Thursday 28 September 2023


(by J. Boyle)

If the day comes
and In case I forget
remind me always
of the baby I met.
Sit by my side
and tell me a story.
A one of our life.
A one of glory.
In case I forget
that I watched you grow
I'm telling you now
I loved you so.
Remind me of times
of happier days.
Keep me alive
in the sunshine rays.
In case I forget
all the memories we made
the fun and laughter
and games we played.
Keep showing me the album,
the one in your heart
reminding me always
at each days start.
In case I forget
the love that we built
in a home full of warmth
without any guilt.
Know that I had
so much love in my life.
A Mum and a Nana
and a happy wife.
In case I forget
my Grand children's faces
remind me of us
and familiar places.
In case I forget
why I hurt so much
Hug me and remind me
of your loving touch.
In case I forget
then I am glad you have not
and you'll cherish the memories
that I have forgot.

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(by Becky Hemsley)

One leaf can disrupt a whole army of ants
And can leave them all scared and confused
And it takes just one word, even one from a stranger
To render our self-esteem bruised
It takes just one flick of a switch in a light room
To promptly turn everything black
And it only takes one hand to push us too far
Just one straw to break our camel’s back
It takes just a moment when all is aligned
For the sunshine to blot out the moon
And it takes just one foot to kick us whilst we’re down
Just one sprinkle of salt in the wound
And yet when we think of ourselves as the one
Then we think we’ve no power at all
That we won’t make a difference when this world’s so big
And we feel so incredibly small
But it takes just one leaf to announce spring is coming
One seed for a flower to grow
And it takes just one hand to stop someone from falling
Which might mean far more than you know
It takes just a word to make somebody’s day
Just one switch to turn dark into light
And it takes just one foot to stand up for someone,
Just one sunrise to soften the night
So harness the power of one for yourself
It’s a power you’ve held all along
Yes, I know that you think you can’t change the whole world
But you can change the world for someone
Becky Hemsley 2022
'The Power of One' is from the book What the Wild Replied

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(by Becky Hemsley)

She opens up her suitcase
And it’s loaded to the brim
She simply doesn’t have the room
To squeeze more baggage in
Her hold-all’s filled with years and years
Of things she has endured
But you think she has no hold-all
‘Cause she acts so self-assured
But just because she’s confident
And acts like she’s alright
It doesn’t mean her baggage
Is inconsequentially light
For though her life looks rosy
It doesn’t mean to say
That she doesn’t carry burdens
That weigh her down each day
She’s fought off many monsters
Often swam up from the depths
She’s walked through many fires
And pulled herself back from the edge
So never think she walks on air
When she’s actually walked through hell
You just don’t know her load is heavy
Because she carries it so well
It's ok to put a few things down sometimes ❤
Becky Hemsley 2021
Image created with Bing/Dall.E
Baggage is from Talking to the Wild

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Wednesday 27 September 2023


(by Becky Hemsley)

It would have been your birthday today.
And I wonder how we’d celebrate.
Would you tell us you were too old for cake?
Would you tell us that you didn’t want any presents -
only our presence –
like you always used to?
Where would you want to eat and what would you order?
Would there be balloons or champagne or candles?
It’s your birthday today.
And I can only wonder.
But I’ll put a candle in a cake.
I’ll order in your favourite food and
I’ll feel your presence.
I will remember your birthdays of before and I will look at photos of you opening presents and blowing out candles and making wishes.
And as I blow out the candle on my little cake,
I will make a wish too.
I will wish that you are at peace.
And wish that one day I will feel at peace too.
And then I will raise a glass and eat the cake.
And I will wish you
a Happy Birthday.
Someone requested that I post this today, ready for a departed loved one's birthday tomorrow. Sending love to that person and to anyone missing someone unbearably right now 💔
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork created with Dall.E
'I Wonder' is from 'When I Am Gone'

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Tuesday 26 September 2023


(author Becky Hemsley)

Today you are stubborn,
My patience is thin
Today you’ll persist
Until I will give in
Today you are wilful
You’re strong and you’re bold
Today you’ll refuse to do
Things you are told
Today you will follow
Wherever I go
Today you will scream
When my answer is no
Today you are fierce
And today you are wild
Today you’ll remind me
That you are a child
Today every minute
Will seem to last hours
But over the years
I will realise your power
I’ll realise your stubbornness
Means you’re determined
And I’ll admire how you have
Learnt to stand firm and
How you know when
To sit down or step up
So full of conviction,
Self-worth and self-trust
So today you’ll be stubborn
Today you’ll be fierce
Today you’ll have spirit
That must persevere
Today you’re determined
Today you’ll be loud
But tomorrow you’ll lead
From the front of the crowd
And where once you were wild
I want you to stay
I don’t want you quietened,
Silenced or tamed
‘Cause yesterday’s bold
Will soon one day I’m sure
Be a force that our world
Has not known of before
And today you will talk
Of the impossible
But tomorrow I know -
You’ll be unstoppable
For all the whirlwinds and the wilds out there - stay wild ❤
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork created with Dall-E
'Unstoppable' is from my second book:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


REAL by Becky Hemsley

(author Becky Hemsley"

I’ve cried when I’m happy
And cried when I’m sad
I’ve smiled through the good times
And smiled through the bad
I’ve screamed in excitement
I’ve screamed out in pain
I’ve gasped at the sunshine
And gasped at the rain
I’ve laughed when I’m nervous
And when I’m elated
I’ve sighed with contentment
And when I’m deflated
I’ve sung when I’m lonely
And sung in a crowd
I’ve shouted when angry
And when I’ve been proud
‘Cause whether we’re up
Or we’re riding a low
Our feelings are desperate
For somewhere to go
We can’t keep them trapped
And locked up in a cage -
They force their way out
‘Cause they need to escape
And sometimes we’re told
That emotions are weakness
That feeling is flawed
If we let it defeat us
But how can this be?
Surely this must be wrong
For what could be weak
About something so strong
That it cannot be silenced
Cannot be tamed
Can’t be kept down
And cannot be contained
So when you next shout
Or you laugh or you cry
You scream or you smile
Or let out a sigh
Whatever the reason
Just let yourself feel
We’re not here to be quiet -
We’re here to be real
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork created with Dall.E
'Real' is from my new collection Letters from Life:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-



link below

I am “too much” for some people.
I talk too much.
I say too much.
I hug too much.
I share too much.
I laugh too much.
I cry too much.
I explain too much.
I don’t have “enough of this” for some people.
I don’t have enough status.
I don’t have enough wealth.
I don’t have enough knowledge.
I don’t have enough fashion.
I don’t have enough education.
I don’t have enough experience.
I don’t have enough time.
I am not “the right amount” for some people.
I am not the right amount of cool.
I am not the right amount of popular.
I am not the right amount of fun.
I am not the right amount of serious.
I am not the right amount of interesting.
I am not the right amount of emotion.
I am not the right amount of energy.
You will always be too much, not enough or never the right amount for some people.
Those are not your people. And those are not people you want to be your people.
Be you. Then find your people.
And never let anyone make you feel anything less than what you truly are…
One of a kind.
Your life matters.
Your hardships matter.
Your mental state matters.
Your well-being matters.
You matter.
For more stories like these, follow me!
Art Illustration: Melsy's Illustrations

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