Monday 30 October 2023

Love's Serenade by English With Mia

"Love's Serenade"
In a quiet town, there lived a kind-hearted musician named Sam. He had a guitar that seemed to hold all the songs in the world. Every note he played carried a piece of his heart.
One sunny day, as Sam strummed his guitar under the old oak tree, he saw a girl named Lily listening, her eyes dancing with the music. She had a smile that could light up the whole town.
Sam felt a warm feeling in his chest. He knew he wanted to be friends with Lily. So, he plucked the strings and played a melody that seemed to say, "Hello, new friend."
Lily's face lit up even more. She loved the music, and she loved how kind Sam's eyes were. She went closer and said, "That was beautiful! I'm Lily."
Sam smiled warmly and said, "I'm Sam. It's nice to meet you, Lily."
From that day on, Sam and Lily became inseparable. They explored the town, shared secrets, and made up songs of their own. Their friendship was like two melodies blending into one beautiful tune.
But as the days went by, Sam felt his heart playing a new song, one that said, "I really like Lily." He wondered if Lily's heart played the same song.
One evening, under the starry sky, Sam mustered up courage. He took his guitar and played a melody that spoke of friendship turning into something more. It was a serenade of his feelings.
Lily listened, her eyes wide with surprise and joy. The melody felt like it was speaking her heart's language. She smiled and said, "Sam, I think my heart plays the same song."
Happiness danced in Sam's eyes. Lily's words were like the sweetest music to his ears. From that moment, their friendship blossomed into a beautiful love story.
They continued to make music together, but now it was a love song, one that echoed through the town and into the hearts of everyone who heard it.
Sam and Lily's love story became a melody of joy, a reminder that sometimes, the most beautiful songs are the ones written by the heart. And in that quiet town, under the old oak tree, their love's serenade played on, filling the world with its sweet, sweet tune.

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(author unknown)

I like broken people. In fact, I love them. They have more humanity in them. They might be bitter for a while, but when they calm down, they are gold, pure gold. They have seen life at its ugliest worst. They have cried those tears. They have suffered the nights. They have forgiven and forgotten their once closest people. When your soul burns so much in pain, it has to become gold. You gain a superpower, the power to feel emotions. In today's time, if you can feel and if you can understand people, then it's a rare gift. And broken people have that gift. They don't just nod their head and say "I understand." They have lived that feeling. So they are not faking it. They totally get how it feels. They have that depth. Your heavy talks don't bounce back from an empty brick. Your thoughts penetrate into their soul. They absorb it. They feel it. And then, it's a heart-to-heart talk. You might wonder what's so special about a person who can feel and understand what you want to say. Well, if you are not heartbroken, you won't know how frustrating it is when no one understands what you are going through. You have been lucky in life that this does not sound special to you. But honestly, you have not lived the whole life as well, not in all its shades.
Sadness is terrible, just terrible. But it grows you as a person. You discover layers within you. Even you get surprised how deep you can be. And when life hits you that deeply, something beautiful blooms within you. You become a better human being. You start to feel life more. Even your healthy relationships, with your family, with your friends, you start to understand them better. It brings more peace to your life. You are more sensitive to people around you, more mature. You no more end up hurting people for no reason. You know how words can burn people from the inside. You become more kind in your words. You become a soothing soul that can hug someone into peace. That's why I find broken people beautiful. They try to fix others even when they are crumbling themselves. How beautiful is that? How majestic? How brave? Right?

