Monday 26 February 2024

I PROMISE by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if your life has fallen apart
Even if things surrounding you
Have come crashing down
And even if the foundations of your life have crumbled and fallen away
I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if people have walked out of your life
Or have chosen to reject you
Leaving you feeling abandoned, isolated and alone
I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if your greatest hopes and dreams have been dashed
And shattered to pieces
And the future seems bleak and uncertain
I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
Even if your life as you know it
Has fallen away
Because your ability to create
Is far more powerful
Than life’s ability to destroy you
Your ability to regrow and regenerate
Is far greater
Than life’s ability to damage you
And your capacity to rebuild
Is far stronger
Than life’s capacity to break you
And you can take the rubble and ruins
Of what remains in your life
And use it to build a tower
That is even bigger and more beautiful than before.
And I promise that you can build a beautiful life for yourself
As while things will come tumbling down in your life
Life can never keep you knocked down
As you can always rebuild
And that is your greatest power.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

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WHEN TO LET GO by Becky Hemsley


by Becky Hemsley

There will be some people in life who just won’t be able to love you the way you need them to.
The way you love them.
There will be some people in life who won’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
The way you treat them.
And there will people in life who just can’t give you what you want.
Sometimes we cling on to these people for far longer than we should. Like a tree clinging desperately to its leaves, trying not to let them fall.
But they will fall.
And the tree shouldn’t blame itself.
Because the loss - whilst great - is necessary. The tree needs to lose its leaves so it can rediscover its roots and ready itself for a fresh start.
You can’t keep painting autumn leaves green and expecting them to stay.
Deep down they are always destined to fall.
The key is knowing when to let go.

Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by Hayk Shalunts
This poem is from my most recent collection 'Letters from Life'

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

EMBERS AND KEYS by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

When I am older
I might not remember
I might get confused
And I might lose my temper
And there may be times
When I don’t know your name
Because it’s been trapped,
Locked away in my brain
And though it will hurt
To think I could forget you
Offer me smiles,
Hold my hand if I’ll let you
And talk of adventures
We had long ago
Show me the photos
Of people I know
Play music we’ve danced to
And songs we have sung
Read me the books I read
When I was young
‘Cause your voice and your words
Might just be the key
That opens the door -
That unlocks it for me
And maybe the music
Will spark tiny embers
Of memories dormant
And I will remember
Your name and your face
And the words to our song
The times and the places
To which I’ve belonged
And it might last moments
Or minutes or more
As the fire sheds light
Through the crack in the door
But when the door closes
And gone are the flames
When you are once more
A stranger again
Just know you’ll have stirred something
Deep down inside
Something familiar
That I recognise
Something that’s real
That’s not stored in my head
But right at the core
Of my heart space instead
Something that’s stirred
By your smiles and your stories
The touch of your hand
And the songs you sing for me
And though I’ll have no words to tell you
Just trust
That deep down inside
I’ll remember
I’m loved
Becky Hemsley 2022
Beautiful artwork by lucyclaireillustration
Sending so much love, peace and compassion to anyone dealing with Alzheimers or dementia - either directly themselves or whilst caring for a loved one. Be kind to yourself.
This poem is called "Embers and Keys" and is in the book 'Letters from Life'

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

DON'T GIVE UP by Joanne Boyle

"DON'T GIVE UP" by Joanne Boyle
Don't give up on the morning sun,
or forget that it is there.
Don't give up on the blowing wind,
or when the raindrops wet your hair.
Don't give up the moment,
because of something that you feel.
Don't give up the laughter,
those times were truly real.
Don't give up the life.
The one you are blessed to live.
Don't give up on love,
you still have lots to give.
Don't give up the Family,
let them be your crutch.
Don't give up on hope,
we all love you very much.
Don't give up the daylight,
let it light your way.
Don't give up on anything,
tomorrow is another day.
Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


