Sunday 8 October 2023


(author unknown)

In a small town, there lived a curious girl named Lily. Lily loved to look up at the night sky and wonder about the stars. She often wondered if there were magical worlds beyond them.
One clear night, as Lily gazed at the twinkling stars, she saw something extraordinary. A shooting star streaked across the sky, leaving a trail of shimmering light. Lily's eyes widened with amazement. She closed her eyes tightly and made a wish, just like the stories said.
The next morning, Lily woke up with a tingling feeling of excitement. She felt like something special was going to happen. She rushed outside, hoping to find a clue from the shooting star.
As she walked through the meadow, Lily noticed a peculiar glimmer near a cluster of tall, ancient trees. She approached cautiously and discovered a small, golden key lying in the grass. It was unlike any key she had ever seen, and it felt warm to the touch.
Lily's heart raced with anticipation. Could this key unlock a secret door to a magical world beyond the stars? She decided to find out. With the key in her hand, she set off towards the woods, her imagination running wild.
Deeper into the forest, Lily stumbled upon an old, ivy-covered door. It looked like it hadn't been opened in a very long time. Lily's hands trembled as she inserted the golden key into the rusty lock. With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a passage that seemed to lead into the heart of the ancient trees.
Bravery filled Lily's heart as she stepped through the doorway. To her astonishment, she found herself in a breath-taking garden illuminated by the soft glow of starlight. Flowers of every colour and shape bloomed in magnificent arrangements. Birds with iridescent feathers sang melodious tunes from the treetops.
Lily couldn't believe her eyes. She had truly stepped into a magical world beyond the stars. She explored the garden, marvelling at its wonders. She met friendly creatures and danced with fireflies that lit up the night.
As dawn approached, a gentle voice echoed through the garden, telling Lily it was time to return home. With a heavy heart, she walked back through the ancient trees and closed the door behind her, leaving the magical world behind.
From that day on, Lily knew that there was more to the world than met the eye. She carried the memory of the magical garden and the golden key in her heart. And whenever she looked up at the night sky, she knew that beyond the stars, there were endless possibilities waiting to be discovered by those with curious hearts.

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