Monday 27 November 2023

THEY DON'T TELL YOU by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

People say that life is a rollercoaster.
Full of ups and downs. Highs and lows.
And I suppose that’s right to some degree.
But what they don’t tell you about, are the times when life is like a long train journey. No ups, no downs. Just life whizzing past the window without you even really noticing it.
They don’t tell you about the times when it’s a bumpy ride down a narrow lane where there’s no escaping the pot holes. Where it’s just life showing you that sometimes things are in the way and you have to get through them.
They don’t tell you about the times when it’s a journey of twists and turns. Not highs and lows as such. Just life throwing curveballs that force you to keep changing direction.
They don’t tell you that sometimes the train journey is a bit dull. That the bumpy ride has you clinging on for dear life or that the twisty, turny road has you feeling exhausted.
Life is a journey.
And not every moment can be exhilarating.
Sometimes we have to take the train in order to differentiate the highs and lows.
Sometimes we have to navigate the bumpy ride in order to appreciate the smooth sailing.
And sometimes we have to change direction in order to follow the path that’s right for us.
All we can do is trust
that when the journey finally ends,
we’re exactly where we’re meant to be.
And that - for the most part -
we enjoyed the ride.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by @Ulla Thynell Art

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