Friday 3 May 2024

ONCE UPON A TIME by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Once upon a time
In a land from far away.
A man and women met
and their hearts entwined that day.
Their love was a forbidden love,
like the tales from long ago.
Their parents were so different
and they told them it was no.
The girl was locked in her room.
She would cry herself to sleep
but love only obeyed the heart
and she gave it to him to keep.
As the days passed by,
the boys heart was full of rage.
How dare true love be denied
With the woman he would engage.
He marched up to her door,
with his head held high
and when her daddy answered
he looked him in the eye.
"I love your daughter Mary.
Why can't you give us a chance?
I have come to ask you if I can
take her to the yearly dance?"
Daddy at first felt angry.
How dare he be undermined?
But he also admired the bravery
and he answered with this in mind.
"Mary is our only child.
She is our pride and joy.
I only want the best for her
and I'm not sure you are the boy.
What is it you can offer her
so we know she will be alright?
Do you have good prospects.
Is your future bright?"
Charlie put his head down
and then fell down on his knees.
After a minute or two of thinking
He said "hear me out please."
I can promise her laughter
and to treat her with respect.
I promise to always be there
to listen and not neglect.
I promise to be faithful.
To provide everything we need.
Possessions hold no meaning
They are born from greed.
I will love her every single day.
I'll be the blanket if she's cold.
And every day we will dance
Even when we grow old."
Daddy stood and listened
He wiped a tear drop from his eye.
He thought he would be a lesser man
If his Mary saw him cry.
All it took was a nod of his head
and with that Mary became a wife.
And Charlie kept his promise
and they danced every day for life
Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

art by Steffi Krenzek

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