Thursday 1 February 2024

HOW ARE YOU? by Becky Hemsley 2021

 “HOW ARE YOU?" by Becky Hemsley 2021

What time will you get in tonight?
Text me when you’re home
Be careful if you’re driving
Or if you’re out alone
Shout me if you need me
Or call me anytime
Hey, remember when we did that thing
And laughed until we cried?
Take a coat, it’s raining
Or shelter here with me
Let’s watch your favourite movie
I’ve made your favourite tea
I saw this and I thought of you
It really made me smile
Just checking in, I hope you’re well
I know it’s been a while
Have some fun at school today
But wear your hat - it’s cold
And look the road’s got busy now
So here’s my hand to hold”
We always hear and say these things
But rarely do we see
They’re just lots of little ways
Of saying what we really mean
See, if you listen carefully,
You’ll hear them everywhere -
All the messages of “I love you”
“You’re important” and “I care”
Becky Hemsley 2021
Image by
'How are you?' is from my second collection - What the Wild Replied

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