Tuesday 11 June 2024


by Chima Dickson
A lawyer and an artist had lived in the same neighbourhood for many years. Though they were not close friends, but they greeted each other every day. One day, the lawyer visited the artist and told him,
"Listen, a client of mine told me some really bad things about you. He said you're a terrible artist and most of your artworks are crap. He said that anyone who buys your artwork must be really dumb. He told me more rude things about you that I can't even talk about. He is your enemy!"
The artist gave a long, deep sigh and muttered,
"Yes, he is my enemy! He is truly my enemy!"
The following day, the lawyer visited the artist again and said to him,
"Listen, I met someone at a restaurant and he told me some nasty things about you. He said you're a smoker, a chronic drug abuser and a heavy drinker. He also said you're a former armed robber, and a former car thief. He didn't just tell me, but he told everyone in the restaurant. He is also your enemy! You have two enemies!"
The artist sighed heavily and mumbled,
"Yes, he is my enemy! I have two enemies!"
On the third day, the lawyer went to visit the artist again and told him,
"Look, a man from our neighbourhood stopped me and told me some awful things about you. He said you have a highly infectious disease, and anyone who comes close to you will be infected. He is telling everyone to stay away from you. He is also your enemy! You have three enemies!"
However, this time around, the artist shook his head and said,
"No, you're wrong. I have four enemies!"
The lawyer protested,
"No, it's three!"
The artist then smiled and whispered into his ear,
"No, it's four! You forgot to include yourself. Listen, the fact that you didn't defend my name while those people were slandering me, but rushed to inform me about it, means you are also my enemy. In fact, you are my worst enemy!"
The lawyer was shocked and dumbfounded. He left the room, hanging his head in shame like a child.
When counting your enemies, never forget those who don't defend your name while someone slanders you. They know that you are a good person, but they keep quiet while they hear others say bad things about you. They are your enemies too! Be wise and be more careful!


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