Saturday 20 April 2024


by Tahlia Hunter

“Sometimes you forget who you are.
But then your crown reminds you
of who you have always been
and who you will remain forever.
The invisible crown
that you have worn since birth
that proclaims that there is more to you
than this human experience.
There is nothing that exists outside of yourself
that can make you more lovable
than who you were born as,
as you are whole and complete
and all you wish to ever be or become,
you already are.
That no matter how someone may treat you,
you possess the same worth and perfection as before,
as your value is inherent and priceless.
And every single challenge or obstacle you have encountered
you have made it through,
for nothing can ever defeat you
at the level of your soul.
And so, whatever feelings or opinions
you receive from yourself or others
that do not reflect the truth of who you are
you may release with love.
It is easy in this life
to forget who you are
and where you came from.
And so, each time you glimpse this crown,
may you always remember.
And by wearing your crown with pride,
may you inspire others to see their own crown
and remember the truth of who they are.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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Artwork by Lucy Campbell

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