Thursday 8 February 2024

A MIRROR OF THE SOUL by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"And on the days
when you struggle to look at yourself
in the mirror,
as you feel dissatisfied by what you see,
Remember that feeling that something is less beautiful
does not make it so.
That you were born beautiful,
and will die beautiful,
for beauty is no two-dimensional thing,
that can ever be captured by an image,
as it encompasses the soul.
And a single flaw
that you believe that you possess
based on what you have been taught
to believe is beautiful
cannot come close
to reflecting
the entire essence of who you are.
And so, if you ever find yourself
fixating on your appearance
and wishing to change
what cannot be changed,
I would suggest
that you shift your focus
from the beauty without
to the beauty within,
that shines outward
but originates inside,
that remains with you as you age,
and cannot ever be taken from you
when you die.
And change the mirror of the body
to a mirror of the soul."

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