Friday 23 February 2024

MY DEAR FRIEND by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Dear Friend
I went back in time today,
to over thirty years ago.
I dialled your Mums number,
you answered and said "hello."
I told you about a future.
A funeral I would attend.
About how the years would pass,
without me hearing from my friend.
I asked you many questions,
simply how you'd been?
Had you found true love,
the old acquaintances you'd seen.
Where did your career take you?
Did you fulfill your dreams?
The conversation is one sided,
or at least that's how it seems.
So many years to catch up,
since you had moved away.
I laughed at all the memories,
the ones from yesterday.
Then you asked the question,
who's funeral was I going to.
The phone line then cut off,
because that friend is you.
Joanne Boyle

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Wednesday 21 February 2024

GRIEF IS AN ANCHOR by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

I know your grief’s an anchor
And I know it weighs you down
It wants to pull you under
And you’re scared you’re going to drown
The waves are fierce and angry
As they fight against the land
And so you keep on clinging
To the only thing you can
Yes, I know you’re afraid
That if the anchor’s chain is broken,
You’ll lose your only way to stay
Connected to the ocean
But trust me when I say
This sea is deeper than you know
And it will never let you sink
Into the dark below
See, though I know it feels like grief
Is all that has remained
As if the last thing linking us
Is woven in its chains
I promise there is so much more
Beyond this ache that’s left
So fight the urge to let it take
You down into the depths
And don’t be scared to loosen
All your ties to grief because
It’s your heart that keeps you anchored
To the ocean of my love
Sometimes it can feel like grief is the only thing we have left that connects us to our loved ones. So if someone you know is clinging to grief, be patient and be kind. Especially if that someone is yourself.
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by @ededperkins via Instagram
'Grief is an Anchor' is from the book 'When I Am Gone'

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Tuesday 20 February 2024

Showering Myself With Love, Kindness, Forgiveness and Respect by Tahlia Hunter

"Showering Myself
With Love, Kindness, Forgiveness and Respect" by Tahlia Hunter

I owe myself an apology
For all of the times
I tore myself apart.
When I neglected my own needs
Lowered my standards
Berated myself
And put myself down.
For the self-sabotage
I continually inflicted upon myself
And the times when I apologised
For being who I was
And expressing myself authentically.
And I owe myself
The permission to start anew.
To forgive myself
For the battles I fought
That weren’t mine to fight
For all of the love
That I failed to give myself
And for the times when I failed to realise
That rather than being broken
I was worthy of value, respect
And beautiful, brilliant things in life
And that how I treated myself
Dictated how others would view me
And in turn, behave towards me
So by showering myself
With love, kindness, forgiveness and respect
In turn, I could pave the way
For others to do the same. ******
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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Monday 19 February 2024

EXTRAORDINARY by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

You are not here to be ordinary.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “but what’s so extraordinary about me?”
You are so extraordinary that the Moon has to move oceans just to erase your footprints from the beach.
You are so important that the Earth itself pulls you close to stop you from floating away.
You are so full of wonder that your eyes contain more atoms than there are Stars in the known universe.
And if you think of all the people you love the most, you will realise that the way in which you love them is not in the least bit ordinary. You love with such power, such passion and such fire that it is comparable only to the Sun.
No, you are not here to be an ordinary thing in an ordinary world my darling.
The world itself knows you are not.
It knows you are magic

by Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork from
'Extraordinary' is from 'Letters from Life'

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MOMENTS by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Collecting Moments.
Today I collected moments
and put them in my pocket.
I then collected hope,
and put it in my locket.
I chose a moment for a blessing,
to pass on to another.
A gift of ever after,
from a father to a mother.
I picked a time of togetherness,
in case It's something I need.
I held on to generosity,
to overcome my greed.
I planted future moments,
like flowers that will grow.
I'll dig them out some time,
once the seeds do sew.
I'll give a moment to a friend,
and hope it brings a smile,
a one to look back on
every once in a while.
I'll wrap some up in love
and give them as a gift,
to be unwrapped at any time
that spirits need a lift.
I'll give moments to my family,
enough for them to measure,
the value of our memories,
is a priceless treasure.
My moments are my riches.
They are all I have to give,
and I shall treasure each one,
for as long as I shall live.
Joanne Boyle

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by Tahlia Hunter

When you know who you are
Other people can enter and exit your life
Without it rocking your world
As your foundation is solid and unshakeable
Because you have yourself.
When you know who you are
The opinions and judgements of others matter far less
And people can speak words of criticism, unkindness and malice about you
Without it affecting how you feel about yourself
When you know who you are
Other people can reject you or abandon you
Without it changing your identity
Because you know that your destiny is not tied to those who have chosen to leave you
And you feel whole and complete from within
When you know who you are
You appreciate
That putting your happiness and sense of self-worth
In the hands of another person
Is akin to making them your jailor
And remaining locked in a prison
That only they have the key to rescue you from
While liberating yourself
Means taking full responsibility
For your emotions, identity and wellbeing
And setting yourself free
To live and feel however you may choose.
And when you know who you are
Rather than devoting so much time and energy to trying to impress others
Or projecting the fulfilment of your own unmet needs and desires onto them
You choose to prioritise your own needs and wellbeing
And make time for your most important relationship
Which is with yourself.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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Artwork by Annie Hamman Art


TWO SISTERS by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

 Two Sisters played together, passing stars down from the sky. Like a game of pass the parcel, were the same rules do apply.

Each star was wrapped in memories,
Five to be precise,
and no matter which way it turned,
the memory was always nice.
The Sisters hadn't aged at all,
though some would say one did,
but in the dreams they played in,
getting older was forbid.
They would meet in the same memory.
Laugh at times gone by.
Share tales from childhood years,
play catch, from earth to sky.
Sometimes they would sit and talk,
until night turned back to day,
but they would awake to find,
the star was there to stay.
Joanne Boyle

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(author unknown)

Your grandfather proposed to me with a piece of candy. We had nothing, he knelt down and told me: I have nothing now, just a piece of candy, but if you want we can build everything together.
And you? I opened the candy, divided it in two and we ate it. From that moment we divided and shared everything. We fell, we got up and we build.
All together. We have experienced difficult moments, tiredness, but we have always been there for each other. Until the last breath.
Other times, Grandma.
Time does not change the way of loving.
What has changed is that you no longer have beautiful examples to follow.
Now they are afraid of everything. They do not marry for fear of not being able to build. As soon as they fight, they leave because then they think they are going to find a better one. They always look for perfection, as if it existed.
They miss the perception of reality. Of happiness in the little things.
They do this big demo, thousand-dollar rings, over-the-top video for marriage proposals, and then they miss the moment. That intimate thing that you keep in two, only in two for a lifetime.
This is what they lack. The courage to live life and love for what they are and not for how they imagine it.
With a candy, love and courage, you have for a life together.

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...