Wednesday 1 May 2024

THE THREE ANGELS by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

There are three angels you will meet in your lifetime.
One who will love you,
one who will inspire you,
and one who will appear to love you,
but then break your heart.
And though you will not recognise this third angel,
as when they leave,
they will leave a deep scar that you have to heal,
when you cross over to the other side,
you will discover that
though they may have hurt you in this life,
the secret is that they have always loved you -
they had merely forgotten,
as they were playing a role
to help you heal and reclaim your worthiness
independent of anyone outside of yourself.
And all along, they were an angel in disguise.”
Words by Tahlia Hunter

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


by Tahlia Hunter

There is a magical wand that lies within you
that has the power to forgive
everyone you ever encounter.
Though useless when used in anger
when used in love,
it is far more powerful than you could ever imagine.
Its magic lies in the wisdom
that when you see yourself as special
and deserving of love,
you see it in everyone you encounter,
no matter who they are or what they have done.
And the secret to forgiving someone
lies in understanding
that the loving version of them
is the true version.
And those who are most difficult to love
are oftentimes those who need it most
as they have forgotten who they are.
And if you can find love for their higher self,
remembering the truth of who they are,
then you will no longer feel pain.
And once you have healed,
the story of how they hurt you
will simply be replaced by the wisdom
that both you and them are loved.
And though they must still face the consequences of their actions
and may never be allowed back into your life,
you deserve to move forward in peace
and experience every joy that life has to offer.
And though you may feel grief or anger now,
you may trust
that once you have let yourself fully process it,
the pain you once felt will be a mere memory
and will eventually be transmuted back to love.
And you may choose to take only the love and the wisdom from your past forward with you
and all else to let go.
This is how you forgive someone:
When you think of them,
simply speak to them, within your mind,
“I love you. I bless you. I send you love.”
Over and again in your mind,
enough times for it to bring you peace.
And then feel that love within you,
until all that is left is love.
And because time doesn’t exist,
even if they have exited your life,
one day they will get to hear what you said
and feel that love you sent them energetically
and be touched by your forgiveness.
This is how
centuries of hatred have been forgotten,
in the love of a second.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

DEAR SON by Joanne Boyle

by Joanne Boyle

Dear Son, I tried to call your mum
in the hope that she would talk.
It's been so long since I saw you.
I bet you can now walk.
Dear Son, I tried to call your Mum
to wish you a happy second birthday.
I prayed and prayed she'd answer.
The years are slipping away.
Dear Son, I tried to call your Mum
but the phone no longer rings.
I hope Santa Claus is good to you
and I'll hold on to what he brings.
Dear Son, I tried to ring your Mum
but it was just as it was before.
I wanted to wish you a happy birthday
as now you are big boy four.
Dear Son, I tried to write a letter
as I'm now guessing you can read.
I have nowhere to post it
as I've never been given a lead.
Dear Son, I wrote another birthday card.
I have a collection in my drawer.
I hope I see you open them
when you come through my door.
Dear Son, now here you are a teenager.
I bet you are very tall.
Who do you support Son?
That's if you like football.
Dear Son, I got some bad news today.
They say that I'm not well.
I'm going nowhere till I've seen you
as there's so much I want to tell.
Dear Son, today you turn eighteen
and now you are man
I'm holding on to life and hope
and still doing the best I can.
Dear Dad, I've only just been informed
of all the years gone by.
Of every phone call that you made
and of all the times you'd try.
I am sorry for the years we lost
and all those letters in the drawer.
I am sorry I was never told
about these things before.
Dear Son, the years no longer matter
just come and sit beside my bed.
Tell me all about your hopes
and the dreams inside your head.
Tell me about your school
and all the friends you made.
Do you have a girlfriend yet?
Do you have a job were you are paid?
Treat moments like gold stars Son
each one as precious as the other.
Don't hold grudges either
especially toward your Mother.
Dear Dad, I'm so glad I got to meet you
before it was too late.
I put a note in your jacket pocket
for you to read at the pearly gate.
It said "I love you".

Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

art by Steffi Krenzek

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

YOU'VE CHANGED by John Roedel

by  John Roedel

the only thing to say when
somebody tells you that
you’ve changed is:
“Thank you.”
over the past couple years
people have told me that they
miss the old me
~ the funny me
the less-serious poet me
~ the safe me
the ambitious me
~ the life-of-the-party me
the “easy to be around” me
I try to explain to them
that lately my favourite places
have become thresholds
I have about four new beginnings a week
I’ll try doing this and then
~ I’ll try being that and then
I’ll try this on and then
~ I’ll try a taste of that
I may write a poem today
I’ll take some photos tomorrow
and maybe I’ll tell some
jokes on stage next week
and a decade from
now I’ll be a painting sunflowers
and each thing will be the most
important thing I’ve ever done
I’m in perpetual state of transition
I keep leaving home
as who I was and
returning as who I
need to be next
~ it’s all such a skin-shedding
adventure of fresh starts and
unlimited resurrections
I don’t want to be the exact same
person that I was when you
last saw me yesterday
too much has happened since then;
I’ve seen too much beauty
I’ve cried too many tears
I’ve sat with too many ghosts
I’ve put my toes in too many rivers
I’ve had my heart broken too many times
I’ve felt too many kisses
I’ve heard the divine singing to me from too many treetops to not be transformed
I once met angel that was sunbathing
naked in a garden who told me that
heaven looks exactly like a thick thunderhead draping itself over a Rocky Mountain valley
heaven is always billowing
heaven is ever rolling
heaven is constantly churning
heaven is relentlessly changing forms
heaven is a endless rumble
heaven never looks the same
from one day to the next
heaven is constantly being reshaped by the hands of the great potter
it turns out that grace is a
whirling spectrum of colors
and heaven has to keep
changing its form in
order to keep up with it
heaven transforms
its camouflage of miracles
and magic every morning
and if that’s good
enough for heaven
then it’s good enough for me
there is so much creation
taking place around us
for us not too join in
on the fun
so many new opportunities
so many new people
so many galaxies being formed
so much ancient beauty being rediscovered
with all of that going on
how can we have a new
beginning every single
time we breathe?
I believe epiphanies aren’t
meant to randomly drip
like a broken faucet
they’re meant to flood
like a creating river
when somebody
accuses you of changing
take it as a compliment
and wonder
why they haven’t
if a nebula can be given
permission to change forms
so can you
besides ~ and
this is VERY important:
maybe we aren’t
changing anyway
maybe we are just becoming
who we were born to be
in the first place?
maybe we were born
to keep unfolding
like an endless map
and one last thing, my love,
don’t let any your seasons
become permanent
let them all pass through you
bloom red
bloom green
bloom rainbows
embrace each
one as the wonder
that they are
our souls are
made of moving
holy water
with bits of sunlight in it
we are all glowing ripples
passing through time
reflecting light off the surface
don’t fret, my love,
heaven is required to
reinvent itself daily
as are we
as are we
as are we
and I can’t wait to
see how beautiful
you look the next
time I see you
radiating like
cathedral stained glass
under the glow of your
raw ever-changing
and unashamed
authenticity *********
(wondrous art by the incredible Kat Shaw Artist )

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...