Thursday 26 October 2023

The Journey by Mary Oliver

"The Journey" by Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice --
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voice behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do --
determined to save
the only life that you could save. Mary Oliver
(Book: Dream Work [ad]
(Art: 'Olive Trees (Study)', 1884 by Claude Monet)

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THANK YOU FOR by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"Thank you for the mistakes you made,
so that I could discover what it means to be wise.
Thank you for the moments of doubt you faced,
so that I could discover what it means to have faith.
Thank you for the wrong roads you took,
so that I could discover what it means to find my way.
Thank you for the grudges you held,
so that I could discover what it means to forgive.
Thank you for the masks you wore,
so that I could discover what it means to be authentic.
Thank you for the moments you took for granted,
so that I could discover what it means to be grateful.
Thank you for the pride you displayed,
so that I could discover what it means to be humble.
Thank you for the times you were judgemental,
so that I could discover what it means to be accepting.
Thank you for the fears you faced,
so that I could discover what it means to be brave.
Thank you for the conflicts you navigated,
so that I could discover what it means to find harmony.
Thank you for the storms you weathered,
so that I could discover what it means to be strong.
And thank you for the rejections you faced,
so that I could discover what it means to truly love,
not only others, but myself,
and life itself.
I look back on you
not with shame,
but with pride and admiration
for without you
I would not be who I am today."

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Wednesday 25 October 2023

You Own Nothing, So You Lose Nothing

"You Own Nothing, So You Lose Nothing" (author unknown)
If you buy land or buy a house, you have only paid rent for the remaining years you have on Earth. None of them belongs to you.
If you buy a car, you have only paid for your transport for the period the car will last or for the period you will last. It doesn't belong to you.
If you marry a spouse, you have only got company until circumstances or death do you part. No one owns the other.
If you have children, you have only fulfilled the demand of continuity of life until death comes. You don't own them. That's why the State still dictates how you bring them up.
If you have money, you have only amassed value to purchase what you want, for your remaining number of years on Earth. The notes belong to the Central Bank.
If you work and retire, your pension is only for life. After your life, it stops.
Even if you eat and get filled, the food in your belly isn't yours. You must defecate it back to Earth.
The body itself which you cherish so highly, doesn't belong to you. The Earth will certainly reclaim its bits, when the loan is due.
Even the life we live is borrowed, and surely will be returned.
So let us not be afraid of losing anything in this life, because we do not own anything here. Two things will surely happen; we will either be taken away from everything we think we own or everything we think we own will be taken away from us someday. It is that day that none of us know.
We boast about our body, our houses, our lands, our money, our wives, our husbands, our children, our parents, our everything. But that's where it ends. Boasting! Ruminate intensely and it won't be difficult to find out that, we do not own any of those things. We are only availed of them to mitigate the necessary constraints of our journey here.

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by Daniell Koepke

Just because one person rejects you doesn’t mean you need to reject yourself.
Just because some people choose to disregard your worth and treat you without kindness doesn’t mean everyone will, and it certainly doesn’t mean you have to imitate their behaviour
The truth is that the way other people treat us isn’t about us—it’s about them and their own struggles, insecurities, and limitations. You don’t have to allow their judgement to become your truth.

You may not be able to control what other people say or how they act, but you can always choose how you treat yourself.

You can choose who you surround yourself with, and who you let go of. And no matter what your circumstances, you can choose to believe in yourself and your worth.

Because at the end of the day, trying to please everyone is exhausting and impossible. No matter how you change or who you become, there will always be someone who doesn’t approve.

So instead of wasting your energy in a futile attempt to become someone that other people want you to be, give yourself permission to be exactly who you are. And know that who you are is exactly enough.

The right people will find their way into your life.
These are the people who will love and accept you wholeheartedly and without conditions.
These are the people who matter.
Let go of the rest.
~ Daniell Koepke ~
Artist Credit : Anne Virlange

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(author unknown)

Every Friday afternoon Chase’s teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children with whom they’d like to sit the following week. The children know that these requests may or may not be honoured. She also asks the students to nominate one student whom they believe has been an exceptional classroom citizen that week. All ballots are privately submitted to her.

