic fantasy or adventure fiction, the fiction fanatic will devour it as long as the story is interesting enough.
3. The Young Adults Lover
Most adults nowadays lead hectic and often overwhelming lives. For some, the greatest escape is reading books that are destined for young adults. These easier books, which were written with young adults or teenagers in mind often have quite interesting stories and the YA lover will never care that she is 10 years older than the target age for that particular book.
4. The Emotional Reader
Whether it’s appreciation for a good love story, a sense of accomplishment whenever the hero in a book manages to achieve his goals or the overwhelming sadness of a tragic event from a drama novel, the emotional reader will resonate and will feel everything with a higher intensity than the average reader would.
5. The Fad Reader
Riding the wave of hype created around a book is something the fad reader thrives on. This kind of reader will read anything and everything other people read, simply because she wants to be a part of the hype.
There are a number of books that succeed through popular magnetism more than literary quality and they have the fad readers to thank for their success.
6. The College Reader
While we don’t encourage this habit, the college reader had to be mentioned in our list simply because of the large number of people who end up being one.
We’ve all heard of people who simply stop reading the second they no longer have to. While they may have read all the books on their reading lists in college or school, that is where their reading journey has ended. Weirdly enough, they even seem to take some pride in that.
7. The Neurotic Reader
One of the most difficult types of readers, the neurotic reader has a rule for every aspect of reading and will not stray from the course under any circumstances.
Each neurotic reader has his own set of rules and whether it’s never leaving anyone touching their books, always reading the introduction, or other habits, they will enforce them forever.
8. The Writer-Reader
This kind of reader will take nothing at face value and will critique every aspect of a book he’s reading. She will put himself in the author’s shoes and will state his opinion to anyone who is willing to listen.
Whether it’s the way the book was written, how the story is presented, the way the characters were described or the book altogether, the writer-reader will always find something to critique.
9. The Note Taker
While for most of us, reading is a relaxing way of passing the time, others take it a lot more seriously and want more than just to enjoy a book as entertainment. These people are the ones who want to learn everything that can be learned from a book and will make the best of their time spent reading it, by writing down, annotating, and making notes of all the information they find interesting.
10. The Vacation Reader
Many people love reading on holidays. Seeing someone by the pool with a cocktail in one hand and a book in the other is not uncommon. The vacation reader only reads on holidays though. Unfortunately, during a two-week binge-reading session, they will never be able to read as much as they would if they were to read at least 20 minutes per day throughout the year.
If you identify as a vacation reader, we understand that life usually gets in the way of our love for reading.
So which one of these are you?

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