Sunday 25 February 2024

LIVING by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Life in its essence is breaths that we take
Our very next breath is just seconds away
And breathing ensures we survive, we exist
But being alive is a lot more than this
It's climbing a mountain then looking back down
To see where you started and where you are now
It's loving the view that you see from up there
With the earth at your feet and the wind in your hair
It’s meeting with friends to catch up over tea
And laughing until you forget how to breathe
It’s dancing all night ‘til your feet wind up sore
And singing along ‘til your throat feels raw
It’s walking the beach and it's watching the tide
It’s finding a shell to hear oceans inside
It's flying ‘til you can see clouds from above
It's counting the stars and it's falling in love
It's watching the sun rise and watching it set
It’s gathering moments you'll never forget
The moments that teeter and flutter between
A world full of wonder and one of routine
So breathe in and out - it'll keep you alive
But know that you're here to do more than survive
You’re here to let music dance on through your veins
To climb to the top of the mountain again
To see yourself fly and to feel your heart leap
The world is a show and you’ve got front row seats
So in the next seconds, when you breathe on in
Remember the wonder of life that’s within
‘Cause taking a breath keeps you living for sure
But the breathtaking moments?
They’re what we live for
Becky Hemsley 2023
Stunning artwork by Illustre Mayon
(with a perfectly-matched quote by Marabeth Quin)
This one is called "Living" and can be found in my fourth collection, Letters from Life:

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Tommy the Village Delivery Boy by by John A Elliott 2024

"Tommy the Village Delivery Boy"
by John A Elliott 2024

Every morning, before the sun rose over the hills, Tommy would get up and start his deliveries. He was a small boy, but he had a big heart and a lot of energy. He loved his job, because he got to see the whole village of Heptonstall and meet all kinds of people.

He would first go to the newsagent, where Mr. Jones would give him a stack of newspapers to deliver. Tommy would put them in his bicycle basket and ride along the old cobbled roads, stopping at every house to drop off a paper. He would greet the early risers with a smile and a cheerful "Good morning!"

Next, he would go to the bakery, where Mrs. Smith would give him a bag of fresh bread to deliver. Tommy would put them in his backpack and ride up the long and winding steep hill, smelling the delicious aroma of the bread. He would knock on the doors of the houses that ordered bread and hand them a loaf. He would sometimes get a tip or a treat from the grateful customers.

Then, he would go to the florist, where Miss Green would give him a bunch of flowers to deliver. Tommy would put them in his bicycle basket and ride down the hill, admiring the beautiful colours and shapes of the flowers. He would ring the bells of the houses that ordered flowers and give them a bouquet. He would often see the recipients' faces light up with joy and surprise.

Finally, he would go to the grocer, where Mr. Brown would give him a box of groceries to deliver. Tommy would put them in his backpack and ride up the hill again, feeling the weight of the box. He would leave the groceries at the doorsteps of the houses that ordered them and collect the money. He would always count the change carefully and return any extra to the grocer.

By the time Tommy finished his deliveries, the sun would be high in the sky and the village would be bustling with life. Tommy would return to his home, where his mother would welcome him with a hug and a hot breakfast. He would eat his fill and then rest for a while, before getting ready for school. He would always look forward to the next morning, when he would do his deliveries again.

Heptonstall is a small village in West Yorkshire England. The image is of the quaint old world village

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Saturday 24 February 2024

I AM A SHADOW IN A DREAM by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

An invisible piece of string.
We both held it at each end.
We kept meeting in the middle,
but always as a friend.
Two hearts that were as one,
both too young to know,
but the years brought us together,
and we helped each other grow.
The love was seen by others.
Felt in our hearts skin deep.
I was awake when I was with you,
and without you I'm asleep.
I now find you in every room.
in every place we ever went.
I see you everywhere I go,
like an angel heaven sent.
My existence is just that now.
I am a shadow in a dream.
That string loosely sways
because one is not a team.
Joanne Boyle

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(author unknown)

I used to depend so much on people to give me happiness not knowing I am the only person that could give myself happiness.
Over the years I expect people to always stay by my side so that I am not alone and I can be happy, but nothing is permanent, not even human live. Therefore, I decided to quit.
I quit having others to control on my own happiness. And that is why I have had to learn to become my own best friend. There was many nights I spent crying myself to sleep, sad, and lonely with almost every given heartache.
Over time, I realized that I had to learn to comfort myself to overcome the pain. It's a process, and I am still learning how to do it, but I have gotten so much better. I can honestly say that I am my own best friend.
Love yourself and treat yourself as you would treat your very best friend. You deserve the same love you given to others and there is nobody that could give the same love to you like you give to yourself.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

AGEING by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Ageing is not an affliction
It's not a disease we should cure
It isn't a foe or an enemy,
A battle we have to endure
It's not something we have to fight against
Despite what we might have been told
It's a gift that's denied to so many
Who would love to be here growing old

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Artwork by @ashouriart via Instagram
A little reminder for us all today.
From my latest collection

A Nostalgic Trip Down Memory Lane with Shadow Play by John A Elliott 2024

"A Nostalgic Trip Down Memory Lane with Shadow Play"
by John A Elliott 2024

Do you remember playing, casting shadows on the wall? Winter log fires burning in the hearth, while smelling the fragrance of fresh pine, the flames casting their flickering orange glow around the room, as we made those wonderful shapes with our fingers. Of strange eagles, dragons so fierce, and maybe a face or two.