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(author unknown)
Remember what the Tin Man said in the “Wizard of Oz” after he finally got a heart….
“Now I know I've got a heart because it’s breaking.”
If someone you love died,
your heart is probably broken.
So how do you live with a broken heart? The answer isn’t how you fix it or move beyond it.
The skill is learning to live with your grief as an ongoing way of being in the world.
It’s the way you honour that which you love.
What I’m proposing is that, with enough healing, living with heartbreak can become natural, and very normal.
From my personal and professional experience, I can tell you that as you embark on your healing journey,
you’ll start crying a whole lot more.
Not just to clear pain, but for the simplest of everyday reasons, and out of nowhere.
You’ll cry when you see a bird, a can of paint, an apple, or even the shape of a cloud.
Random things will make you cry.
The heart is designed to grieve, it wants to grieve… has to grieve!
Especially when it’s broken.
This is the price you pay for love.
The loss of the life you thought you had, the life you once knew and held so dear.
Loss of a dream you believed was true.
But you can also find and feel grief in opening your heart.
Opening it to love and to new possibilities. Opening it to what the future holds.
Isn’t that what life is all about?
Endings and beginnings, closings and openings?
The heart was designed to navigate you through this forever winding adventure called life.
But you have to be willing to feel…..and to live with a broken heart.
Here’s the thing… can learn to live with your broken heart by befriending your grief.
You can discover the love that still exists around you…..and share that love with others who are also living with a broken heart.

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(author unknown)

 I want to go back to the time when the only thing I was worried about was missing one episode of my favourite cartoons every afternoon, where the only load I carried was my backpack full of books I don’t really use at school. Moments when the only exhaustion I felt was playing too much outside the house with my playmates during the weekend.

I want to go back to the time when life was simply about discovering, making mistakes, and learning from them. I want to go back to the days when I didn’t care about my scars, my crooked teeth, my body, my unmatched clothes, losing friends and changing dreams every week, or sleeping on our couch whenever I wanted.
I want to go back to that feeling. It’s like home is where nostalgia sits quietly, looking at you and telling you to slow down, for you are young, energetic, and capable of relearning things.
Now, I feel like I am tired. I feel fazed. I feel in a rush.
I feel like I am too old to start something new or sometimes, too young to be good at something.
I miss the comfort of my childhood.
I miss the times when the last thing
I worry about is being misunderstood.

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(author unknown)

Did you know that the boy who was made out of wood was lying, not for the need of it? In the original story from the late 19th century, Pinocchio used lying for his own benefit.
Contrary to his lovable behaviour in our Disney favourites, the real Marionette was quite the opposite. Unlike in the Disney movie, he lacks a human conscience. He was ungrateful to his creator and abused him through his soul, as he dreamt of traveling the world through him but was thrown aboard. He ignores the blue fairy’s advice and kills the talking cricket, who just wants him to be good.
The price he paid for his misbehaviour as he went on was cruel and inhumane. His feet were burned, he was kidnapped, starved, and almost fried, and he was almost murdered when he was hanged on a tree. But no matter what he does, he never learns his lesson. The puppet went on his merry way and continued to lie for himself.
The story has undergone many adaptations as the years go by, one of which was Disney’s Pinocchio in 1940. The story was manipulated and turned Pinocchio’s attitude upside down. He was naïve and wanted to be a real boy, but not at the expense of others. He was embodied by the cricket he killed in the original, and he has a conscience. But one thing is for sure, Pinocchio is a story that tells children to behave or else.

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Saturday 28 October 2023


(author unknown)

‘Everyone wants to be strong like a lion, but being strong takes hard work.’
Lions can be hungry for weeks and still be strong.
Lions might not always be with their friends, but they’re still strong.
Lions might not win every fight, but they’re still strong.
So, no matter where you are right now, even if things are tough, remember, you can be strong like a lion. Keep working hard, and you’ll do great things.”
This version is simplified and focuses on the message of strength and perseverance. If you’d like me to continue with a write-up or have any specific questions, please let me know.
“Just like lions, we can face challenges in our lives. Sometimes we might feel hungry for success, or we might not always win. But that’s okay because we can be strong and brave.
Think of life as an adventure, like being in a jungle. Sometimes, we have to be as strong as lions to face the tough times.
When you work hard and don’t give up, you’re doing ‘Lion $hit,’ and that’s how you become the best you can be. So, no matter what, keep going, and you’ll be as strong as a lion in your own way.”

