Monday 9 October 2023


(author unknown)

I grew up on a Council Estate and never once questioned my parents income, it was never a discussion.
We didn't eat a lot of fast food because it was considered a treat, not a food group.
We ate homemade meals consisting of meat, potatoes and vegetables - (which were not an optional choice). No vegetables, no dessert!!!
We grew up during a time when we mowed lawns, pulled weeds, babysat, helped neighbours with chores to be able to earn our own money.
We by no means were given everything we wanted.
We went outside a lot to play, ride bikes, run with friends, play hide and seek, or went swimming.
We rarely just sat inside.
Bottled water was unheard of.
If we had a coke, it was in a glass bottle and we didn’t break the bottle when finished.
We saved it and cashed it back in at the shops for a sweet.
After school, we came home and did homework and chores, before going outside or having friends over.
We would ride our bikes for hours.
We had to tell our parents where we were going, who we were going with and be home when the street lights came on!
You LEARNED from your parents instead of disrespecting them and treating them as if they knew absolutely nothing.
What they said was LAW and you did not question it and you had better know it!
We watched what we said around our elders because we knew if we DISRESPECTED any grown-up, we would get a real telling off, it wasn't called abuse, it was called discipline!
We held doors, carried the shopping and gave up our seat for an older person without being asked.
You didn't hear swear words on the radio in songs or TV.
“Please and Thank you", were part of our daily vocabulary!
The world we live in now is just so full of people who hate and disrespect others.
Consider Re-posting if you're thankful for your childhood.
I will never forget where I came from and only wish children nowadays had half the chance at the fun and respect for real life we grew up with!
And son "we were never bored".

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Speaking More Words With My Fingers

"Speaking more words with my fingers" (author unknown)

It was the same street, the same smell from the bakery/coffee shop at the side of the park. I’ve walked on the pavement thousands of times, yet it doesn’t feel the same anymore as how it was when I was seventeen.
Maybe it was me who had changed. I’m no longer soft nor that I still believe that mere love would cure all sufferings in this world. Gone was the cheery girl who held hope and dreams in her heart, as the cold and more solitary girl took over the wheel.
It wasn’t always like this. Long ago, I viewed the world in a kaleidoscope of colours too as I wrote beautiful thoughts in my journals – yet life hurled lesson after lesson at me, some were sweet, most were made from stones and thorns.
So here I am. Speaking more words with my fingers than my tongue. At least I know now that even when the world has turned me voiceless, it could never render me wordless.

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"A WISE MAN ONCE SAID" (author unknown)
1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to;
2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it. It shows your integrity and character. Same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.
3. Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner.
4. Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ Or ‘Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ Or why don't you buy a car? For God’s sake it isn’t your problem;
5. Always open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior. You don’t grow small by treating someone well in public;
6. If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time;
7. Respect different shades of opinions. Remember what's 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, second opinion is good for an alternative;
8. Never interrupt people talking. Allow them to pour it out. As they say, hear them all and filter them all;
9. If you tease someone, and they don’t seem to enjoy it, stop it and never do it again. It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you're;
10. Say “thank you” when someone is helping you.
11. Praise publicly. Criticize privately;
12. There’s almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight. Just say, “You look fantastic.” If they want to talk about losing weight, they will;
13. When someone shows you a photo on their phone, don’t swipe left or right. You never know what’s next;
14. If a colleague tells you they have a doctors' appointment, don’t ask what it’s for, just say "I hope you’re okay". Don’t put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know, they'll do so without your inquisitiveness;
15. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect;
16. If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude;
17. Never give advice until you’re asked;
18. When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, don’t ask them their age and salary;
19. Mind your business unless anything involves you directly - just stay out of it;
20. Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street. It is a sign of respect. More so, eye contact is as important as your speech; and
21. Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor. Similarly, don't talk about your children in the midst of the barren.
22.After reading a good message try to say "Thanks for the message".
APPRECIATION remains the easiest way of getting what you don't have....

