Sunday 26 November 2023



I may not be a mother

but I am both woman and wolf
and I know what it means
to protect the young
to defend the sacred
to listen closely
with soft ears attuned
to the voices being silenced.
I understand what it means
to care for the pack
and all the ways
that we belong to each other.
I may not be a mother
but I know the hungry ghosts
who roam the haunted halls of empire
were once held in the soft warm velvet
of a mother’s womb
and she knew deep in the fire of her belly
knew with the first cries of life
that there is no such thing
as someone else’s children.
I may not be a mother
but I stand on the shoulders
of ten thousand grandmothers
and they have taught me
how to pray and really mean it
how to sing songs of liberation
how to cast spells of protection
how to plant seeds of change
how to grieve and love
in the fierce and gentle way
that births new worlds
and breathes them to life.
Build an altar underneath the olive tree
speak the names of the dead
say a prayer for the living
open the windows and doors wide
let the pain and grief move
let it break us open
let our tears be libations on the earth
stoke the fires of our love and holy rage
and light a candle
to show us the way
and guide us
through the darkness.


~ Gina Puorro
Art by Lucy Campbell

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