Sunday 31 December 2023


by Joanne Boyle

I woke up this morning.
they said a new year had begun,
but try telling that to grief,
who is still missing someone.
I looked out of the window,
it was the same view everyday.
A new year couldn't change,
what happened yesterday.
I climbed back in to bed.
I heard voices from outside,
"happy new year" they shouted,
whilst I sat and cried.
Everyday was a beginning,
of the same constant pain,
every minute spent wishing,
that I could see you again.
Time stood still without you,
whilst shadows moved around.
Now and again there was voices,
words without a sound.
I went back to the window,
this time was something new.
I blinked and rubbed my eyes,
and this time I saw you.
We were back to a time of fun,
we were in our happy place,
I rubbed my eyes again,
to wipe my tear stained face.
You looked me in the eye,
it was as if you knew I was there,
and then I heard the music,
and there was dancing everywhere.
I felt my heart start beating,
I hadn't felt it for a while.
I rubbed against the window
and saw my reflection smile.
A moment spent in a vision.
A vision from a time that's past,
A memory relived in my heart,
of a love that will always last.

art by steffi krenzek.

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Thursday 28 December 2023

I DREW MY NAME by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

I drew my name upon your wall,
so you could see me there.
I signed it with my everything,
for all of you to share.
A simple name with meaning,
of hope and future dreams.
A name of faith and things to come,
by knowing what it means.
My name is that of love,
a name given to me at birth,
a name that I still own
even though I'm not on this earth.
I drew my name upon your wall,
in the shape of pencil heart,
so you know that I visit you,
and we are never apart.

art by steffi krenzek.

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WAITING BY THE WINDOW by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

We waited nine months to meet you.
We waited to see you smile, to watch you walk, to hear you talk.
And I'm not sure you realise this but we now wait at the window every day for you to get home.
A home that is filled with all of your things, all of your noise.
But one day we will walk into your bedroom and there won't be clothes all over the floor.
There won't be snacks that you've abandoned in every room and there won't be the noise of some obscure TV show echoing through the house.
Yes, one day our nest will be empty.
You will not need us anymore like you do now.
And that will mean we have done our job.
It will mean we have succeeded
in helping you grow your wings and in teaching you to fly.
And we will enjoy the quiet and the tidiness,
knowing that this is how it is supposed to be.
But we will also miss you. We'll miss the noise and miss the mess that tells us you are here.
So I hope you'll know that you can fly back whenever you want to.
Need to. Wish to.
That you can call us and tell us to put the kettle on
and open the snacks because you'll be here soon.
Because I'm not sure you'll realise this but we'll be here,
waiting to watch you walk through the door with a smile on your face.
Waiting to talk to you about what you've been up to.
Yes, even when you've flown the nest, we will be here.
Waiting by the window
for you to get home.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful image by the incredibly talented AF Anki MalowAnki
'Waiting by the Window' is from 'Letters from Life':

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by Joanne Boyle

I'll be waiting at the station,
to see who else is there,
who is boarding with me,
and who's carriage I will share.
I wonder who'll remain seated,
or who will leave their seats.
I feel anxious and excited,
about the new faces I will meet.
I remember those who left,
some family and some friends
they didn't want to leave,
but sometimes the journey ends.
Friends got on and off,
but few remained on the train,
and I knew that when I boarded
they would be there again.
Some just come along for the ride,
but didn't appreciate the view.
Those ones never returned,
but there was no reason too.
Age lost all its meaning,
it was a journey of young and old.
I loved the innocent ears
as they listened to the stories told.
The train will be approaching soon,
and on the 31st of December,
I shall board another year,
on a journey to always remember.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Wednesday 27 December 2023

A CHRISTMAS ANGEL by Joanne Boyle 2023

by Joanne Boyle 2023

(When an angel calls)
Thank you for the memories,
that I felt within your heart,
for bringing me back to times,
before we were apart.
Thank you for your voices,
and remembering my name,
for bringing me to the present,
instead of a candles flame.
Thank you for your eyes,
and for visiting familiar places,
for bringing me to your table,
around familiar faces.
Thank you for the gifts,
the ones you gave to me,
that brought me back to life,
to have Christmas with family.
Thank you for letting me go,
back to my home in the sky,
with the most beautiful memory,
that was shared with you and I.

Joanne Boyle (Christmas Angel 2023)

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

A PEFECT FIT by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

I take his hand in my hand
And our fingers knit together
In a way we give no thought to
Like it’s been this way forever
My hip supports the little one
Who sits there on my left
For it’s there she hears my heartbeat
And it calms her through my chest
They hug me and I hug them back
And gently rest my head
In the warm and waiting me-shaped nook
That’s carved against their neck
He leads me to the dance floor
As the music starts to play
And my hand sits on his shoulder
Whilst his arm’s around my waist
Each part is like a jigsaw piece -
Each hand and neck and hip
And they’re waiting on the moments
Where they’re destined just to fit
See it doesn’t seem to matter
Whether family, friend or lover
It’s just amazing how we humans
Are designed to hold each other
Becky Hemsley 2021
Beautiful artwork by Elinekleibergart
'A Perfect Fit' is from Talking to the Wild

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Tuesday 26 December 2023

THE TOWER by Becky Hemsley 2019

by Becky Hemsley 2019

You stand and face the mirror
And you magnify your flaws
You focus on the features
That are so uniquely yours
But their unique-ness doesn’t matter
For they simply don’t conform
To the criteria of beauty
They’ve convinced you is the norm
They make believe your beauty
Doesn’t go beneath your skin
That you simply can’t be pretty
If you have a crooked grin
They say your eyes can’t be too small
Your nose can’t be too big
That your lips must be just right -
Not over-full but not too thin
They say your ears must not stick out
Your hair can’t be too wild
Only those with tick-box beauty
May be physically admired
But those obsessed by beauty
Are the ones who can’t be free
Because they’re limited by what
Somebody else says they should be
So next time you face the mirror
And you smile your crooked grin
Remember, beauty’s just a tower
That society’s trapped you in
And you think you can’t escape
Because you think there is no key
But you simply need to redefine
The walls of your beauty
Becky Hemsley 2019
Fabulous artwork by Charly Clements Illustration
'The Tower' is from Talking to the Wild

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Making The Most of My Current Circumstances by Tahlia Hunter

"Making The Most of My Current Circumstances" by Tahlia Hunter

"There are times in your life
where it is necessary to envision
a brighter and more beautiful future for yourself
and to believe that it is possible.
To know that no matter how dark
your present surroundings may be,
lighter times lie ahead,
and to know this to be true in your heart.
And to let that inspire you
to wake up each day
and walk by faith, not by sight,
speaking these words to yourself:
“I am willing to endure the difficulties of today
to the best of my ability;
to heal what I may heal,
love what I may love,
and release what I may release,
because I know that more beautiful times await me,
and so this inspires me to live fully now
for the future version of myself
who will be grateful to me
for not giving up on myself and my dreams,
while making the most of my current circumstances
and finding as much beauty as I possibly can
in the present.”
Artwork by Fromdrawing, Hana Jang

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...