Wednesday 29 November 2023

SILENCE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2020

It was the Sunday market
And as I wandered down the aisles
An older woman weaving
Made me stop and watch awhile
She wove a little blanket
But the thread she used was odd
For it wasn’t wool or yarn she used
But words pulled from a pot
She threaded up her needle
With a string of “I love you”
And she wove them into “help me”
Braided with “I miss you too”
Then “no” a hundred times
Rose from her pot as silver thread
And I saw that she had named her stall
The Blankets of Regret
And as I stood and watched her then
I saw “I love you” fade
And “help me” slowly disappeared
And “no” began to wane
Her blanket had become a quilt
Of pale translucency
And I asked if I could hold this thing
That I could barely see
I expected light and air
But it lay heavy in my hands
And I had to ask about it
For I had to understand
So I asked “what are you weaving?”
And she told me “everyday
I weave the silence left by words
We’re too afraid to say”
Becky Hemsley 2020
Artwork created with Dall.E
'Silence' is from my first collection:

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CRUMBS by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

Promise me something…
Promise me that you’ll never let anyone deprive you of the very basics of humanity.
Never let them leave you so hungry that you will accept just
scraps of love
crumbs of respect
and tiny morsels of kindness
People who are starving will eat anything. But that doesn’t mean they should have to.
You are deserving of so much more.
A banquet of love
a whole feast of respect
and a full spread of kindness
So promise me you won’t go hungry. And if anyone tries to deprive you, remember this:
We should all have enough self-love, self-respect and self-kindness to share. So if anyone tries to starve you…
It’s because they are hungry themselves.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by via Instagram
'Crumbs' is from 'Letters from Life':

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BATTLE by Becky Hemsley 2021

by Becky Hemsley 2021

When life feels like a battle
In the middle of a war
And your battle cry’s a whisper
‘Cause your voice has lost its roar
When the shield that you carry
Can’t protect you like it should
And you’re struggling to fire your arrows
Like you normally would
When your armour weighs you down
And you are battered and you’re bruised
When the enemy’s advancing
And you’re sure you’re going to lose
When battle feels exhausting…
Put down your sword and rest
Save your energy
Because the war’s not over yet
But also look around you
To the others in the fray
And listen for the army
That is calling out your name
Tell them you are wounded
That you stumbled and you fell
Because beneath your armour
There’s a chance they cannot tell
Let them cover you
Say that you’ll do the same for them
When they are hurt and wounded
And your strength returns again
For now, retreat a little
From the weariness of war
But remember, you’ve survived
Each battle you have fought before
So give yourself some credit
‘Cause you’ve made it all this way
And I promise you are strong enough
To fight another day
Becky Hemsley 2021
Stunning artwork by Zara Muse
'Battle' is from 'What the Wild Replied'

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by Joanne Boyle

"Mom, why did the other children,
get more Christmas gifts than I?
Is it because we don't have a rooftop
for him to see from the sky?
Is it because he thinks I'm naughty,
maybe I have been bad?
Maybe it's because when I was hungry,
I couldn't help feel sad.
Is it because of when I cried?
because i hurt from the cold?
I would love a story book Mom,
like the ones you told.
Mom, do you think that Santa knows me?
or do you think he has forgot?
I never asked for very much.
I didn't want a lot."
The Mother turned to her child,
she bent down to his height.
She looked deep into his eyes,
as her tears she tried to fight.
"Santa sees you every day,
as he fly's past every star.
He loves each child on this earth,
no matter who they are.
Some gifts they come in boxes,
some big and some are small,
but the ones that can't be seen
are the greatest gifts of all.
Santa looks for the children,
that deserve his magic dust.
It falls down from the sky, and
misses the unjust.
If you are lucky enough to catch it,
you will feel it from inside,
you won't throw away an empty box,
as it was wrapped with pride.
You will feel it warm your heart,
put dreams into your mind.
The food in which you craved
will be the ambition that you'll find.
You will know how to appreciate,
and how to give to all you meet.
You will be the greatest friend,
see everything as a treat.
That story book you hoped for,
you will write your own one day.
This magic dust is full of adventures,
that require you to play.
So, no, Santa did not forget you,
you stood out from so many.
He chose you for this special gift,
that you will treasure more than any."
The little boy then smiled.
and near a twig he found a sack.
He looked toward his Mam,
who looked at him right back.
Her eyes told him to open it,
he didn't need telling twice.
Inside there was a blanket,
and some fruit that he found nice.
There was a colouring book and pencils,
his eyes lit up the sky.
He ran to his Mother's arms, and
said Santa really loves you and I.
He gave his Mom his apple,
and a piece of orange peel.
The magic dust had begun working,
proving Santa Claus was real.
Joanne Boyle

