Wednesday 1 November 2023

WHY DO YOU CHOOSE ME? by Mehendi Guha Roy

by Mehendi Guha Roy

My man asked me today, “Love, I hurt you so much then why do you choose me every-time?”
Well baby, love comes with happiness and pain..
You can’t love someone’s good and hate someone’s bad..
I choose you every-time because of the good, because of the essence of us which feels incomplete without your piece of puzzle..
He again said with a heavy heart, “I can’t see you in this pain.. you are better off without me, please be happy..”
Well love, I don’t know about happy but I know that you are my best friend, my unpaid therapist and my home..
The uncertainty that lacks in my life because of your presence keeps me conscious..
The rush of adrenaline that I feel when I see you, digs every muscle of my body, making me feel lively..
I can’t explain that the child in me feels safe and feels tugged in your arms..
The warmth of your breath makes me relive those crunched part of myself, which I threw labelling as ‘waste’ on the way..
“You can’t live with me right love?.. I don’t deserve you isn’t it?.. Please say something baby”, he said as his voice went deep and heavy..
With a lot of courage I managed to speak this time and I said, “I wish you knew how much I love you, that even your faults gets washed away by my tears.. I really hope you knew you much you make me feel alive that even death shivers seeing you by my side.. I want to live but with you right by my side, I want to cry but on your shoulder even if you are the one making me cry, I want to complain about you to you so that the world can’t throw dirt at you. I need you like a passenger needs a shade, I need you like a thirsty person in a desert needs water, I need you in my every breath.. from the day you came into my life I felt worthy, I felt beautiful, I felt deserved.. I really wish you understand that before life crumbles my path..”
—Mehendi Guha Roy

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