Sunday 19 November 2023

HANDLE WITH CARE by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

Every woman I know has, at one point or another,
sobbed in the shower
cried in the car
swallowed down tears in the supermarket
and broken down in the bathroom.
And then she has dried her eyes, lifted her head, taken a deep breath and carried on.
She has walked into work
or in through the front door
or into the store or the coffee shop or the hair salon.
And she has smiled and chatted to people so that no one would know she’d been crying.
And I’m not reminding us of this to say
“look how strong we are to pull ourselves together when we are falling apart”.
Although that still stands.
I’m reminding us how easy it is to paint on a brave face so that other people are none the wiser.
So whilst it might not have been you sitting in the car park crying this morning, it might have been that woman who sits three desks down from you.
Whilst it might not have been you sobbing in the shower before getting the kids ready for school this morning, it might have been their teacher. Or another parent on the school run.
Whilst you might have gotten round the supermarket without being on the verge of tears today, it might not be the same for the person working the till. Or the person behind you in the queue.
Everyone wears their brave face in public.
And we’ll never really know just how many people around us have pulled themselves together with the thinnest of threads each morning. How many people are ready to fall apart again at any point.
But compassion strengthens those threads.
Compassion is powerful.
Because even when no one can see it,
even when no one can hear it…
They can feel it.
Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by @ivajakab via Instagram
‘Handle with Care’ is from my new collection which can be found here:

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Friday 17 November 2023


by Becky Hemsley 2023

I reached for you this morning
Without thinking as I woke
The way I always used to
As the day so softly broke
I looked for you whilst eating
In the place we used to meet
And realised, without thinking
I’d been saving you a seat
I called for you just now
Because I thought I’d seen you there
And without thinking, suddenly
Your name was on the air
I cried for you last night
Because I couldn’t keep it in
And instinct took me over
As I let the darkness win
But that is how it is these days
And I have understood
That so much of my thinking
Will lead back to thoughts of us
So, I’ll think of you tomorrow
Like I did just yesterday
And like, without much thinking
I have thought of you today
See, it’s such a contradiction
But it couldn’t be more true
That always, without thinking
I am thinking about you
Becky Hemsley 2023
Lovely artwork by Maja Lindberg (@illutrationsbymajali on Instagram)
'Without Thinking' is from my book of grief and loss poetry

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THE JAR by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2020

There was a little dreamer
Who, from just the age of three
Spent all his time imagining
What he could do and be
He wanted to invent things
Give the world something brand new
He wanted to change lives
Even if he only changed a few
His wild imagination
Was like a jar without a lid
And they nurtured and encouraged it
Whilst he was still a kid
But as he grew and his dreams
Showed no signs that they would slow
They tried to tame them, rein them in
And screw the jar lid closed
They told him he should think
More realistically instead
Yet, almost everything that’s real
Was once thought up in someone’s head
If everyone stopped dreaming
We’d be stuck right where we are
But they tell us that, as adults
We must live inside the jar
So he parked his dreams up in the clouds
Said he’d return some day
But his dreams grew all redundant
As his life got in the way
Yes, the dreamer stopped his dreaming
And they were all left wondering why
Well, they said the sky’s the limit
Then put a ceiling on the sky
Becky Hemsley 2020
Artwork by KEITH Proctor
‘The Jar’ is from Talking to the Wild:

