Saturday 13 January 2024

FAIRYTALE by Becky Hemsley 2022

by Becky Hemsley 2022

This is for the princess
Who is trapped up in the tower
You think you have no cards to play
No leverage or power
Because you’ve read the books that start
With ‘once upon a time’
And so you’re waiting
‘Til a handsome prince comes riding by
You’re hoping that your beauty
Is enough to see you through
That he will see a pretty face
And fall in love with you
Well, let me tell a secret
You see, I once thought like this
I thought that thin or pretty
Would deliver true love’s kiss
So I craved a certain number
In the clothes that I would wear
I modified my make-up
And the way I wore my hair
But it’s not quite as simple
As they make out in the books
True love is not determined
By our bodies or our looks
You see, your real beauty’s
Not wrapped up in what you weigh
Your face may bring you suitors
But it will not make them stay
What will is all your courage
And the way your heart is kind
Your spirit, your adventure
And the way you speak your mind
But none of that will matter
Until you can see your worth
The truest love you’ll ever know
Is loving yourself first
So buy your own glass slippers
And take yourself to the ball
Then sing and dance as if
Nobody else is there at all
Let others crave the beauty
That is wrapped within your soul
You’re waiting to be rescued
Just ‘cause that’s what you’ve been told
But with your heart and spirit
You don’t need anyone else
So let your hair down princess
And go and save yourself
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by the exquisitely talented kelogsloops
'Fairytale' is from What the Wild Replied

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Friday 12 January 2024

SO START SMALL by Becky Hemsley 2023

Becky Hemsley 2023

Life can feel a little 'big' sometimes. A little overwhelming. Suffocating.
We can feel like we have huge bridges to cross
or giant mountains to move.
And sometimes it seems as if it's a bridge too far and a mountain too high.
But just remember...
No one crosses a bridge without first taking a few steps.
And no one moves a mountain without first moving a few rocks.
Every big job is made up of lots of smaller ones.
Start small.
Small voices create big change if they don't give up.
Small footsteps walk long journeys if they keep going.
And small bricks can build huge towers if there are enough of them.
So start small.
And one day - without realising - you might find that
you're halfway across the bridge
or that you've moved half the mountain.
And you might find that life has become a little 'smaller'. A little less overwhelming.
And you'll be able to stand on that bridge for a moment.
Stand with the mountain for a minute.
And you'll be able to breathe.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Stunning artwork by Lea Androic (@leaandroicart on Instagram)
From my newest collection

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

THE SKY by Becky Hemsley 2022

by Becky Hemsley 2022

He asked of me why it was raining
He asked was it tears from the sky
And I replied yes
That this was the case
That even the heavens can cry
He asked of me what was the thunder
He said it was hurting his ears
And I told him that sometimes
Even the clouds
Need to scream so that somebody hears
He asked of me what was the wind
And why was it whirling and swirling around
So I explained
Even the sky takes deep breaths
When it’s trying to calm itself down
Yet often, we keep our tears secret
And we swallow our own cries for help
And we think that it’s weak
To be catching our breath
So we don’t let our struggles be felt
And yet, if the clouds never emptied
If the sky never screamed through the storm
It would sit growing darker
And darker until
It was simply no use to us all
So throw all your fears to the wind dear
And toss all your tears to the clouds
And you will discover
The infinite power
The heavens hold over the ground
See, it’s normal and natural to struggle
And it’s healthy and human to cry
And if anyone questions
Your power my darling
Just tell them it’s matched by the sky
Becky Hemsley 2022
Beautiful artwork by Manka_kasha
‘The Sky’ is the last poem in my second collection

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Thursday 11 January 2024

THE LETTER B by Becky Hemsley 2022

by Becky Hemsley 2022

Let her be confident
Let her be brave
Let her know beauty
Is more than her face
Let her be strong
Let her know her own mind
And for the most part
Let life be too kind
But when it’s not -
When the days feel tough
Let her know she’s
Bolstered fiercely by love
Let her keep dreaming
Awake or asleep
Let her know feelings
Do not make her weak
So let her be gentle
Compassionate too
But let her be bold
In her quest for the truth
Let the world listen
Whenever she speaks
Let her move mountains
And dance at their peaks
Let her catch galaxies,
Comets and stars
Let her ride moonbeams
Like rockets to Mars
No matter her stature
Let her stand tall
And most important
And vital of all
Let her be happy
And know her own worth
Know that sometimes
She must put herself first
And let her be proud,
Be determined and free
To be anything
That she chooses to be
Becky Hemsley 2022
Gorgeous artwork by the super talented Lucy Campbell
‘The Letter Be’ is from my second book

