Saturday 14 October 2023

Dragon's Bane

"Dragon's Bane" (author unknown)
Once in a faraway land, nestled between towering mountains and lush forests, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her kind heart and unwavering courage. In the heart of the forest, there was a legend of a fearsome dragon that terrorized the nearby villages.
The dragon, with scales as dark as the night sky, was said to guard a treasure hidden deep within its lair. Many brave souls had tried to face the dragon, but none had returned. The villages lived in fear, their hearts heavy with worry.
Lily, however, was not like the others. Her determination burned brighter than the sun, and she couldn't bear to see her village suffer. With a small satchel of supplies and a heart full of hope, she set off towards the dragon's lair.
Through tangled vines and ancient trees, Lily journeyed deeper into the forest. The air grew heavy with the scent of moss and earth. Finally, she reached the mouth of a dark cave, the dragon's supposed dwelling.
Inside, the darkness seemed endless. But Lily pressed on, guided only by the flickering light of a small lantern. As she ventured deeper, she heard the low rumble of the dragon, its presence looming larger with every step.
And there it was, an enormous creature with scales that shimmered like midnight stars. Its eyes, once fierce, softened as they met Lily's determined gaze. She took a deep breath and spoke, her voice steady yet gentle.
"Great dragon," she began, "I do not come to fight. I come in peace, hoping to find a way for my village to live without fear."
The dragon, surprised by Lily's words, listened. It had grown tired of causing harm and longed for peace as well.
Lily shared her village's story, of the fear and suffering caused by the legend of the dragon. She explained that the treasure, though valuable, meant little compared to the happiness and safety of her people.
The dragon, moved by Lily's sincerity, made a decision. It revealed the hidden treasure, a dazzling hoard of jewels and gold, and entrusted it to her care.
With the treasure in tow, Lily returned to her village. The sight of her filled the villagers with wonder and awe. She shared the dragon's story and presented the treasure, which would be used to build a school, a hospital, and a park for all to enjoy.
From that day on, the village prospered. Lily's bravery and compassion had not only saved her village from fear but had also shown that sometimes, understanding and kindness could conquer the mightiest of challenges.
And as for the dragon, it found solace in knowing that its legacy would be one of peace and unity, thanks to a young girl named Lily, who had the courage to seek understanding rather than resort to violence.

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JESSICA GOES FISHING by ©John Anthony Elliott 2023

by ©John Anthony Elliott 2023
painting by ©John Anthony Elliott

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled by a great river, there was a young girl named Jessica. Jessica loved nothing more than exploring the great outdoors and going on adventures. She had a curious mind and a heart full of wonder, always eager to discover new things.

One sunny morning, as she was helping her grandfather in the garden, she spotted his old straw hat lying on a nearby bench. She had always loved that hat, with its faded brim and weathered look. She felt an irresistible urge to try it on, and before she knew it, the hat was on her head and she was running off towards the river.
Jessica had always been fascinated by the river, with its glistening waters and its
banks teeming with life. She had always wanted to go fishing, but her grandfather had never allowed her to. So, on this day, feeling brave and adventurous, she decided to steal her grandfather's fishing rod and head down to the river to catch some fish.

The river was beautiful, with its gentle flow and the sound of the water lapping
against the shore. Jessica walked along the banks, looking for the perfect spot to cast her line. She found a quiet little nook, hidden by some bushes, and settled down to wait for the fish to bite.

Hours passed, and Jessica grew restless. She had caught nothing, and was beginning to feel discouraged. Just as she was about to give up, she felt a tug on her line. She pulled it in, and to her amazement, there was a large fish wriggling on the end of it.

Excited and triumphant, Jessica ran back home with her catch, proudly showing it to her grandfather. But as soon as he saw her with his fishing rod and his beloved straw hat, he knew what had happened.

"Jessica," he said sternly, "you should never take what isn't yours. But I'm glad you
had a good time fishing. Next time, come and ask me, and we can go together."
Jessica felt ashamed of what she had done, but also grateful for her grandfather's
forgiveness. She knew that she had learned an important lesson, and that the next time she went on an adventure, she would make sure to do it with honesty and respect.

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(author unknown)

1. Recognize your ignorance first. By doing do, your mind will become open to all kinds of learning, which is contrary to living in arrogance.
2. Play chess or any mental games every day. With just 10-minute games every day, you will stimulate your mind toward strategic thinking.
3. Jump rope. This is one of the best exercises that require coordination and will also keep your body and mind in good shape.
4. Practice mindfulness. This will keep your mind always in the present rather than dwelling in the memories of the past or worries of the future. Mindfulness will help you reset your mind and free it into productivity.
5. Talk to people you meet every day even if you don't know them. Talk to supermarket cashier, the taxi driver, the barber etc. Social interaction with strangers stimulates your mind.
6. Write social media posting every day for one year. Writing also stimulates your creativity and makes you smarter.
7. Learn a new language. Learning a new foreign language makes you cleverer all rounds. First of all, learning new vocabulary and grammar structures improves your memory and your attention span, making you better able to pick up and retain information in other areas.
8. Learn a new skill. Learning new skills is key to greasing the wheels of creativity, personal development, and productivity. There are thousands of courses on the web. Start today.