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Thursday 16 November 2023

A Journey to the Centre of the Earthlings by English With Mia

"A Journey to the Centre of the Earthlings" by English With Mia
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy who loved adventures. He dreamt of exploring exciting places and meeting new friends. One sunny day, as Timmy sat under his favourite tree, a peculiar map fell from the sky right into his hands. The map showed a mysterious path leading to the centre of the Earthlings' world!
Excited about the idea of meeting the Earthlings, Timmy packed his backpack with snacks, a flashlight, and a compass. With the map in hand, he set off on his adventure.
As he followed the map's directions, Timmy noticed a small cave hidden behind a curtain of vines. Without hesitation, he ventured inside. The cave was dark and echoed with strange sounds. Timmy's heart raced with anticipation as he walked deeper, guided by his flashlight.
Suddenly, the ground trembled, and Timmy found himself sliding down a winding tunnel. He landed softly in a brightly lit underground city bustling with tiny, friendly creatures — the Earthlings!
The Earthlings were no bigger than Timmy's thumb, with colourful wings and twinkling eyes. They welcomed Timmy with giggles and warm smiles, amazed to meet a human from above.
Timmy was in awe of the Earthlings' tiny houses made of petals and leaves, their sparkling crystal gardens, and their shimmering city square where they danced to cheerful melodies.
The Earthlings took Timmy on a tour, showing him their marvellous world filled with glowing mushrooms and glowing fireflies. They even taught him a dance that made the crystals in their gardens shimmer brighter!
As the day drew to a close, the Earthlings gathered around Timmy to bid him farewell. They gave him a magical crystal that would light his way home and whispered, "Remember, friendship knows no size."
With a heart full of joy and new friendships, Timmy bid goodbye to the Earthlings and began his journey back through the tunnel. He emerged from the cave, holding the special crystal tight, and found himself back under his favourite tree.
Timmy smiled, knowing that even in the smallest places, there were wonderful adventures waiting to be discovered. And whenever he wanted to visit his new friends, all he had to do was follow the map to the centre of the Earthlings' world.
From that day on, Timmy cherished the magical memories of his journey to the centre of the Earthlings and looked forward to more adventures that awaited him in the world above.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Wednesday 15 November 2023

The Unicorn's Quest by English With Mia

"The Unicorn's Quest"
by English With Mia
Once upon a time, in a land of rainbows and sunshine, there lived a little unicorn named Sparkle. Sparkle wasn't like other unicorns because, instead of a majestic horn, he had a tiny, shimmering star on his forehead.
One day, as Sparkle pranced through the magical meadow, he discovered a mysterious map under a glittering mushroom. The map showed a path leading to the Crystal Clear Creek, where a legendary treasure was said to be hidden.
Excitement bubbled in Sparkle's heart as he decided to embark on a quest to find the treasure. He followed the winding path through enchanted forests and crossed bubbling brooks, making friends with talking trees and singing birds along the way.
As Sparkle reached the Crystal Clear Creek, he noticed a sparkling key resting on a bed of velvet moss. The key seemed to match the map perfectly! With a sense of wonder, Sparkle picked up the key and realized it held the magic to unlock the hidden treasure.
The key led Sparkle to a secret grove where a chest made of golden sunlight awaited him. With a gentle touch of the key, the chest opened, revealing not gold or jewels, but something far more precious — a magical rainbow seed.
The rainbow seed held the power to make dreams come true. Sparkle knew exactly what he wanted to wish for — happiness for all his friends in the meadow. With a heartfelt wish, Sparkle planted the rainbow seed in the centre of the meadow.
The next morning, the meadow blossomed with flowers of every colour imaginable, and a soft, magical glow filled the air. The animals in the meadow felt a warm and fuzzy joy in their hearts.
Sparkle's quest for treasure had not only brought happiness to him but had spread joy to everyone around. From that day on, the meadow became a place of laughter, love, and endless magic, all thanks to the little unicorn with a star on his forehead and a heart full of kindness.
And so, Sparkle's quest became a tale whispered in the wind, inspiring others to seek treasures that fill the world with love and joy.