I do. I remember those cosy evenings with my family, (five sisters) when we would turn off the lights and let our imaginations run wild. We would create stories with our shadow puppets, making them talk and interact with each other. Sometimes we would laugh so hard that we would forget the cold outside. Sometimes we would get scared by the monsters we conjured up and snuggle closer to each other. Ah! Those were the carefree days of yesteryear and my childhood, growing up as I did during the 1950's/60's

Those were the days, when life was simpler for everyone, and much more fun. When mum and dad didn't have to worry about work, bills, or the news. When we could just be ourselves and enjoy the moment. When we felt connected to each other and to the magic of the world.

I miss those days. I miss the warmth, the laughter, the wonder, and the innocence. I miss the feeling of togetherness, of being a child again, with endless possibilities and no limits to our imaginations. I miss the shadow plays on the walls, during those long and cold winter nights, as we gathered round the fire in our living room, waiting for our nightcaps of cocoa or hot chocolate.

Do you miss it too? Do you ever wish you could ask a Djinn in a bottle to take you back to those times and relive them? Just the once, without any strings, to see your younger self and family enjoying an evening together. Do you ever try to recreate them with your own children or friends?

If you do, I would love to hear from you. I would love to know what kind of shadows you make, what stories you tell, and what emotions you feel. I would love to share your memories and experiences with my readers. Let us all keep those shadow play memories alive.

Until we meet again, keep playing, keep dreaming, Stay young at heart and keep casting those shadows on the wall. And most of all, have a wonderful life wherever you are in the world

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by Joanne Boyle

Walking with your memories,
in the darkness of each day.
The outside world is a big TV
as you put them on to play.
The episodes are on repeat
but each time is better than last.
That kiss, that hug, that silence,
a moment from the past.
You pause them for a moment,
as someone stops to talk.
They ask how you are doing,
as they continue on their walk.
You didn't want to answer,
like they didn't want to hear.
You just want to watch those memories,
and drink in every tear.
The food that fills that gaping hole,
is the glint from laughing eyes.
You turn the volume button up,
so laughter drowns your cries.
You will never tire of watching,
and neither will you forget.
Love and loss become one,
when your one is met.

Joanne Boyle

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by Joanne Boyle

I went to see God today,
and I looked him in the eye.
I asked him why he took me,
and made so many cry.
I waited for my answer,
to bring it back to you, then
God turned to me and smiled,
and opened up a view.
I saw familiar faces.
Dogs that played with birds.
Flowers that never wilted,
no one was ever scared.
Children wore their wings,
like a costume from a shop.
The eternal view of life,
was never meant to stop.
I still didn't understand,
but I felt glad that I was here.
God then opened up the clouds,
and I saw that I was near.
It was then he began to speak,
he said "just look down there,
so much pain and destruction,
a sight I cannot bare.
So each day I find new angels,
some are young and old,
but once they are here in heaven,
their age will always hold.
I know that when I take them,
hearts will break in two
I keep sending down reminders,
in their memories of you.
My angels go to earth,
and help them with this fate
but some I go to carry,
to help them through the gate.
Some people are in pain,
and though you cannot see,
heaven is the place,
that they deeply long to be.
Some are just too beautiful,
or were sent to earth too soon.
Some were just too fragile,
to be a part of life's sad tune.
We know who is arriving,
the time, the date and place.
and we know we leave so many
with a big and empty space.
We will fill it with sweet memories,
and let you go and see.
What matters to us most,
is that you are now happy."
By now I had forgotten my question,
but not those id left behind.
I knew I would always live,
in the memories that you'll find.

Joanne Boyle

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MOTHER EARTH by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

She’s mountains and she’s sunshine
She’s the moon, silvery bright
She’s the clouds and wind and rain
And she’s the dancing Northern Lights
She is deserts and savannahs
She’s the waves that fill the sea
She is birdsong and she’s flowers
She’s the blossom on the trees
And if you treat her fairly
She will let the sun shine through
She will kiss you with a gentle breeze
And paint the sky in blue
She’ll rain if you are thirsty
Then she’ll blow the clouds away
And she’ll decorate with rainbows
Whilst she calms the ocean waves
But if you treat her badly
She will breathe out stormy skies
She will summon up tornadoes
And antagonise the tides
She’ll throw things from the mountain
In an avalanche of snow
And she’ll blaze and burn the forest
So the trees no longer grow
She’ll treat you as you treat her
So be careful what you choose
For she’s power you can’t comprehend
And much she stands to lose
So treat her with the kindness
And respect that she deserves
'Cause, if you rearrange her heart
You’ll see it holds the earth
Becky Hemsley 2021
Stunning artwork by Mary Feywood
'Mother Earth' is from Talking to the Wild

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Friday 23 February 2024

THANK YOU! from Becky Hemsley

 "THANK YOU!" from Becky Hemsley

I just wanted to pop on with a little appreciation post for you all right now 🥰
Because I have spent the last hour packing some of my books into boxes and envelopes, to send out to charities and high schools and libraries in my local area.
The big plan is to be able to keep doing this - to keep throwing the net further and further. Because I think words should be accessible to all.
Every time someone buys my work, I am eternally grateful for two reasons:
1. Because it allows me to keep doing this - something I am incredibly passionate about and which brings me so much joy.
2. Because it tells me you believe in me. And every time I see someone share a photo of one of my books, or each time someone tells me they’ve got one, it lights the fire inside of me that little bit more: the one that often feels threatened of suffocation by self-doubt.
But I won’t ask or beg anyone to buy them. I will never expect anyone to stretch themselves financially to do so, because we can never really know what position people may find themselves in.
So I am always looking for ways to pay it forward. And whilst I can only do it for a tiny pocket of a huge, wide world right now, I truly believe that little ripples can create huge waves. That little actions can create big movements.
And that’s what you’ve given me.
You might think it’s just a like or a comment or a share or a book you’ve bought. But these are ripples.
And you wonderful people…
Well your ripples are making waves.
****** Thank you xx
Becky Hemsley

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...