by Joanne Boyle

Can we play a game mammy,
the one we always play.
The one with the same actions
and words as yesterday?
Will you put teen titans on
as I eat my tea, and
make sure my chicken nuggets
are placed out equally.
When was world war two?
Is that a cherry blossom tree?
When did the titanic sink?
How long will daddy be?
I don't want to go to the party.
I'll just stay home with you.
I'll follow you to the kitchen
and to the bathroom too.
Can we go to the park now?
Is it time to go?
I am sorry I keep asking
I just really want to know.
When was world war two?
Is that a cherry blossom tree?
When did the titanic sink?
How long will Daddy be?
Are my chicken nuggets ready?
Oh no they are not right.
Will you put teen titans on?
When will it be night?
Can you hear a lawn mower?
What's that awful smell?
Can we play that game again
the one I like so well?
When was world war two?
Is that a cherry blossom tree?
When did the Titanic sink?
How long will Daddy be?"
Two worlds brought together
through a set of innocent eyes.
Autism and all its colours
on a painting that never dries.
Joanne Boyle

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

LOOK FOR THEM by Becky Hemsley 2024

by Becky Hemsley 2024

There are some people in this world who are like
beacons for your lost soul
sunshine for your dark days
and bandages for your deepest wounds.
Look for them.
Find the people who pour light into the shadows they didn’t create.
The people who help heal the parts of you they didn’t break
and who shelter you from storms they didn’t summon.
Look for them.
Because there are people in your world who will do all of this. Quietly. Unassumingly. Sometimes without even realising.
Look for them. Find them. Let them.
And then do the same for them.
Because these are your people

Becky Hemsley 2024
Artwork via PixelCraftStoreGB on Etsy

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

JESSICA MEETS MR FOX by John A Elliott 2024

by John A Elliott 2024

Once upon a time, there was a magical forest where all kinds of creatures lived in harmony. The forest was full of wonders and secrets, and every tree, flower, and animal had a special power.

One day, a young girl named Jessica wandered into the forest, looking for adventure. She was curious and brave, and she loved to explore new places. She had heard stories about the magical forest from her grandfather, who used to visit it when he was a boy. He told her that the forest was a place where anything could happen, and where dreams could come always true.

Jessica walked deeper and deeper into the forest, admiring the beauty and diversity of nature. She saw birds that could sing in different languages, butterflies that could change their colours, and mushrooms that could glow in the dark. She smelled flowers that could make her happy, fruits that could make her smart, and herbs that could make her strong. She felt the warmth of the sun, the breeze of the wind, and the pulse of the earth.

She was so enchanted by the forest that she didn't notice that she was being followed by a friendly fox. The fox had seen Jessica enter the forest, and he was curious about her. He wanted to talk to her and play with her. He also wanted to protect her from any danger that might lurk in the forest.

The fox decided to reveal himself to Jessica when she reached a clearing. He jumped out of the bushes and greeted her with a smile. Jessica was startled at first, but then she smiled back. She was not afraid of the fox, because she could sense that he was kind and gentle.

"Hello, little girl," the fox said. "What are you doing in the forest?"

"Hello, Mr. Fox," Jessica said. "I'm looking for a perfect adventure. I want to see the wonders of the forest and learn its secrets."

"Well, you've come to the right place," the fox said. "The forest is full of wonders and secrets, and I know them all. I can show you around and teach you everything you want to know. Would you like to be my friend?"

"Yes, I would love to be your friend," Jessica said. "You seem very nice and smart. And you can talk! That's amazing!"

"Thank you," the fox said. "And you seem very sweet and brave. And you can understand me! That's amazing too!"

The fox and Jessica became friends, and they spent the whole day exploring the forest together. They had fun and learned a lot from each other. They also helped each other when they faced some challenges, such as crossing a river, climbing a hill, or escaping a bear.

They had so much fun that they didn't realize that the sun was setting and the night was coming. They decided to find a place to rest and sleep. They found a cosy cave near a waterfall, where they made a fire and ate some berries. They talked and laughed until they fell asleep.

The next morning, they woke up and continued their adventures

When Jessica went home, no time had actually elapsed, except for a few minutes on the old grandfather clock that stood, tick tocking in the hall, it's chimes struck four o'clock, time for tea and crumpets. The Magical Forest really had lived up to it's name. "I think another adventure will be forthcoming" said Jessica to herself, as she spread the crumpets with lashings of best butter.

Brought to you by   together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...