Saturday 1 June 2024

SOMETIMES by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Sometimes I can be the sun
And sometimes I’m the moon
Some days I’m the lyrics
And some days I am the tune
Sometimes I’m the tide that ebbs
And sometimes I will flow
Sometimes I’ll be holding on
Sometimes I’m letting go
Some nights I’m the lighthouse
Some nights I’m the ships at sea
Sometimes I am saving them
Sometimes they’re saving me
‘Cause sometimes it’s plain sailing
And sometimes I’m on the rocks
I’ve days when I am right on track
And days when I am lost
And that is how it is
Because we all have many sides
Like diamonds, multi-faceted
Those facets help us shine
But don’t apologise
If there’s a side that no-one sees
You can’t be always everything
That everybody needs
‘Cause some might need your lighthouse
Whilst another needs your boat
Some might need your tide to ebb
So they can stay afloat
Some might want your darkness
Or your sunshine in their sky
And some might need your music
For their bedtime lullaby
But when you’re busy being
Everything to everyone
It’s difficult to find your light
It’s hard to hear your song
So be the things you need my love
Because you matter too
Don’t tell yourself you’re one thing
When there’s many sides of you
Remember, you’re a diamond
You are precious, you are rare
And even when you’re buried deep
There’s something special there
So don’t assume that you are lost
You’ll find your way back round
And you will find a way that means
Your ship won’t run aground
And don’t assume that you’re the moon
Else you won’t recognise
How brightly you can burn
And oh, how powerfully you rise
Stunning artwork by June Leeloo
This is a newer poem that I shared with my newsletter subscribers last week

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More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

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