And every single Friday afternoon, after the students go home, Chase’s teacher takes out those slips of paper, places them in front of her and studies them. She looks for patterns.

Who is not getting requested by anyone else?
Who doesn’t even know who to request?
Who never gets noticed enough to be nominated?
Who had a million friends last week and none this week?

You see, Chase’s teacher is not looking for a new seating chart or “exceptional citizens.” Chase’s teacher is looking for lonely children. She’s looking for children who are struggling to connect with other children. She’s identifying the little ones who are falling through the cracks of the class’s social life. She is discovering whose gifts are going unnoticed by their peers. And she’s pinning down- right away- who’s being bullied and who is doing the bullying.

As a teacher, parent, and lover of all children – I think that this is the most brilliant Love Ninja strategy I have ever encountered. It’s like taking an X-ray of a classroom to see beneath the surface of things and into the hearts of students. It is like mining for gold – the gold being those little ones who need a little help, who need adults to step in and TEACH them how to make friends, how to ask others to play, how to join a group, or how to share their gifts with others. And it’s a bully deterrent because every teacher knows that bullying usually happens outside of her eyeshot – and that often kids being bullied are too intimidated to share. But as she said – the truth comes out on those safe, private, little sheets of paper.
As Chase’s teacher explained this simple, ingenious idea – I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. “How long have you been using this system?” I said.
Ever since Columbine, she said. Every single Friday afternoon since Columbine.

Good Lord.
This brilliant woman watched Columbine knowing that ALL VIOLENCE BEGINS WITH DISCONNECTION. All outward violence begins as inner loneliness. She watched that tragedy KNOWING that children who aren’t being noticed will eventually resort to being noticed by any means necessary.

And so she decided to start fighting violence early and often, and with the world within her reach. What Chase’s teacher is doing when she sits in her empty classroom studying those lists written with shaky 11 year old hands - is SAVING LIVES. I am convinced of it. She is saving lives.

And what this mathematician has learned while using this system is something she really already knew: that everything – even love, even belonging – has a pattern to it. And she finds those patterns through those lists – she breaks the codes of disconnection. And then she gets lonely kids the help they need. It’s math to her. It’s MATH.

All is love- even math. Amazing.
Chase’s teacher retires this year – after decades of saving lives. What a way to spend a life: looking for patterns of love and loneliness. Stepping in, every single day- and altering the trajectory of our world.

TEACH ON, WARRIORS. You are the first responders, the front line, the disconnection detectives, and the best and ONLY hope we’ve got for a better world. What you do in those classrooms when no one is watching, it’s our best hope. copied for hope to save more Children

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(author unknown)

I miss you. God knows how much I want to be with you right now. He knows how many times I cried at night and how many times I begged Him to let me hold you in my arms again. It's sad, because we bid our goodbyes even though we still love each other. You don't know how much I needed you to stay on the very same day that you said goodbye. It broke my heart into pieces. I know that I would miss you forever.
Have you ever forgotten about your promise? You promised me that I am the only one that you would love in your entire life. This may sound so selfish, but could you still keep your promise? The truth is, I never want to let go of our love. A part of me is still hoping that you would make things right and make me feel safe in your arms again. But how would you do that when I know that you've already given up on us?
The truth is, I have trusted you with all my heart. But you broke it and made me feel so unwanted. Despite of that, I never stopped loving you. I never stopped caring for you. I never stopped hoping that one day I would wear a wedding ring from you. But everything turned into nightmare for me. I was left with all the broken pieces of me, grieving for the love that I have been praying to last. We ended, our love has ended, and we end it with a broken heart.

