Thursday 8 February 2024

A MIRROR OF THE SOUL by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"And on the days
when you struggle to look at yourself
in the mirror,
as you feel dissatisfied by what you see,
Remember that feeling that something is less beautiful
does not make it so.
That you were born beautiful,
and will die beautiful,
for beauty is no two-dimensional thing,
that can ever be captured by an image,
as it encompasses the soul.
And a single flaw
that you believe that you possess
based on what you have been taught
to believe is beautiful
cannot come close
to reflecting
the entire essence of who you are.
And so, if you ever find yourself
fixating on your appearance
and wishing to change
what cannot be changed,
I would suggest
that you shift your focus
from the beauty without
to the beauty within,
that shines outward
but originates inside,
that remains with you as you age,
and cannot ever be taken from you
when you die.
And change the mirror of the body
to a mirror of the soul."

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by Joanne Boyle

I strolled along with day light,
my head bowed to my chest.
I was hiding from my tears,
as I set forth on my quest.
I searched my soul for answers,
knowing there was none to find.
I saw my footprints in the soil
as they danced within my mind.
I questioned life and death.
I just couldn't understand,
how one day you were beside me
walking hand in hand.
The wind then turned my tears,
as cold as my heart felt.
I then began to look around me,
as I could smell your Scent.
It is then I saw the rainbow,
ladders to heavens door.
Each of its vibrant colours,
representations of something more.
I knew the colour yellow,
was sent to warm my heart.
The colour green was our favourite,
at Christmas it played its part.
Red and pink made me laugh,
at all the fun times that we had.
I found my tears had now stopped,
I was no longer feeling sad.
It was as though I saw you waving,
you were the colour blue.
Heaven needed another Angel, and
that's why they had chosen you.

Words by Joanne Boyle Photograph by Joanne Boyle

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THE ILLUSION by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

And on the path of self-acceptance,
These twelve illusions you shall shed:
The illusion of being unwanted:
For, in truth, there is no such thing as an unwanted soul.
The illusion of being unlovable:
For your true self is love.
The illusion of unworthiness:
For you are always deserving of love and success.
The illusion of being weird:
For there is no such thing as normal.
The illusion of needing external validation:
For your worth is never dependent on another's approval.
The illusion of being insignificant:
For your presence impacts all of humanity.
The illusion of being powerless:
For within you lies the strength to shape your destiny and influence the world.
The illusion of not being good enough:
For you were born good enough.
The illusion of being a burden:
For your existence is a precious gift, and your contributions add value.
The illusion of being unsuccessful:
For success is subjective, and your path is uniquely yours.
The illusion of being ugly:
Because that label only ever reflects the viewer being incapable of seeing beauty.
And the illusion that aging decreases your value:
For, in truth, you are not a body but a soul.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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RECORDS by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

I keep playing all those memories,
the ones from Yesteryear.
Where we would bake together,
and you'd put flour in my hair.
The records keep on spinning,
some times the needle sticks.
I see that as a sign, or is
my mind just playing tricks.
I miss your smile that danced,
as it moved from ear to ear.
The records are now dripping wet,
from every memories tear.
I pick the records up,
So much I want to see again.
but I can't bring myself to stop,
the one that is still playing.
I save our favourite memory.
Its the last one I will play.
It's where we meet again,
on a sunny day.

Joanne Boyle

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FIND ME, SEE ME, HEAR ME, FEEL ME by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

Find me in the morning
And in the afternoon
Find me in the evening
Find me underneath the moon
See me in the sunrise
And when daylight turns to dark
See me in the twilight
See me underneath the stars
Hear me in the chorus
That is sung each day at dawn
Hear me in the wind and
Hear me underneath the storm
Feel me when you’re all alone
Or in a busy crowd
Feel me in the rainfall
Feel me underneath the clouds
Yes, you can always see me
Though I’ll look a little different
And you can always hear me
If you stop a while and listen
So close your eyes in moments
When you long to feel me near
Then place your hand upon your heart
And you will find me here
Becky Hemsley 2023
Stunning artwork by @endmion1 on Instagram
From the book When I Am Gone

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FRIENDSHIP by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

Friendship is the type of love that chooses you.
It is a love that chooses you
when there is nothing to make it stay.
A love that says
"I have seen you at your lowest,
I have seen you at your highest
and I will persevere.
Not because I feel obligated to or because we signed a contract
but simply because you are you. Because you matter to me."
Friendship is the kind of love that doesn't need a lot of grand gestures
but it's the kind that chooses to make small gestures that mean a lot.
It drives out of its way to drop off treats at your door when you're not feeling well.
It sends surprise notes in the mail to say "I'm thinking of you."
It sends messages without needing a reply when you're going through a tough time. Because it knows that you might not have the energy to respond.
But it wants you to know that it's here.
Yes, friendship is the kind of love that chooses to exist.
The kind of love that chooses you for no other reason than the fact that
you are you.
And that's why
it is so incredibly special.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by @leaandroicart via Instagram
'Friendship' is from the book Letters from Life

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Monday 5 February 2024


(author unknown)

There’s a woman in my mirror,
And she looks a lot like me.
Though there’s lines around her eyes,
And her hair is wild and free.
She is plumper than myself,
And she is definitely grey.
Did I miss the day this happened
Has she always been this way?
And this woman in the mirror,
Has an air of something calm.
Like a tide that’s going out,
And a beach that’s soft and warm.
She has seen the world in colour,
She has learned to know the truth.
There’s a wisdom in her wrinkles,
There’s a knowledge brought from youth.
And she seems to move more freely,
As though released from earthly binds.
Is she made of something lighter?
Perhaps the weight she left behind.
Like the press of expectation,
And the need to yield and bend.
I like this woman in the mirror,
She’s fast becoming my best friend.

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by Tahlia Hunter

"And if on the path,
you encounter an obstacle
and feel discouraged,
you do not say
"This is it, the journey is over,
it is not possible
for me to go any further."
Instead, you keep your eyes fixed on
the destination,
and stare the obstacle directly in the face
and ask it
"What are you here
to show me or to teach me?"
and then thank it for its lessons and wisdom,
for in the obstacle
lies the way forward.
For an obstacle
is not an ending:
it merely indicates that
what you are trying to accomplish
will not come about
in the exact timing,
in the exact place,
or in the exact way
that you previously envisioned,
and so it may be treated
not as a hindrance,
but an inevitable part of your path
that you were destined to navigate
and overcome.
And so if you encounter an obstacle,
do not despair,
for the dream is not lost:
it is never lost,
so long as you are living,
for there is always a way forward
and you are merely being redirected.
Remember that every hero
of their own story
must face obstacles and challenges,
for this is how
they find their inner strength,
and though the path may be difficult
you are destined to reach the end."
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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(author unknown)

You are not your age,
Nor the size of clothes you wear,
You are not a weight,
Or the colour of your hair.
You are not your name,
Or the dimples in your cheeks,
You are all the books you read,
And all the words you speak,
You are your croaky morning voice,
And the smiles you try to hide,
You’re the sweetness in your laughter,
And every tear you’ve cried,
You’re the songs you sing so loudly,
When you know you’re all alone,
You’re the places that you’ve been to,
And the one that you call home,
You’re the things that you believe in,
And the people that you love,
You’re the photos in your bedroom,
And the future you dream of,
You’re made of so much beauty,
But it seems that you forgot,
When you decided that you were defined,
By all the things you’re not
Artwork by Carl Wilhelm Wilhelmson - In the Studio, 1912

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...