Sunday 21 April 2024



Tahlia Hunter

“There is a magical wand that lies within you
that has the power to forgive
everyone you ever encounter.
Though useless when used in anger
when used in love,
it is far more powerful than you could ever imagine.
Its magic lies in the wisdom
that when you see yourself as special
and deserving of love,
you see it in everyone you encounter,
no matter who they are or what they have done.
And the secret to forgiving someone
lies in understanding
that the loving version of them
is the true version.
And those who are most difficult to love
are oftentimes those who need it most
as they have forgotten who they are.
And if you can find love for their higher self,
remembering the truth of who they are,
then you will no longer feel pain.
And once you have healed,
the story of how they hurt you
will simply be replaced by the wisdom
that both you and them are loved.
And though they must still face the consequences of their actions
and may never be allowed back into your life,
you deserve to move forward in peace
and experience every joy that life has to offer.
And though you may feel grief or anger now,
you may trust
that once you have let yourself fully process it,
the pain you once felt will be a mere memory
and will eventually be transmuted back to love.
And you may choose to take only the love and the wisdom from your past forward with you
and all else to let go.
This is how you forgive someone:
When you think of them,
simply speak to them, within your mind,
“I love you. I bless you. I send you love.”
Over and again in your mind,
enough times for it to bring you peace.
And then feel that love within you,
until all that is left is love.
And because time doesn’t exist,
even if they have exited your life,
one day they will get to hear what you said
and feel that love you sent them energetically
and be touched by your forgiveness.
This is how
centuries of hatred have been forgotten,
in the love of a second."
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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