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Tuesday 24 October 2023


by Joanne Boyle

I wrote you out a birthday card,
I filled it full of love.
I used my tears to seal It,
then I addressed it to above.
I put it in a pillar box
and hope it finds its way,
but just in case it doesn't,
this is what I want to say.
I hope you wear a pretty dress,
that the angels helped you choose
and upon your dainty feet,
you wear the matching shoes.
I hope your are sitting on a cloud,
with your family on your mind,
catching all the memories,
of the ones you left behind.
I hope you are wrapped in love,
from every angel wing,
and our worlds rejoice once more,
as together we all sing.

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POSSIBILITIES by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

Remember as a child
When you’d walk amongst the trees
And you’d find a stick that held
So many possibilities?
It could’ve been an arrow
It could’ve been a sword
It could’ve been a telescope,
A microphone, an oar
It could’ve been a hook you used
To catch things from afar
And it could’ve been a catapult
That launched a shooting star
It could’ve been a flute
That played a song you knew so well
And it could’ve been a wand
Ready to cast a thousand spells
Well, now what if I told you
That the stick was all of these?
Because there lies a certain
Sense of magic in the trees
A magic that reminds us
We are not too old to play
That helps us see the awe and wonder
Wrapped in every day
See, the forest is our playground
And the paths between the trees
Are endless new beginnings
Of adventures to be seized
So grab that stick and row to shore
Then search the midnight sky
Play your favourite song
Then cast a spell that makes you fly
Catch a shooting star
Then launch it back beyond the clouds
Search for hidden gold
And mark an X upon the ground
Remember how it feels to live
Like you’ve nothing to lose
When just a simple stick can be
Whatever you might choose
Then seize those new beginnings
Strewn across the forest floor
‘Cause adventure’s out there waiting
So, what are you waiting for?
Becky Hemsley 2022
Lovely artwork by Magda Brol (@mag roll on Instagram)
'Possibilities' is from my second collection:

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By John Anthony Elliott ©26/8/2015 revised 2023

Remembering our schooldays,
And the things we did back then,
The scratchy nibs and inkwells,
Cos we hadn’t got a pen.

The chalk and the rubber,
That was launched across the class,
The throwing of a bible,
That broke a window’s glass.

Smoking in the toilets,
Got you the dreaded cane,
Smooching in the bike-shed,
To keep you from the rain.

Spotted dick for pudding,
With seconds on the way,
Meat and two veg for diner,
All served on a tray.

Woodwork’s a disaster,
The stool I made was crap,
The wood I used had woodworm,
And the knots were weeping sap.

We didn’t wear a uniform,
A blazer or a tie,
Jeans for the boys,
Girls skirt’s were way too high.

Girls PE pants were useless,
Always falling down,
The field we used was muddy,
And way across the town.

Yes remembering our schooldays,
And the friends we had back then,
Memories of times long past,
My memories from way back then.

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Oh! what an angel you are by John Anthony Elliott

"Oh! what an angel you are"
by John Anthony Elliott revised 2023

Oh! what an angel you are my love,
With the bluest eyes that shine so bright,
Twinkling like the stars above,
Beacons in the night.
With cheeks of rosy pink,
And skin so smooth, and fair,
Eyelashes that flutter, when they blink,
Threads of gold within your hair.
Oh! what an angel you are,
For the love you gave to me,
You'll always be my guiding star.
And make me so happeee.

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I Followed A Rainbow by John Anthony Elliott

"I Followed A Rainbow"
by John Anthony Elliott revised 2023

I followed a rainbow,
And to my surprise,
Instead of the gold,
I found your ebony eyes.
So full of love,
Were those eyes that I saw,
I felt all of my riches unfold.

I am so wealthy now,
Beyond all of my dreams,
My wishes have certainly come true,
I just followed that rainbow,
Through skies that were grey,
Now all of my skies are bright blue.

With love in my heart,
And a song in my soul,
I skip through the troubles that come,
No following rainbows,
No searching for gold,
For the treasures I've found are in you.

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...