Friday 20 October 2023

I LOVE MY BODY by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley

This is such a bold statement isn't it? Who says that? 
Who admits to loving their body like that?
Well, I like to remember that love does not mean perfection. 
It doesn't mean flawless or unblemished or undamaged.
I love plenty of people who are flawed and blemished and damaged.
I love them because of who they are. Of who I am when I'm around them. 
I love them because of what they bring to the world and what they bring to my life.
And because of what I bring to life as a result of them.
So I love my body.

Some days I may not particularly like it.
It may be heavier, softer and more scarred than I would wish.
Some parts may not work as well as they used to.
Some parts may no longer work at all.

But that does not mean I do not have deep gratitude and love for everything it has done and continues to do for me each day.
It works hard for me. It keeps me alive.
Sometimes it doesn't do exactly what I want it to do. 
It isn't as fast or as strong or as lean as I'd like.
But it does not deserve hate for that.

Just like the people in my life do not deserve hate for the ways in which they may not meet my expectations,
and I do not deserve hate for the ways in which I may fall short of theirs.
I love my body. 
It is not perfect. But nothing is.
Because we are not here to be perfect, we are here to be human.
Here to be real.
Here to live.
And we need our bodies for that.
So we might as well give them some love.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by @alev.neto (on Instagram)
'Human Being' is from Letters from Life

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