Wednesday 24 January 2024

I CAN by Becky Hemsley 2023

Becky Hemsley 2023

I know you will have some days when grief is in charge. When the
strength of your loss – of your longing, of your missing me – outweighs
the strength of your motivation.
And that’s ok.
Rest. Find comfort in the grief itself. Wrap it around you like a blanket,
knowing that it is really just love with a heavy heart that comforts you.
You can give in sometimes. But don’t give up.
You can befriend your grief. You can cry to it, scream to it.
But do not bow to it.
And if you find it overpowering you,
if you find it shouting “you cannot do this,”
look for me.
Because I will send you the strength to lift your heavy heart just enough
to look that grief in the eye,
grab it by the collar
and say – even if it’s only in a whisper at first –
“Yes, I Can.”
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by
'I Can' is from the book 'When I am Gone'

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