Sunday 21 January 2024

THE VISITOR by Becky Hemsley 2023

Becky Hemsley 2023

A figure in black came to see you last night
And told you that now was the time
And as your heart took final leave of this world
It took with it fragments of mine
And now I’m left here trying to pick up the pieces
And cutting myself on the shards
Wishing ironically you could be here
To help me through something so hard
See, there are some pieces so large and so heavy
I can’t pick them up off the floor
And these are the parts that I want to hold most
but I’m scared that I can’t anymore
And I know that one day I’ll summon the strength
To cobble myself back together
But there’ll always be cracks from where I fell apart
‘Cause my heart has been altered forever
Yes, they say life goes on, but I know there’ll be days
When I find myself struggling to manage
Because whilst it’s your heart that has taken its leave
It appears mine’s collateral damage
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by raw
Sending my love to anyone whose heart is in pieces right now
When I Am Gone: Poems for times of loss and grief

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Saturday 20 January 2024


by Joanne Boyle

"when did we grow old"?
My Husband said to me,
"old", I gasped, and winked,
as I sat down on his knee.
He let out a sudden squeal,
but only for a while,
and then he regained his youth,
behind his cheeky smile.
I told him growing old is a journey.
A privilege not all get to be,
It's an honour to have had a life
with so many memories.
He looked me in my eyes,
as he held me tight.
We then reminisced about the past,
and day turned in to night.
We spoke of when we met.
Laughed at the dreams we'd made
realising now what mattered,
was the days when we all played.
We laughed about our children,
who, now had both grown.
How we hardly saw them,
now they had children of their own.
We spoke about past holidays,
at the caravan we went to.
we wished we could again,
as four of us not two.
I saw a teardrop escape your eye,
and I gently kissed it away.
Our journey has been blessed,
because of memories from yesterday.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


by Joanne Boyle

I saw an angel sitting there,
as I was on my walk.
She stopped me in my tracks,
as she began to talk.
She told me she was lost,
and had been sent for a reason.
She said she had a purpose,
but was stuck in the same season.
I could see she held a flower,
and I asked who it was for.
She said she had forgotten,
Once she walked through heaven's door.
I looked down at the flower,
I recognised its smell,
It took me back to a memory
when my mam was well.
I then looked all around me,
it seemed I was lost, too.
I had been so deep in thought,
I no longer knew just what to do.
I had cried so many tears,
I forgot that life went on.
I had stopped looking ahead at time,
since my Mam had gone.
The Angel gently touched me,
as she lifted up my chin
and as our eyes both locked,
it is then we reached within.
"That flower you are carrying,
the one with the familiar Scent,
was a one that I once picked for you,
on an outing we once went. "
The Angel then smiled,
as she stood from where she sat,
she said, "It's because of you
that I don't know where I'm at. "
She said a mother feels her children,
and will search forgotten lands,
to find her missing children,
and to help them understand.
The living and the dead.
The future and the past.
She told me this was why,
we had to make our memories last.
We were meant to find each other,
and at that, she was .... just gone,
but as I now looked around me,
I remembered where I had come from.

Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

SILVER LININGS by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

When the ocean waves engulf you
And there’s water all around
And when you feel you’re in so deep
You might as well swim down
When the forest’s looming darkly
And you can’t see your way through
When the trees are overbearing
And they’re closing in on you
When every path is dangerous
And treacherous to tread
And you decide to stop
And stay forever lost instead
I hope the sea is sapphires
That buoy you with their blue
I hope they shine a little
Of their precious light on you
I hope the forest prides itself
On all its emerald leaves
And helps you see your brilliance
Through the darkness of the trees
I hope your paths are gilded
And are lined with golden hues
Where ruby roses grow through grass
That shines with diamond dew
I hope you feel the sunshine
And the warmth that it possesses
I hope you see the way the clouds
Are shining at their edges
‘Cause there’s richness in the darkness,
When you’re lost, beneath the surface
There’s treasure waiting for you
And I promise you it’s worth it
So don’t give up or in
‘Cause pressure builds a precious stone
You’ve everything you need
And you are stronger than you know
So please keep going up and through
Keep walking, swimming, climbing
And keep on searching clouds for silver
Sewn into their linings
Becky Hemsley 2023
Photo by
'Silver Linings' is from 'Letters from Life'

