Friday 17 May 2024

SADNESS COMES by Donna Ashworth

by Donna Ashworth

 Sadness came to tea last night

as she’s often done before
but I didn’t let her in this time
I stopped her at the door
“I’m off to meet with friends”, I said
“your timing isn’t right
I can’t allow your atmosphere
it’s not the place tonight”
but sadness wouldn’t take the hint
her manners lack finesse
her pace was slow and heavy
yet she kept up nonetheless
and even when I took my place
amongst my laughing friends
she squeezed herself right in-between
her boldness never ends
and I was sure my friends would see
this spectre at the feast
and somehow think me lesser
for inviting such a beast
but no, their warmth was undeterred
as if nothing was new
I think perhaps they know by now
I sometimes come as two
and even sadness seemed to glow
a lighter shade of grey
to know that she’s accepted
seemed to lighten up her day
so let your sad accompany you
don’t think her hard to bear
no need to face her all alone
just pull an extra chair.
This poem is for #mentalhealthawarenessweek, I hope it will help each of us understand one another’s emotions and complicated hearts better.
This will be in my new collection but if you like this you will enjoy my Sunday times bestseller Wild hope, which is currently available at half-price.
Link is in comments.
The art is by Galya Popova #galyapopova

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


by Donna Ashworth

Do not sleep with worry
worry is no good in bed
he will interrupt your slumber
spinning dramas like a web
he will plant weeds in your garden
to strangle all you’ve grown
pulling roots up from your flowerbeds
to make room there for his own
he will take your precious memories
and paint them murky grey
he will find your inner child
and send her cowering on her way
do not let him in your bed, love
crack the window, shoo him out
throw his friends out there to join him
fear, perfection and self-doubt
now quickly, close the window
come back and snuggle down
and check that only good thoughts
are allowed to stick around
let hope and joy come by
they are soothing, wise and true
add acceptance to the mix
then let peace wash over you
no do not sleep with worry
worry is no good in bed
you have stress enough in life
to let that monster in your head.
From ‘Wild Hope’
ART BY Bettina Baldassari - BettiPigna

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Thursday 16 May 2024

Becky Hemsley by Becky Hemsley 2024

"Becky Hemsley"
by Becky Hemsley 2024

 Good morning, or afternoon!

I realised that I haven't done a post introducing myself for a while and there have been some new followers recently.
So this is me, Becky. Not from Nevada as the photo might suggest, but from Leicestershire in the UK. I never like to introduce myself initially with information you'd find on a census form (age, marital status, children, jobs etc) so in the spirit of that, here are five random facts about me:
1. Giraffes are my favourite animal but I also have a soft spot for foxes.
2. Chocolate peanut butter cups are one of my favourite little treats.
3. If I could only listen to one genre of music for the rest of my life, I'd pick musical theatre.
4. I was in the cheerleading society at university.
5. I learnt to play the piano up to grade 4 when I was younger.
But I'm also 40. I've been married for nearly 13 years and we have two beautiful boys and a very old beagle. I used to be a primary school teacher and educational consultant and have written poetry for years. I used to share my writing anonymously on social media/blogs etc until a few years ago when I started to tentatively put my face to the words. In 2022 I was able to commit to it fully.
I always have ideas swimming around in my head, and I take a notebook and pen pretty much everywhere I go so that I'm prepared when inspiration strikes! Sometimes it is in the most unlikely of places or at the most inopportune times. But I guess that's just what life is like - always keeping us on our toes.
Thank you all for being here. I can't explain what it means to me to read your lovely comments and words of support every day. So really, truly, thank you xxx


Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Wednesday 15 May 2024

THE MEANING OF LIFE by Becky Hemsley 2024

by Becky Hemsley

I remember when I first started to consider the meaning of life.
When I first became aware that there had to be some purpose to being here. Some purpose beyond becoming and living and ultimately dying.
I remember concerning myself so much with how I’d forge ahead and what I’d leave behind. As if the meaning of life was the future I was yet to experience and the past I was yet to leave in my wake.
As if the meaning of my life was something someone would summarise in a newspaper article or on a memorial stone or in an obituary.
But somewhere in the midst of it all, I forgot about the meaning of life and I just started living. I learnt what it was to meet people who lifted me up, challenged me, stuck by me, celebrated me.
I learnt what it was to have adventures: the everyday kind and the once-in-a-lifetime kind.
I learnt what it was to feel like my heart could break and then how it could feel full to the point it might burst.
I learnt what it was to live the lows and ride the highs. To have carefree days and worrisome nights. I learnt what it was to have people in my corner, and how wonderful it felt to know that I was the person in theirs.
Yes, I remember when I first started to consider the meaning of life. And for the longest while it had me stumped.
But I think I’ve figured it out.
For myself at least.
Yes, I think that - when it really comes down to it -
the meaning of life is
to give life meaning.
Becky Hemsley 2024
Gorgeous artwork by Anna Fila (@afankimalowanki on Instagram)
‘The Meaning of Life’ is a newer poem so it isn’t in any collections yet

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

WHEN I AM GONE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

When I am gone, do not fear my memory.
Do not be afraid to speak my name or look through old photographs.
Do not be scared to play old videos so that you might hear my voice and see me laughing.
Do not be wary of visiting my favourite places or eating my favourite foods or singing along to my favourite songs.
I know it will hurt. Those memories will remind you that I am gone.
They will stab at you like a knife in an open, gaping wound. Raw, excruciating pain.
But after a while the knife will become less sharp, the wound will become less open and the pain will become less raw.
And those memories will remind you that I was here.
That I lived.
Do not reduce my life to my death.
Speak my name, hear my voice, sing my favourite songs and visit my favourite places.
Because that’s how I can stay alive a little.
Right here with you
'When I Am Gone' is from the book of the same name

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Tuesday 14 May 2024

BE A LADY by Camille Rainville

by Camille Rainville

Be a lady they said. Your skirt is too short. Your shirt is too low. Your pants are too tight. Don’t show so much skin. Don’t show your thighs. Don’t show your breasts. Don’t show your midriff. Don’t show your cleavage. Don’t show your underwear. Don’t show your shoulders. Cover up. Leave something to the imagination. Dress modestly. Don’t be a temptress. Men can’t control themselves.

