Monday 15 April 2024

THE FULLEST JAR by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

Each person has their own jar of blessings in life, stored like candies, representing the treasures they have gained and the best moments of their life. Each day, there is something for them to look forward to, as the jar is constantly being filled, and life holds something beautiful that awaits them in each passing moment. And so, they need not wait for a special occasion to celebrate their life, as there are always small things to be enjoyed, including the gifts of love, appreciation and imagination, which can never be exhausted.
So too it is with you. At any point in time, you may take an inventory of what you have and remind yourself that life is always taking care of you, and focus not on what has left your life, but what remains and is to come, choosing to make the best of all there is. Like a child on Christmas day, excited by the presents that await them, so too may you learn to see life with the same joy and wonder.
And though you may look at the jars of others and wish that yours resembled theirs, they are incomparable, as they have experienced a completely different set of joys and successes than you. Likewise, just because you have been blessed and fortunate in certain areas of your life, that does not mean that others have not also been blessed and fortunate in different ways. And so you may celebrate your jar, as it is no more or less beautiful than another’s.
And though you may wish to rush to fill the jar,
candies are meant to be savoured slowly, one by one.
And sometimes there are gifts and blessings that await you
that come in divine timing that you could never control or predict,
and so there need not be a path of struggle in order to obtain one
but rather a gradual process of enjoying each as they arrive.
And you may look forward with anticipation to those yet to arrive
while embracing what is already here,
for the fullest jar
is a symbol of a life fully lived.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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Artwork by Lucy Campbell

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