9. Read books of any kind every day, and you will gradually increase your awareness of a whole new world of knowledge and adventures...
Thank you for reading.

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Empower yourself each and every day

"Empower yourself each and every day" (author unknown)

There comes a time when you realize that not everyone is going to like you.
Sometimes, they dislike you for no reason, and there’s nothing you can do.
Whatever their motivations are - jealousy, unhappiness or personal challenges - realize that it’s not you.

It’s not really you that they dislike, but themselves.
You can’t fix other people nor should you try to.
Empower yourself each and every day to be the best you that you can be..
that’s all you can do, all you can control.
Stop and take a deep breath.

You're never going to be everyone's favourite person, and trying to please everyone will lead to your unhappiness.
Be real, be yourself and always be authentic.
Celebrate your uniqueness and invigorate your passions.
It's better to be disliked for being genuine than to be loved for being fake.
Love your people who accept and appreciate you walk past the rest.
Life is full of people trying to be what they aren’t to get things they don't need to impress people that don't matter.

You've got one life, make it count.

There is no dress rehearsal.

Do it your way, with your style and let your voice be heard.
Who you are and what you do may not matter to everyone else, but it will always matter to those who love you.
If you are going to make ripples,
you might as well create waves.
You were born for greatness..

Own it, love it and let your light shine.

This is your time-
Spread your wings.
Take the chance to fall in love with being alive, every day.
You don’t ever have to apologize for being amazing..
It’s your time to shine, my dear.
Live passionately, love intensely and always be unforgettably you.

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Friday 13 October 2023


(author unknown)

Dr. Frank Mayfield was touring Tewksbury Institute when, on his way out, he accidentally collided with an elderly floor maid. To cover the awkward moment Dr. May field started asking questions.
"How long have you worked here?"

"I've worked here almost since the place opened," the maid replied.
"What can you tell me about the history of this place?" he asked.
"I don't think I can tell you anything, but I could show you something."
With that, she took his hand and led him down to the basement under the oldest section of the building. She pointed to one of what looked like small prison cells, their iron bars rusted with age, and said, "That's the cage where they used to keep Annie Sullivan."

"Who's Annie?" the doctor asked.
Annie was a young girl who was brought in here because she was incorrigible—nobody could do anything with her. She'd bite and scream and throw her food at people. The doctors and nurses couldn't even examine her or anything. I'd see them trying with her spitting and scratching at them.

"I was only a few years younger than her myself and I used to think, 'I sure would hate to be locked up in a cage like that.' I wanted to help her, but I didn't have any idea what I could do. I mean, if the doctors and nurses couldn't help her, what could someone like me do?

"I didn't know what else to do, so I just baked her some brownies one night after work. The next day I brought them in. I walked carefully to her cage and said, 'Annie, I baked these brownies just for you. I'll put them right here on the floor and you can come and get them if you want.'

"Then I got out of there just as fast as I could because I was afraid she might throw them at me. But she didn't. She actually took the brownies and ate them. After that, she was just a little bit nicer to me when I was around. And sometimes I'd talk to her. Once, I even got her laughing.

One of the nurses noticed this and she told the doctor. They asked me if I'd help them with Annie. I said I would if I could. So that's how it came about that. Every time they wanted to see Annie or examine her, I went into the cage first and explained and calmed her down and held her hand.
This is how they discovered that Annie was almost blind."

After they'd been working with her for about a year—and it was tough sledding with Annie—the Perkins institute for the Blind opened its doors. They were able to help her and she went on to study and she became a teacher herself.
Annie came back to the Tewksbury Institute to visit, and to see what she could do to help out. At first, the Director didn't say anything and then he thought about a letter he'd just received. A man had written to him about his daughter. She was absolutely unruly—almost like an animal. She was blind and deaf as well as 'deranged.'

He was at his wit's end, but he didn't want to put her in an asylum. So he wrote the Institute to ask if they knew of anyone who would come to his house and work with his daughter.

And that is how Annie Sullivan became the lifelong companion of Helen Keller.
When Helen Keller was nominated for the Nobel Prize, she was asked who had the greatest impact on her life and she said, "Annie Sullivan."
But Annie said, "No Helen. The woman who had the greatest influence on both our lives was a floor maid at the Tewksbury Institute."