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"I WON'T STAY LITTLE MAMA" (author unknown)
Enjoy me mommy, enjoy my childhood. I grow up fast, faster than you think. You don't realize it. I won't always wake up at night crying because I want to be by your side, or just for you or dad to give me a hug, a hug from those who take away my fears.
Sometimes when we walk together, my tiny feet get tired of walking and I ask you to carry me, I know you're tired too.. but enjoy having me like this, soon i'll grow up and i won't need your arms anymore.
Other times I'll fall asleep in the car ride and lean on your sleepy shoulder as you drive me home. It's one of those moments when I feel very connected to you, sleeping in your arms.
I'll grow up soon mom, and you won't have to see or clean my dirty ice cream or chocolate face anymore, which makes you so so funny. Sometimes I cry and get angry because I'm not given what I want, be patient, I'm learning to have my own character, guide me, accompany me, but don't yell at me or hit me for it.
Remember that sometimes, your magic kisses fix everything. I won't stay small always mom, but I assure you, that when I grow up you will be proud of me as I am of you I love you mom..!

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Tuesday 28 November 2023

The Goddess Companion by Patricia Monaghan

"The Goddess Companion" by Patricia Monaghan

There is a power in this world that we often fail to see.
The power of the goddess, we can call it, or the power of the feminine, or the power of womanhood.
In daily life—in the halls of power, on the front pages of the newspapers, even in the family—this power is often invisible or subjugated.
Yet it is always there, flowing through the world like a great river.
Without it, not a single flower would ever set fruit, not a single child would ever be born.
It is is inexhaustible.
It is everywhere at once.
It is incomprehensibly and inexpressibly great.
This is the force and the power that stirs in every woman.
Even when life seems to go against her, every woman partakes of the spirit of the valley, the power of the quintessential feminine.
Chinese philosophy honours that spirit as part of the Tao, the great wisdom.
We can do no better.
Beneath the buzz of this world is the deep hum of the greater world.
Beneath the strain and difficulty of your self is the calm and strength of the greater self.
Within you, there is a source eternal. Within you, there is the root of the transcendent.
Even in times of great activity or great change, you can touch the gentleness of peace within yourself.
Even when you are lonely, you can find solace within.
There is within you, all that you need.”
~ Patricia Monaghan, from “The Goddess Companion”
Art by Jessie White

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by Nikita Gill

"Love a soft person.
The kind whose heart breaks over puppies and injured children.
Someone who cries over sad endings to movies and feels deep joy over happy ones.
The sort of person who is told they are overly-sensitive because they have a more fragile,
easily wounded heart.
(Yet soft people will always find a reason to smile,
no matter how unhappy things are.)
Love a soft person.
A human being who always has a kind smile for everyone,
even when they do not get a smile back in return.
Someone whose heart breaks over the condition of this world.
Someone who always has a gentle word for those who have received the worst news they could in that moment.
Protect a soft person.
These kind of people are becoming endangered with words like ‘toughen up’ and ‘you’re so naïve’ and ‘they’re going to take advantage of you’.
Be a soft person.
Be a cushion in a world full of rocks and hard places.
Be a gentle soul where everyone else is jaded.
Be that person.
Because people like that are rarer and more precious than the rarest of jewels in this world."
🖊Author Nikita Gill
🎨Artist: Lisa Aisato

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

CALLING ALL OF OUR SISTERS by Clare Dubois Tree-sister

by Clare Dubois Tree-sister

We are calling
the Grandmothers, Mothers,
Sisters, Aunts, Daughters
The Wild Women
The Crones
The seers & midwives
The mountain & desert women
The soul summoners
The water carriers
The tenders & feelers of Earth
The ocean women who are rising the tide
The fire women who are ready to roar
The girls who already breathe consciously with the trees
and the elders who choose to sing the song
that ends the desecration of our world.
We are calling you to RISE together now.
You are invited to unite & awaken
to who, what you really are,
on behalf of the forests,
on behalf of the trees,
on behalf of Life."

Words by @clare_dubois_treesister
Artwork: Kel Nu

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...