Tuesday 16 April 2024

SUMMER BODY by Donna Ashworth

"SUMMER BODY" by Donna Ashworth
Summer is going to have to make do with my winter-body again this year…
Except perhaps a little lighter;
oh not from less food and more exercise, no, not that.
From releasing the weight of society’s expectation,
of how I should look in a swimsuit,
from detoxing my brain of the conditioning drummed into us from childhood.
I’ve much better things to do, than look great for the eyes of strangers on a beach.
I have magic to make, stories to weave and adventures to begin.
I have food to taste, wonders to see and seas in which I must swim.
Summer is going to have to make do with my winter-body again this year.
No apologies from me.
Donna Ashworth
From ‘life’:
Gorgeous Art by Lisa Aisato (please do check out the beautiful books and artworks on her page)

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