Thursday 19 October 2023


by Joanne Boyle

They call us crazy paranoid.
They say we are insane.
Some even dare to tell us
to take the loopy train.
They don't understand,
what it feels like to be you,
To constantly torment yourself
with the things that others do.
To speak about how you feel,
then made to wince with shame.
Wishing that just once
you could win this game.
The one that they call life.
The one where people live
that can torment your mind
with just a look they give.
In the outside world,
where you think all is well,
until someone speaks
and you have to tell.
Where your thoughts were at peace,
until the music played
and then you found you danced
as their rhythm strayed.
To want to run away,
to somewhere new,
rather than to explain
what you are going through.
The young are diagnosed
in this day and age,
whilst adults still struggle,
whilst sharing the same page.
Sensitive souls, they are taunted
always causing trouble,
so we all walk away
alone in our bubble.
Too proud to talk.
Too stubborn to cry.
We won't be a victim
to the question why.
These adults are the children,
with the problems of today,
we were just undiagnosed,
but the problems stay.

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by Joanne Boyle
Come play with us Mum,
let's all go outside.
Let us undo the knot,
the one that you tied.
Come play with us Mum,
those dishes can wait,
Let us be children,
before it's too late.
Come play with us Mum,
we'll make our own bed,
in exchange for the memories,
we will make instead.
Come play with us Mum,
leave the mess on the floor,
because there'll come a day,
you'll wish for more.
Come play with us Mum,
and leave your phone behind,
let's dig for magic
and see what we find.
Come play with us Mum,
your time is free,
and you'll be glad you did
for that memory.
Thank you so much Mum,
we'll remember this day
when you took off your pinny.
and came out to play.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

DON'T FORGET---I LOVE YOU by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

With a thousand things to remember,
and so many things to do.
One thing to never forget,
is how much that I love you.
When your days are dark, and
you think you can't get through,
one thing to never forget,
is how much that I love you.
When you are feeling alone,
and there's no one to talk to,
one thing to never forget
is how much that I love you.
When you are looking out the window,
and don't like the view,
one thing to never forget,
is how much that I love you.
When you feel that no one listens,
so your words become but few,
one thing to never forget,
is how much that I love you.
When your head tells you stories,
and you wonder what is true,
one thing to never forget,
is how much that I love you.
When you feel your dreams are over,
and too late to pursue,
one thing never to forget
is how much that I love you.
When you feel you are forgotten,
because of pastures new,
one thing to never forget,
is how much that I love you.
When you close your eyes,
remember, before you continue,
one thing to never forget
is how much that I love you.

Joanne Boyle Art by Steffi Krenzek

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

I LOVE LISTENING TO THE RAIN by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

I love listening to the rain pitter pattering on the hood of my coat.
I love watching storms dance around the sky from behind a window.
I love feeling the warmth of the sun when I’m sitting in the shade.
And I love hearing the waves crash against the rocks when I’m a mile away from the shore.
I love being reminded how the world lives so loudly, so proudly. That it crashes and falls and burns. And yet, it never fails to get back up and dance.
Yes, I love being reminded that the world is so completely, unapologetically alive.
As long as I’m sheltered and safe.
And I think that’s how we should love others.
I think we should show them how spectacular it is to be alive. What it means to truly see and hear and feel and thrive in this world.
But we should also be their safe space.
So they know that,
if they fall,
if they crash and burn,
there’s someone in their corner
helping them get back up
to dance.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by @AF Anki MalowAnki
From 'Letters from Life' (currently a bestseller here in the UK! Thank you 🥰)