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Tuesday 9 January 2024

PERFECTION by Becky Hemsley 2022

by Becky Hemsley 2022

They make you feel broken
So there’s something they can fix
They’ll tell you that you’re fat
So they can sell you dreams of thin
They’ll steer you to bad habits
Then they’ll offer you their help
Then sell you twenty gadgets
So that you can help yourself
They’ll try to bring you down
Just so that they can lift you up
And they’ll make you feel bad
So that you’ll pay to feel good
Then they’ll indulge your spending
So that they can help you save
They’ll charge you to stop wanting
All the things they made you crave
They’ll trap you till you ask
How to escape the daily grind
And you’ll pay to move on forward
When they’ve told you you’re behind
They’ll make you feel empty
So you’ll pay to feel whole
They’ll make you doubt your inner self
Then sell you back your soul
They’ll hook you with a promise
That they cannot quite promote
‘Cause they hold contentment hostage
Then they send a ransom note
So pay no mind to them
And all the things they try to fix
And stop striving for perfection
‘Cause it simply can’t exist
Remember that most of our insecurities are bred from someone's need to make us feel less - so that they can offer us more.
Becky Hemsley 2022
Fab artwork by Illustre Mayon
‘Perfection’ is from What the Wild Replied

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


A lot of people think that living as a couple is always peachy, but this is the real reality.
Living with the person you love is not what everyone thinks it is. You don’t wake up early in the morning for breakfast together in bed every morning. It's not snuggling in bed together until you sleep peacefully every night. It's not always having the house clean and food freshly made every day.
Living with the person you love is arguing over simple things, like who forgot to take out the trash, it's sleeping because the day has been hard and you're exhausted, it's arguing over financial issues, it's someone who takes your bedsheets away when you sleep and you wake up in the cold.
But despite everything, every day you expect to see that person eagerly or go home every day to meet that same person you know loves you and cares about you. You laugh together the moment you do something funny, it's intimacy with each other, it's cooking dinner together as you talk and making it easier because you both had a complicated day.
It's living an emotional crisis and having someone who sits next to you, hugs you and tells you that everything will be fine and you believe it.
It's loving that same person even when it drives you freaking crazy and pulls you out of your box.
Living with the person you love is arguing for silly things constantly, but it's also having a love that many people spend their lives looking for. It’s the times that people try to break you up, but the love is stronger. It's not perfect and it's very difficult to keep it balanced every day, but it's wonderful and the best you can experience because if it were easy it wouldn't be worth it.
That's why every day you think... ”NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, SEE YOU AT HOME.”

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Food For Thoughts

"Food For Thoughts" (author unknown)
When someone who constantly call, text and laugh suddenly becomes quit, your first instinct should not be, they have changed, they no longer have your time, they no longer care about you, they no long value or love you,, that shouldn't be your first instinct.
That moment is when your care should be seen because you have no idea, what's going on with he or her there, if you can call, call and your first words should not be one of complaining or nagging or shouting or insults, it should be that of care, try to know if they're fine and how they're doing, your voice should be calm enough to let them know you care enough.
While we pick offense and shout at them for not calling or texting you, you might have no idea if they're in the hospital, funeral, depressed, sick, or even about taking their lives because of the challenges of life, care at that moment is what's need.
That's why its said, if you don't understands your partners silence, you haven't start loving.
What that ""silence "" simply mean Care.
Your first instinct should be that of care, even if you must shout, be sure they're fine before exploding if you wishes even though its not advisable.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"HANDLE WITH CARE" by Becky Hemsley

"HANDLE WITH CARE" by Becky Hemsley Every woman I know has, at one point or another, sobbed in the shower cried in the car swallow...