Men have needs. You look frumpy. Loosen up. Show some skin. Look sexy. Look hot. Don’t be so provocative. You’re asking for it. Wear black. Wear heels. You’re too dressed up. You’re too dressed down. Don’t wear those sweatpants; you look like you’ve let yourself go.
Be a lady they said. Don’t be too fat. Don’t be too thin. Don’t be too large. Don’t be too small. Eat up. Slim down. Stop eating so much. Don’t eat too fast. Order a salad. Don’t eat carbs. Skip dessert. You need to lose weight. Fit into that dress. Go on a diet. Watch what you eat. Eat celery. Chew gum. Drink lots of water. You have to fit into those jeans. God, you look like a skeleton. Why don’t you just eat? You look emaciated. You look sick. Eat a burger. Men like women with some meat on their bones. Be small. Be light. Be little. Be petite. Be feminine. Be a size zero. Be a double zero. Be nothing. Be less than nothing.
Be a lady they said. Remove your body hair. Shave your legs. Shave your armpits. Shave your bikini line. Wax your face. Wax your arms. Wax your eyebrows. Get rid of your moustache. Bleach this. Bleach that. Lighten your skin. Tan your skin. Eradicate your scars. Cover your stretch marks. Tighten your abs. Plump your lips. Botox your wrinkles. Lift your face. Tuck your tummy. Thin your thighs. Tone your calves. Perk up your boobs. Look natural. Be yourself. Be genuine. Be confident. You’re trying too hard. You look overdone. Men don’t like girls who try too hard.
Be a lady they said. Wear makeup. Prime your face. Conceal your blemishes. Contour your nose. Highlight your cheekbones. Line your lids. Fill in your brows. Lengthen your lashes. Colour your lips. Powder, blush, bronze, highlight. Your hair is too short. Your hair is too long. Your ends are split. Highlight your hair. Your roots are showing. Dye your hair. Not blue, that looks unnatural. You’re going grey. You look so old. Look young. Look youthful. Look ageless. Don’t get old. Women don’t get old. Old is ugly. Men don’t like ugly.
Be a lady they said. Save yourself. Be pure. Be virginal. Don’t talk about sex. Don’t flirt. Don’t be a skank. Don’t be a whore. Don’t sleep around. Don’t lose your dignity. Don’t have sex with too many men. Don’t give yourself away. Men don’t like sluts. Don’t be a prude. Don’t be so up tight. Have a little fun. Smile more. Pleasure men. Be experienced. Be sexual. Be innocent. Be dirty. Be virginal. Be sexy. Be the cool girl. Don’t be like the other girls.
Be a lady they said. Don’t talk too loud. Don’t talk too much. Don’t take up space. Don’t sit like that. Don’t stand like that. Don’t be intimidating. Why are you so miserable? Don’t be a bitch. Don’t be so bossy. Don’t be assertive. Don’t overact. Don’t be so emotional. Don’t cry. Don’t yell. Don’t swear. Be passive. Be obedient. Endure the pain. Be pleasing. Don’t complain. Let him down easy. Boost his ego. Make him fall for you. Men want what they can’t have. Don’t give yourself away. Make him work for it. Men love the chase. Fold his clothes. Cook his dinner. Keep him happy. That’s a woman’s job. You’ll make a good wife some day. Take his last name. You hyphenated your name? Crazy feminist. Give him children. You don’t want children? You will some day. You’ll change your mind.
Be a lady they said. Don’t get raped. Protect yourself. Don’t drink too much. Don’t walk alone. Don’t go out too late. Don’t dress like that. Don’t show too much. Don’t get drunk. Don’t leave your drink. Have a buddy. Walk where it is well lit. Stay in the safe neighbourhoods. Tell someone where you’re going. Bring pepper spray. Buy a rape whistle. Hold your keys like a weapon. Take a self-defence course. Check your trunk. Lock your doors. Don’t go out alone. Don’t make eye contact. Don’t bat your eyelashes. Don’t look easy. Don’t attract attention. Don’t work late. Don’t crack dirty jokes. Don’t smile at strangers. Don’t go out at night. Don’t trust anyone. Don’t say yes. Don’t say no.
Just “be a lady” they said.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

EXAMS by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

There are times I’ve been first and times I’ve been last
I’ve aced a distinction, I’ve just scraped a pass
I’ve known every answer that’s been on a test
I’ve sat and I’ve panicked and failed at my desk
I’ve labelled the countries, I’ve dated the wars
I’ve analysed novels and sonnets and more
I’ve been judged by the margins of numbers and letters,
Been told I’ve done well and that I could do better
But I can say this; that I did not learn less
From failure and fault than I did from success
See, we are much more than the answers we give
‘Cause it’s great and it’s grand but it’s messy to live
And we learn so much from this everyday mess
That isn’t included or marked in a test
And when we are gone and they think of our lives
They’ll think of our laugh and the way that we smiled
They’ll think of the memories with us that they treasure
Not grades or our scores or the ways we were measured
But the way that we’d sing and the way that we’d cook
With our head in the clouds or our nose in a book
The way that we loved and the way that we cared
The way that they’ll miss us when we are not there
And not because we got an A or a D,
A first or a last or a one or a three
But because we were funny, because we were kind
That’s how we’ll leave love for those left behind
So when you sit down and you open that test
Yes, read every question and give it your best
But remember, that paper does not define you
So don’t give it that power - whatever you do
Another one for exam season
Becky Hemsley 2022
Beautiful artwork by the inimitable Lisa Aisato

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1700 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...