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by © John Anthony Elliott 2023

Staying in bed when experiencing sleep difficulties can be counterproductive, according to Rebecca Robbins, PhD, an associate scientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. By remaining in bed and tossing and turning, we condition our brains to associate the bed with insomnia rather than sleep. Falling asleep immediately upon lying down is uncommon, so don't become anxious if sleep doesn't come right away. It typically takes about 15 minutes for a well-rested person to fall asleep. However, if you find yourself fixating on your inability to sleep, that's the moment to get out of bed and restart the process.
Dr. Robbins suggests engaging in mindless activities, such as folding laundry or reading from a dull book, when unable to sleep. It is essential to avoid screens and bright lights as they can negatively impact sleep. Additionally, certain daytime behaviours can affect sleep, such as consuming excessive caffeine, eating dinner too close to bedtime, or engaging in high-intensity workouts before bed.
Dr. Robbins also acknowledges that experiencing sleep difficulties is normal, especially given the current pandemic we continue to be experiencing. It is important to accept this fact and realize that the following day may be challenging due to fatigue. Sleep should come more easily the next night.
Here are some additional tips for dealing with sleep difficulties:
Carve out time in the evening to worry: Instead of worrying in bed, create a separate time and space to address your concerns. Write down your worries or make a to-do list for the next day to create cognitive space between you and your worries.
Use paradoxical intention:
Focus on staying awake rather than trying to fall asleep. By reducing the pressure to sleep, it becomes more likely that sleep will occur naturally.
Practice the "cognitive shuffle": This technique involves thinking of a random object with at least five letters and then coming up with as many words as possible that start with each letter. Visualizing the objects helps shift your attention away from anxious thoughts and promotes relaxation.
By following these strategies and understanding the normalcy of occasional sleep difficulties; individuals can improve their sleep patterns and overall well-being

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(by Becky Hemsley)

Your life is like a quilt
And everybody weaves their share
Some weave huge great tapestries
And some weave tiny squares
Some squares bring you laughter
And some will bring you tears
Some are stitched and sewn by those
Who are no longer here
In places there are threads
From people choosing not to stay
And every time you touch these threads
It brings back all the pain
But every little thread
That weaves its joy and pain and fun
Has stitched a quilt together
Of the person you’ve become
And every little tiny part
Has slowly taught you how
To weave your contribution
Into the blanket you have now
So I know there are squares that comfort you
And some that you dislike
But without them all you wouldn’t have
This patchwork of your life
Becky Hemsley 2020
Image created with Bing
From the book Talking to the Wild

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Sunday 8 October 2023

10 Different Types of Readers---What Type Are You?

"10 Different Types of Readers"
What Type Are You?
(author unknown)
While it’s already known that we all enjoy books and reading in different ways, we did our research and tried to identify all the different kinds of readers. Here is the sequel to the most popular types of readers we were able to identify. What kind of reader are you?
1. The Digital Reader
Like with anything, the exact opposite of the physical book loyalist does exist. The digital reader has a completely different approach to reading than the aforementioned type.
You won’t be able to find a single paper book in a digital reader’s house and that is because they embrace technology to the fullest. They will own e-readers, e-books, audiobooks, and pretty much anything else that isn’t a physical book.
2. The Fiction Fanatic
On the other end of the scale, we find those readers who want their books to take them to different universes and see their reading as an escape from reality. They appreciate an author’s imagination and like to recreate in their minds the worlds they read about.
Whether it’s science fiction, fantasy, heroic fantasy or adventure fiction, the fiction fanatic will devour it as long as the story is interesting enough.
3. The Young Adults Lover
Most adults nowadays lead hectic and often overwhelming lives. For some, the greatest escape is reading books that are destined for young adults. These easier books, which were written with young adults or teenagers in mind often have quite interesting stories and the YA lover will never care that she is 10 years older than the target age for that particular book.
4. The Emotional Reader
Whether it’s appreciation for a good love story, a sense of accomplishment whenever the hero in a book manages to achieve his goals or the overwhelming sadness of a tragic event from a drama novel, the emotional reader will resonate and will feel everything with a higher intensity than the average reader would.
5. The Fad Reader
Riding the wave of hype created around a book is something the fad reader thrives on. This kind of reader will read anything and everything other people read, simply because she wants to be a part of the hype.
There are a number of books that succeed through popular magnetism more than literary quality and they have the fad readers to thank for their success.
6. The College Reader
While we don’t encourage this habit, the college reader had to be mentioned in our list simply because of the large number of people who end up being one.
We’ve all heard of people who simply stop reading the second they no longer have to. While they may have read all the books on their reading lists in college or school, that is where their reading journey has ended. Weirdly enough, they even seem to take some pride in that.
7. The Neurotic Reader
One of the most difficult types of readers, the neurotic reader has a rule for every aspect of reading and will not stray from the course under any circumstances.
Each neurotic reader has his own set of rules and whether it’s never leaving anyone touching their books, always reading the introduction, or other habits, they will enforce them forever.
8. The Writer-Reader
This kind of reader will take nothing at face value and will critique every aspect of a book he’s reading. She will put himself in the author’s shoes and will state his opinion to anyone who is willing to listen.
Whether it’s the way the book was written, how the story is presented, the way the characters were described or the book altogether, the writer-reader will always find something to critique.
9. The Note Taker
While for most of us, reading is a relaxing way of passing the time, others take it a lot more seriously and want more than just to enjoy a book as entertainment. These people are the ones who want to learn everything that can be learned from a book and will make the best of their time spent reading it, by writing down, annotating, and making notes of all the information they find interesting.
10. The Vacation Reader
Many people love reading on holidays. Seeing someone by the pool with a cocktail in one hand and a book in the other is not uncommon. The vacation reader only reads on holidays though. Unfortunately, during a two-week binge-reading session, they will never be able to read as much as they would if they were to read at least 20 minutes per day throughout the year.
If you identify as a vacation reader, we understand that life usually gets in the way of our love for reading.
So which one of these are you?

