Monday 15 January 2024


by Tahlia Hunter

"And if on the path,
you encounter an obstacle
and feel discouraged,
you do not say
"This is it, the journey is over,
it is not possible
for me to go any further."
Instead, you keep your eyes fixed on
the destination,
and stare the obstacle directly in the face
and ask it
"What are you here
to show me or to teach me?"
and then thank it for its lessons and wisdom,
for in the obstacle
lies the way forward.
For an obstacle
is not an ending:
it merely indicates that
what you are trying to accomplish
will not come about
in the exact timing,
in the exact place,
or in the exact way
that you previously envisioned,
and so it may be treated
not as a hindrance,
but an inevitable part of your path
that you were destined to navigate
and overcome.
And so if you encounter an obstacle,
do not despair,
for the dream is not lost:
it is never lost,
so long as you are living,
for there is always a way forward
and you are merely being redirected.
Remember, my dear,
that every hero
of their own story
must face obstacles and challenges,
for this is how
they find their inner strength,
and though the path may be difficult
you are destined to reach the end."

Words by Tahlia Hunter

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