Thursday 2 May 2024

AUTUMN LEAVES by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Here come autumn leaves
In yellows, oranges and reds
Echoing the colours
That the sun paints as she sets
A beautiful kaleidoscope
Of amber, russet, gold
Gently letting go
As autumn ushers in the cold
And maybe there’s a lesson
That the leaves can teach us all;
That clinging on can hurt as much
As letting ourselves fall
Kaleidoscopes keep changing
And a sunset’s not the end
And it will not be long
Before the leaves are seen again
‘Cause all the world’s in balance
And our lives are like the tides
Always ebbing, flowing
Where we fall so we can rise
Building to crescendos
That are balanced by a lull
‘Cause never knowing empty
Means not recognising full
So watch the autumn leaves
As they are loosening their hold
Take a leaf out of the book
Of amber, russet, gold
‘Cause if we want the springtime
If we want to rise and grow,
Sometimes we have to recognise
That first we must let go
Stunning artwork by Tarn Ellis

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