Thursday 16 November 2023

A Journey to the Centre of the Earthlings by English With Mia

"A Journey to the Centre of the Earthlings" by English With Mia
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy who loved adventures. He dreamt of exploring exciting places and meeting new friends. One sunny day, as Timmy sat under his favourite tree, a peculiar map fell from the sky right into his hands. The map showed a mysterious path leading to the centre of the Earthlings' world!
Excited about the idea of meeting the Earthlings, Timmy packed his backpack with snacks, a flashlight, and a compass. With the map in hand, he set off on his adventure.
As he followed the map's directions, Timmy noticed a small cave hidden behind a curtain of vines. Without hesitation, he ventured inside. The cave was dark and echoed with strange sounds. Timmy's heart raced with anticipation as he walked deeper, guided by his flashlight.
Suddenly, the ground trembled, and Timmy found himself sliding down a winding tunnel. He landed softly in a brightly lit underground city bustling with tiny, friendly creatures — the Earthlings!
The Earthlings were no bigger than Timmy's thumb, with colourful wings and twinkling eyes. They welcomed Timmy with giggles and warm smiles, amazed to meet a human from above.
Timmy was in awe of the Earthlings' tiny houses made of petals and leaves, their sparkling crystal gardens, and their shimmering city square where they danced to cheerful melodies.
The Earthlings took Timmy on a tour, showing him their marvellous world filled with glowing mushrooms and glowing fireflies. They even taught him a dance that made the crystals in their gardens shimmer brighter!
As the day drew to a close, the Earthlings gathered around Timmy to bid him farewell. They gave him a magical crystal that would light his way home and whispered, "Remember, friendship knows no size."
With a heart full of joy and new friendships, Timmy bid goodbye to the Earthlings and began his journey back through the tunnel. He emerged from the cave, holding the special crystal tight, and found himself back under his favourite tree.
Timmy smiled, knowing that even in the smallest places, there were wonderful adventures waiting to be discovered. And whenever he wanted to visit his new friends, all he had to do was follow the map to the centre of the Earthlings' world.
From that day on, Timmy cherished the magical memories of his journey to the centre of the Earthlings and looked forward to more adventures that awaited him in the world above.

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