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Wednesday 17 January 2024

Treasure Island by English With Mia

"Treasure Island" by English With Mia
Once upon a time, in a small coastal village, there lived two best friends named Timmy and Jake. They loved exploring the beach, looking for seashells, and building sandcastles. But their favourite thing to do was imagining that the small, rocky island just off the shore held hidden treasures.
One sunny day, as they were playing near the water's edge, Timmy pointed to the island and said, "Jake, do you think there might be real treasures on that island?"
Jake's eyes lit up with excitement. "Maybe! What if there's a chest full of gold coins and sparkling jewels?"
With their imaginations running wild, the two friends decided to embark on a grand adventure. They gathered some snacks, a map they drew with colourful crayons, and set off in their small rowboat towards the mysterious island.
As they approached the shore, the island seemed even more intriguing. Tall palm trees swayed in the gentle breeze, and the sand sparkled under the sunlight. Timmy and Jake jumped out of the boat, feeling like true explorers.
Their map led them through a thick jungle of ferns and vines. With every step, the friends whispered to each other about the incredible treasures they might discover. They giggled and imagined being heroes, finding the hidden riches that no one else had ever seen.
After a short walk, they reached a clearing and saw a big, old tree with a hollow at its base. Timmy gasped, "Could this be the hiding place for the treasure?"
Excitement filled the air as they carefully peeked into the hollow. To their surprise, they found a small box tucked away inside. Timmy reached in and pulled it out with trembling hands. They opened it slowly, and inside were not gold coins or jewels, but something even more magical—a collection of seashells in every colour of the rainbow.
Jake grinned, "These shells are like our own treasures from the sea!"
Timmy agreed, "And we can share them with everyone in the village!"
With their newfound treasures in hand, the friends raced back to their boat, eager to show the village the beautiful seashells they had discovered. As they sailed home, they laughed and talked about the amazing adventure they had shared on their very own "Treasure Island."
And so, in the little coastal village, the seashells became symbols of the incredible friendship between Timmy and Jake, reminding everyone that sometimes, the most valuable treasures are the ones we find in the simple joys of life.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

The Tapestry of Time by English With Mia

"The Tapestry of Time" by English With Mia
Once in a small town, there lived an old woman named Granny Rose. She was known for her cosy little cottage and the beautiful garden that surrounded it. Every day, Granny Rose tended to her flowers, whispering stories to them as if they were old friends.
One day, a curious little girl named Lily wandered into Granny Rose's garden. Lily had heard tales from the other kids about Granny's magical stories and wanted to know if they were true.
"Hello, dearie! What brings you to my humble garden?" Granny Rose greeted Lily with a warm smile.
Lily shyly replied, "I heard you tell stories to your flowers. Can I hear one too, Granny?"
Granny Rose chuckled, "Of course, my sweet. Sit by the roses; they love a good audience."
As they sat among the blooming roses, Granny Rose began her tale. She spoke of a magical tapestry that hung in the heart of the garden. This tapestry, she said, held the stories of everyone in the town.
Lily's eyes widened with amazement. "Really, Granny? A magical tapestry?"
Granny Rose nodded, "Oh, yes, dear. Legend has it that every person's life is woven into this tapestry. The threads represent the moments we cherish, the challenges we face, and the love we share."
Lily's curiosity peaked, and she asked, "Can we see it, Granny?"
Granny Rose winked, "Follow me, dearie."
In the centre of the garden, hidden behind a curtain of vines, was a small archway. Granny Rose pulled aside the vines, revealing a beautiful tapestry hanging in a quiet nook.
Lily gasped, "It's so colourful! What do the threads mean?"
Granny Rose explained, "Each thread represents a person's journey through time. The bright threads are happy moments, the dark ones are challenges, and the threads that weave together show the bonds of love and friendship."
As they admired the tapestry, Granny Rose pointed to a thread that sparkled in different colours. "This, my dear, is your thread. Every time you laugh, play, or learn something new, a new colour appears."
Lily traced her finger along her thread, mesmerized by the magic it held. "It's like a story, isn't it, Granny?"
Granny Rose nodded, "Exactly, dearie. Life is a beautiful story, and every person contributes to the tapestry of time."
From that day on, Lily visited Granny Rose often, learning and growing, adding new colours to her thread on the magical tapestry. And as the seasons changed, the tapestry continued to weave the stories of the town a colourful, interconnected masterpiece that celebrated the simple joys of life.
And so, in the heart of the small town, Granny Rose and Lily showed that even the simplest moments could be part of a magical tapestry, binding people together through the threads of time.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Tuesday 16 January 2024

WITHOUT THINKING by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

I reached for you this morning
Without thinking as I woke
The way I always used to
As the day so softly broke
I looked for you whilst eating
In the place we used to meet
And realised, without thinking
I’d been saving you a seat
I called for you just now
Because I thought I’d seen you there
And without thinking, suddenly
Your name was on the air
I cried for you last night
Because I couldn’t keep it in
And instinct took me over
As I let the darkness win
But that is how it is these days
And I have understood
That so much of my thinking
Will lead back to thoughts of us
So, I’ll think of you tomorrow
Like I did just yesterday
And like, without much thinking
I have thought of you today
See, it’s such a contradiction
But it couldn’t be more true
That always, without thinking
I am thinking about you
Becky Hemsley 2023

'Without Thinking' is from my book of grief and loss poetry

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...