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(author unknown)

In a small town, there lived a curious girl named Lily. Lily loved to look up at the night sky and wonder about the stars. She often wondered if there were magical worlds beyond them.
One clear night, as Lily gazed at the twinkling stars, she saw something extraordinary. A shooting star streaked across the sky, leaving a trail of shimmering light. Lily's eyes widened with amazement. She closed her eyes tightly and made a wish, just like the stories said.
The next morning, Lily woke up with a tingling feeling of excitement. She felt like something special was going to happen. She rushed outside, hoping to find a clue from the shooting star.
As she walked through the meadow, Lily noticed a peculiar glimmer near a cluster of tall, ancient trees. She approached cautiously and discovered a small, golden key lying in the grass. It was unlike any key she had ever seen, and it felt warm to the touch.
Lily's heart raced with anticipation. Could this key unlock a secret door to a magical world beyond the stars? She decided to find out. With the key in her hand, she set off towards the woods, her imagination running wild.
Deeper into the forest, Lily stumbled upon an old, ivy-covered door. It looked like it hadn't been opened in a very long time. Lily's hands trembled as she inserted the golden key into the rusty lock. With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a passage that seemed to lead into the heart of the ancient trees.
Bravery filled Lily's heart as she stepped through the doorway. To her astonishment, she found herself in a breath-taking garden illuminated by the soft glow of starlight. Flowers of every colour and shape bloomed in magnificent arrangements. Birds with iridescent feathers sang melodious tunes from the treetops.
Lily couldn't believe her eyes. She had truly stepped into a magical world beyond the stars. She explored the garden, marvelling at its wonders. She met friendly creatures and danced with fireflies that lit up the night.
As dawn approached, a gentle voice echoed through the garden, telling Lily it was time to return home. With a heavy heart, she walked back through the ancient trees and closed the door behind her, leaving the magical world behind.
From that day on, Lily knew that there was more to the world than met the eye. She carried the memory of the magical garden and the golden key in her heart. And whenever she looked up at the night sky, she knew that beyond the stars, there were endless possibilities waiting to be discovered by those with curious hearts.

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Saturday 7 October 2023

I'M FINE by Becky Hemsley

(by Becky Hemsley)

Today I said “I’m fine”, not once
But five times altogether
When people asked “how are you?”
Then made small talk of the weather
And so I hid behind my mask
The one I’d worn a while
I set in place my bravest face
And dressed it with a smile
And that was how the day went
All “I’m fine” and talk of rain
Until somebody asked me how I was
Then asked again
They asked if I was truly fine
And I said I was not
And they said they were sorry
That they couldn’t do a lot
But then they sat beside me
Whilst I spoke the truth at last
They listened and they held me
As the tears slipped through my mask
And where before, I’d felt I should
Maintain this brave façade,
I realised there was much to gain
By letting down my guard
See, though my load was still the same
It now was not as heavy
‘Cause sitting and offloading it
Had helped a bit already
Today they asked “how are you?”
And I told them I was fine
‘Til someone saw behind the mask
And asked me one more time
And though they may have felt
That there was little they could do
They’ll never know how much it meant
To tell someone the truth
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by the very talented @togamin22 (via Instagram)
“I’m fine” is from my second collection:

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"CAME APART RIGHT AT THE SEAMS" by Becky Hemsley One time I met a woman With a basket on her arm A basket filled with patches And ...