Thursday 1 February 2024


by Becky Hemsley

I once designed a teapot
It was short and it was stout
It had a handle but I didn’t
Hollow out the spout
So when I filled it up
And tried to pour a cup of tea
It didn’t pour a thing
And it was useless as could be
One time I found an empty box
Or empty I assumed
But when I opened up the lid
There wasn’t any room
For me to store the things
I had been saving for so long
There simply wasn’t space for them;
No place where they belonged
And once I found a door
I didn’t know where it would lead
I searched the room around me
But I couldn’t find the key
And so I leant against it
Sad that I could not explore
Whatever might be waiting
In the space behind the door
And as I think about the box,
The door, the pot of tea,
I realise how important
Sometimes nothingness can be
How there’s magic in the space
Between asleep and wide awake
There’s peace within the silence
Of the pauses that we take
There’s joy in quiet thoughts
About the past; of what has been
There’s beauty in the standing still
To see what can be seen
There’s something quite exciting
‘Bout the space between the stars
And in those waiting moments
When a film’s about to start
There’s wonder in a balloon
That fills and rises with the air
There’s such a lot that we can feel
When not a lot is there
So hold the space you need my friend
And don’t apologise
Your space is where your wonder lives
And where your magic lies
It’s where you learn to breathe again
Where dreams can dare to soar
And you never know what’s waiting
In that space beyond the door
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by Elisabeths gylne pensel

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