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


by Joanne Boyle

I walked up your garden path today
and I knocked on your front door.
I asked if you were playing out,
it didn't matter if we were only four.
We could put our babies in their pram
and take them for a walk.
Or maybe sit with a tea set
and our teddies whilst we talk.
I walked up your garden path today
and I knocked on your front door.
Your Mum told you to hurry up
as she picked your bag up off the floor.
We hurried up the bank to school
laughing all the way,
we were ten years old now
and had put those dolls away.
I walked up your garden path today
and I let myself in.
I shouted are you ready yet
as I threw my empty drink can in the bin.
We would quickly compare homework
whilst talking about boys
We had stepped into the teenage years
and started to find different toys.
I walked up your garden path today
it was our last day of big school,
I found you in a heap of tears
because you thought you'd been a fool.
The boy you thought you loved
was the only fool around,
for not realising my friend
was the best he could have found.
I walked up your garden path today
wearing a banner that said bridesmaid.
Together we laughed and cried
at all the memories that we'd made.
We went out and made some more
and wrapped them up in gold,
adding them to the list
of the many stories to be told.
I walked down your garden path today
with you right by my side.
The proudest girl in all the world
to see her best friend as a bride.
It was all that I could hope for
for you to have a happy life
and I never felt put out
just because you were now a wife.
I walked up your garden path today,
there was a different number on the door
but no matter where you live,
we won't forget what friends are for.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

THE TOWER by Becky Hemsley 2019

by Becky Hemsley 2019

You stand and face the mirror
And you magnify your flaws
You focus on the features
That are so uniquely yours
But their unique-ness doesn’t matter
For they simply don’t conform
To the criteria of beauty
They’ve convinced you is the norm
They make believe your beauty
Doesn’t go beneath your skin
That you simply can’t be pretty
If you have a crooked grin
They say your eyes can’t be too small
Your nose can’t be too big
That your lips must be just right -
Not over-full but not too thin
They say your ears must not stick out
Your hair can’t be too wild
Only those with tick-box beauty
May be physically admired
But those obsessed by beauty
Are the ones who can’t be free
Because they’re limited by what
Somebody else says they should be
So next time you face the mirror
And you smile your crooked grin
Remember, beauty’s just a tower
That society’s trapped you in
And you think you can’t escape
Because you think there is no key
But you simply need to redefine
The walls of your beauty
Becky Hemsley 2019
Artwork by Martina Vishtak
'The Tower' is from Talking to the Wild

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Crumbling Difference Between Wrong and Right by Janine Palmer

"Crumbling Difference Between Wrong and Right"
by Janine Palmer (Silver Moon) Copyright 2017
Is it really what they say?
Or is it what we feel?
How much of the dream is illusion?
And how much of it is real?
Dancing with duality,
And notions of wrong and right,
Do we conform and become a slave?
Or do we stand and fight?
As illusions begin to crumble,
And mirrors begin to shatter,
As the falsehoods begin to fade away,
To reveal the truth which really matters.
As Angels' words are heard,
As whispers now come through,
Through the skins and shells of ages,
Covering me and you.
As our holy breath still whispers,
As our fires more deeply glow,
To reveal hidden truths within,
Which somehow always know.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Wednesday 18 October 2023



by Becky Hemsley 2023

Oh but my darling, you’re not supposed to. They are a two-dimensional snapshot in time. A work of art that has been practised and posed and styled and edited over and over again.
Your hair is not supposed to look like theirs because it moves with you. It bounces with every step you take, it tickles your child’s shoulder as you kiss them goodnight and it curls upon your pillow as you dream.
Your skin is not supposed to look like theirs because it has lived each day of your life with you. It has laughed until it’s lined and cried until it’s creased.
Your clothes are not supposed to look like theirs because they are along for this ride with you. They are holding meetings and walking the dog and having lunch with friends.
You are not supposed to look like the people in the magazines because you are not one. You are a living, breathing work of art.
And wouldn’t it be a shame if a two-dimensional image stopped you living? If you took all the angles and facets of what makes you you, and wished they were smoother or softer or still. If you sanded them down until they were indistinguishable. Until you were no longer you.
Because surely living is what we are here to do? In all its messy hair or crumpled clothes or wrinkled skin glory.
A picture can’t hug a friend or walk the dog or laugh until it cries.
A picture can’t dream.
So it isn’t that you don’t look like the women in the magazines my darling. It’s that they don’t look like you.
And you know what?
Maybe they wish they did.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by kenzistudioco
This is from my latest collection Letters from Life here:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...