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A Lost Hope

“A Lost Hope” (author unknown)
A lost hope is following the horizon
Where lost souls gather for the night
What can they feel after all these years
When everything is buried beneath the light?
So many years of begging for expectations
Fate and fortune leave hope at the door
Over the years the dreams have dried up
Keeping failure to the breast of destiny once more
Hope can be paralyzing when the wants are too great
Especially when selfishness corrupts the need
“I hope I get a new pony” I’m hoping for a new car”
A lost hope feeds on them, then the tears begin to bleed
For the rare soul who’s not the selfish kind
“I hope our little girl didn’t see death walk by”
Miracles do appear but time is more real
“For tomorrow, our little will die”
Lost souls are breathing dust from fresh graves
For all those who fed off of Hope's twin side
False sides of smiles team up with death
Life of hope? once again a false hope has lied
Hope is called upon when the want of life disappears
For when the rabbit hole has lost its appeal
Hoping to die every day and die every night
More than not, the deed is self-done in life real
To run out of hope or when hope has failed
Darkness smiles and invites all souls deeper inside
The journey begins, leaving all hope behind
Darkness and despair are now forever their guide

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The Enchanted Forest

"The Enchanted Forest" (author unknown)
Once upon a time, in a quiet village, there was a young girl named Lily. Lily was known for her adventurous spirit and her love for exploring. She often heard stories about a magical place called the Enchanted Forest.
One bright morning, Lily decided to set off on an adventure to find this mysterious forest. She packed a small bag with some snacks, a map, and a compass. With a determined heart, she walked through the meadows and into the tall trees.
As Lily ventured deeper, she noticed something extraordinary. The leaves seemed to sparkle like emeralds, and the flowers sang sweet tunes. Birds with vibrant feathers flew around, creating a symphony of colours and melodies. She knew she had found the Enchanted Forest.
Lily's eyes widened with wonder. She followed a winding path that led her to a clearing, where a wise old owl named Oliver sat perched on a branch. Oliver had seen many travellers over the years and welcomed Lily warmly.
"You're a brave young explorer to find your way here," hooted Oliver.
Lily smiled and replied, "I've always dreamed of visiting this magical place."
Oliver shared stories of the forest's wonders - of trees that whispered ancient tales and creatures that could talk. Lily's heart danced with joy as she listened, for this was more enchanting than any story she'd ever heard.
As the day passed, Lily and Oliver became fast friends. They strolled through fields of luminescent mushrooms and crossed bridges made of rainbows. They even met a mischievous squirrel named Sammy who loved to play games.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow through the trees, Lily knew it was time to go back home. She thanked Oliver for his kindness and promised to return soon.
From that day on, Lily visited the Enchanted Forest whenever she could. Each time, she discovered something new and made more friends - from chatty butterflies to gentle deer. The forest became a second home, a place of magic and laughter.
Word spread of Lily's adventures, and soon other children from the village joined her on her quests. Together, they explored the wonders of the Enchanted Forest, leaving behind laughter and footprints of joy.
And so, the Enchanted Forest, once a hidden gem, became a place of shared dreams and endless enchantment, all thanks to a curious girl named Lily, who dared to believe in the magic that waited just beyond the trees.

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My character belongs to me and me alone

"My character belongs to me and me alone" (author unknown)

I think one of the hardest things, at least for me, is to allow someone to have a bad opinion of me. I want to defend myself. I want to explain why they’re wrong. I want to convince them that I’m a decent person and I am worth liking.
I don’t want my reputation left in their hands, because their hands are fickle.
But the truth is. The very, very hard-to-swallow truth is that I’m not in control of their opinions about me. I’m not in control of the view they have of me, the light they choose to see me through and unfortunately, even what they say about me to others.
Peace is letting go.
Peace is accepting that they’re entitled to their feelings about me.
They have every right to not like me. They have every right to not choose me, to not invite me or to label me as the villain, the bad guy, or whatever else they want. They don’t have to forgive me, give me grace or even attempt to understand my point of view.
But at the end of the day, the thing is, my reputation is who they think I am—whatever version of me they have created in their mind. It may be about me. It may involve me, but it’s not really mine to hold.
My character, however, is who I actually am.
My character belongs to me and me alone, and I take it seriously, so I guess they can have their perceptions and they can have their own ideas about who I am and why I do what I do. I release their opinions about me, but I hold tight to my peace.
We all have take responsibility for the words we write. That’s on us, but we don’t have to exhaust ourselves trying to be responsible for the way people choose to read them. That’s on them.

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(by J.Boyle)

Today I collected happiness
and put it in my pocket.
I then collected hope
and put it in my locket.
I chose a moment for a blessing
to pass on to another.
A gift of ever after
from a Sister to her Brother.
I picked a time of forgiveness
in case It's something that I need.
I held on to generosity
to overcome my own greed.
I planted future moments
like flowers that will grow.
I'll dig them out some time
when the seeds do sew.
I'll give a moment to my friend
and hope it makes her smile.
A one she will look back on
every once in a while.
I'll wrap some up in love
and give them as a gift.
To be unwrapped at any time
when spirits need a lift.
I'll give moments to my family,
enough for them to measure
the value of our memories
is a priceless treasure.
My moments are my riches
they are all I have to give,
and I shall treasure each one
for as long as I shall live.

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...