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Friday 27 October 2023

The Witch's Curse

"The Witch's Curse" (author unknown)
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between tall, ancient trees, there lived a kind-hearted girl named Eliza. She had a heart full of goodness and a smile that could brighten the gloomiest day.
One chilly autumn evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Eliza ventured into the woods. She loved to collect colourful leaves and berries to make beautiful decorations for her home.
As she roamed deeper into the forest, she stumbled upon an old, twisted tree that seemed to touch the sky. Beneath its gnarled roots, she discovered a hidden door covered in ivy. Curiosity twinkled in her eyes as she pushed the door gently.
To her surprise, the door creaked open, revealing a cosy little cottage. The air smelled of herbs, and shelves were lined with mysterious bottles and spell books. In the middle of the room sat a wise-looking old woman with sparkling eyes.
The old woman introduced herself as Agatha, a kind-hearted witch who had lived in the forest for many, many years. They talked and laughed, and Eliza felt a warm connection with this unusual but gentle soul.
As the days passed, Eliza and Agatha became fast friends. Eliza visited the cottage often, and they shared stories and laughter. Agatha taught Eliza about the magic of nature and how to make potions that could heal and protect.
One chilly winter morning, as the snow blanketed the village, Eliza came to visit Agatha, worried about her cough. Agatha brewed a special tea, and with a warm smile, she handed it to Eliza.
"This will make you feel better, my dear," Agatha assured her.
Eliza thanked Agatha and sipped the tea. Soon, she felt warmth spreading through her, and her cough began to fade. Gratitude filled her heart.
But as the seasons changed, so did Eliza's visits. She got busy with chores and responsibilities, and the cottage in the woods became a distant memory.
One fateful day, Eliza received distressing news. The village was facing a terrible drought, and the crops were withering. The people were worried and turned to Eliza for help.
Remembering Agatha's wisdom, Eliza set off to the old witch's cottage. She knocked on the ivy-covered door, but there was no answer. She called out, but the cottage remained silent.
With a heavy heart, Eliza pushed the door open. The once cosy cottage was now dark and empty. Agatha was nowhere to be found.
Eliza knew she had to do something. She remembered the lessons Agatha had taught her about the magic of nature. With determination in her heart, she set out to heal the land.
Day and night, Eliza worked tirelessly, planting seeds, singing to the earth, and praying for rain. Her efforts did not go unnoticed. Slowly, the skies began to change, and clouds gathered, promising relief to the parched land.
One evening, as the first raindrops fell, a soft voice echoed through the forest. It was Agatha, her eyes twinkling with pride and joy. She had been watching over Eliza all along.
"You have a heart full of kindness and a spirit full of magic, my dear," Agatha whispered. "You broke the witch's curse, and now the land will flourish."
From that day on, Eliza became the village's guiding light, using the wisdom she had gained from her dear friend Agatha. And the forest, once again, echoed with laughter, gratitude, and the promise of new beginnings.

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Realm of Shadows

"Realm of Shadows" (author unknown"
Once, in a quiet village, there was a curious girl named Lily. She loved exploring and hearing stories about faraway lands. One evening, as the sun painted the sky with warm colours, Lily's grandmother, Granny May, told her about a magical place called the "Realm of Shadows."
"The Realm of Shadows is a mysterious land hidden away from ordinary eyes," Granny May began, her eyes twinkling with the memory. "It's said to be a place where shadows come to life, dancing in harmony with the light."
Lily's eyes widened in wonder. "Can we go there, Granny May? Can we see the shadows dance?"
Granny May smiled and nodded. "Tomorrow, at sunset, we'll embark on this adventure together."
The next day, just as the sun began its descent, Lily and Granny May set off towards the ancient forest, guided by the stories and a gentle breeze that seemed to whisper secrets of the hidden realm.
As they entered the heart of the forest, the trees grew tall and wise, their leaves casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. Lily felt like she was stepping into a world of dreams.
At the forest's core, they discovered an ancient stone archway, entwined with ivy and bathed in the soft hues of twilight. This, Granny May explained, was the gateway to the Realm of Shadows.
With a touch of Granny May's hand, the archway shimmered and a passage appeared, leading to a place unlike any Lily had ever seen. It was a realm painted in shades of twilight, where shadows danced in graceful waltzes, swirling and twirling like delicate silk ribbons.
Lily giggled with delight, her own shadow joining the mesmerizing dance. She twirled and swayed, feeling the magic of the realm coursing through her veins. "It's like a dream, Granny May!"
Granny May watched with a tender smile, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Indeed, dear Lily. Dreams and reality often meet in the most enchanting ways."
As evening descended, painting the sky with stars, Lily and Granny May bid farewell to the Realm of Shadows. They left with hearts full of wonder and memories that would forever be cherished.
From that day on, Lily held the Realm of Shadows in her heart, a place where dreams danced with reality. It taught her that sometimes, the most magical adventures are found in the quiet corners of our imagination, and that the stories passed down through generations can lead us to places beyond our wildest dreams.

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Be Gentle With Your Mother

"Be Gentle With Your Mother" (author unknown)
There are times that a quick, short answer jumps out of your mouth. Full of sharp edges that draw blood. And you look away so you don’t need to see the pain you know you caused.
Half of what she does, you don’t understand. The things she allows leave you cold and irritate you.
One moment you want to fold her in your arms, the next you wish you could just shake her a bit.
One day it will all make sense to you.
The things she never told you about, are the very things that hollowed out her insides and then built her up again, so she can carry more and more where no-one can see the weight. Those things that sometimes break her where you can actually see it, even though you prefer not to.
Her eyes notice everything, yet she keeps so much to herself. She steps back and offers her hope for the sake of her child’s happiness. The gratitude she deserves for doing that is far and few between, yet her flame of gratitude reaches close to the Heavens.
Should you be blessed enough to still have her breathing the air of this earth, it’s time you start digging in your gratitude-archives and find the warmth in your heart, the forgiveness in your voice and the same amazement you had as a toddler for her. I beg of you to please, today and every day, be gentle with your Mother.
Because the day will come that her morning greeting will no longer be.
Her words “I love you my child” will no longer be.
Her voice will no longer be heard.
All that will be left are memories..
Be gentle with your Mother.
With love and a hug.

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(author unknown)

Wisdom is pulling up to every one of your kids events in a $10,000 vehicle, instead of making 3 events a year in your $80,000 vehicle.
Wisdom is being home every night with your family in your single wide mobile home, instead of being home with your family 2 nights a week in your mansion.
What I’ve come to realize is this: “It’s not about what I can afford, it’s about what I can’t afford to miss because you never know when your life will end”

Life is so short, so live it to the full, love the people and family around you, because you simply cannot buy happiness, no matter how wealthy you think you are.

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Thursday 26 October 2023

YOUR PAST SELF by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

Your past self stumbled
so you could soar.
Your past self whispered
so you could shout.
Your past self hesitated
so you could seize the moment.
Your past self crawled
so you could sprint.
Your past self fumbled
so you could excel.
Your past self wilted
so you could bloom.
Your past self meandered
so you could find your way.
Your past self questioned
so you could discover.
Your past self faded
so you could shine.
Your past self retreated
so you could conquer.
And your past self broke
so you could rebuild.
Artwork by Jeanie Tomanek

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MAYBE by Bal

by Bal

Perhaps you should recognize right now that your journey is not about loving another person.
Maybe right now you need to love yourself first and feel the inner peace of being alone.
Maybe right now you need to figure yourself out and ask yourself why you're rushing things that can wait.
Perhaps now is the time to learn how to sleep without expecting someone to say goodnight and to wake up the next day with a smile and forgiveness.
You will value your personal space as a result, and you will be able to give yourself permission to pursue your passions and realize your dreams without regard for time.
Maybe you're being taught right now that you can take care of your soul on your own and don't need anyone else to do it for you.
Perhaps today marks the beginning of a new version of you, someone who will not take up residence in the hearts of others. Because, darling, I believe you are capable of being your own home. A home that will meet all of your needs and desires. A residence that will never be abandoned. And I hope that one day you will come to believe it as well.
— Bal

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...