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"THE POWER OF VISION" (author unknown)
The birth of a new born baby brings joy to the family. It excites everyone. For the parents, it is a period of thrills and tensions. They hope and try to do their best, and at the same time, they are concerned that something could go wrong. The worse fear of every parent is that something could happen to their child.
That's what happened to the Keller family. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880. Nineteen months later, her parents discovered Helen had become blind in an unexplainable scenario. If it were in another family, this state of things could have been accepted as "fate", but not in the Keller family. Her parents were determined to do the best for their daughter. They found various means to help her communicate. Helen herself was more determined. Helen had a stubborn resolve that she must live a full life. She did not accept her condition as a seal upon her potential. To Helen, the loss of sight is not the loss of life. So far as she could use her other body parts, she would not give up. One time she said, “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”
That's exactly what she did. She faced life head-on.
She stood up for herself in many circumstances. She had a teacher, Anne Sullivan, who encouraged her greatly. One day she told the teacher that if she could learn to read and write, she would use all her skills to advocate for people with disabilities and do her best to make the world a better place.
She would eventually attend Radcliffe College of Harvard and graduate as the first blind person to do so. She wrote 12 books during her lifetime, delivered hundreds of speeches, and wrote countless essays. She was involved in many movements, including advocacy for people with disability, world peace, civil rights, etc. In 1903, she wrote her autobiography titled "The Story of My Life."
In 1964, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Lyndon Johnson for her work in advocacy for people with disabilities. She has been inducted into the Alabama Writers Hall of Fame and National Women's Hall of Fame, and in 1980 a stamp was issued depicting her and Anne Sullivan. A special "Helen Keller Day" is celebrated in her honour every June 27.
Think about the fact that a blind person achieved all this. Helen Keller could have accepted her faith, and she would have died unseen, unknown, and unsung.
She said something that lives rent-free in my head “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
If you are reading this, it means you can see. You have sight, but do you have a vision for your life? Do you have something that drives you? Think about that.

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SOME BODY by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

I’ve teeth that stick out just a little too far
I’ve marks on my body where I’ve gathered scars
I’ve parts of my person that wobble and shake
I’ve imperfect skin on my imperfect face
My hair’s hard to manage - it’s coarse and it’s thick
I’ve stripes on my waist, on my belly and hips
I’ve lines on my forehead and some round my eyes
I’ve dimples and dents that now live on my thighs
And I used to hide, I got used to concealing
I knew all my angles and how I should breathe in
But all of the scars are the times I’ve derailed
And got back on track and lived, telling the tale
The lines on my forehead and those round my eyes
Tell the stories of times that I’ve laughed ‘til I cried
And all of the inches and stripes on my hips
Are from carrying, growing and birthing my kids
My dimply thighs that all wobble and shake
Are the times I’ve said yes to the chocolate and cake
The times I’ve decided a moment means more
Than hiding and shrinking like I’ve done before
See I’m happy and healthy and that is what matters
Not whether I’m scarred for I’m thinner or fatter
‘Cause life is a rollercoaster to ride on
It’s here for us all to enjoy not to hide from
It isn’t a dress size or holiday snap
But moments in time that we’ll never get back
So let’s not spend moments that we can’t replace
Concerned with our bodies, our hair and our face
And let us embrace all the life that we’ve lived
Our bodies are breathing - and that is a gift
Becky Hemsley 2022
'Some Body' is from What the Wild Replied

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GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn (Summary and Review)

"GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn"
Summary and Review

"Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn is a psychological thriller that follows the mysterious disappearance of Amy Dunne on her fifth wedding anniversary. The narrative alternates between the perspectives of Amy and her husband Nick, revealing a complex and twisted relationship.
Nick becomes the prime suspect in Amy's disappearance, and as the investigation unfolds, secrets about their marriage surface. Amy's diary entries provide insight into her perspective, while Nick's side of the story raises questions about his innocence. The plot takes unexpected turns, leading to a shocking revelation about Amy's calculated plan to frame Nick.
"Gone Girl" is praised for its gripping plot, unreliable narrators, and psychological depth. Flynn skilfully explores the dark facets of marriage, deception, and societal expectations. The narrative structure keeps readers on edge, and the characters' flaws add complexity to the story.
The book delves into themes of media scrutiny, manipulation, and the consequences of societal pressures on relationships. The characters are multi-dimensional, making it difficult to sympathize with any one perspective entirely.
Some critics argue that the ending may be divisive, but it aligns with the dark and unpredictable tone of the novel. Flynn's writing is sharp, and the narrative's twists and turns make "Gone Girl" a compelling and thought-provoking read, offering a chilling exploration of human nature and the complexities of modern relationships.

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Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.
Sing, and the hills will answer;
Sigh, it is lost on the air;
The echoes bound to a joyful sound,
But shrink from voicing care.
Rejoice, and men will seek you;
Grieve, and they turn and go;
They want full measure of all your pleasure,
But they do not need your woe.
Be glad, and your friends are many;
Be sad, and you lose them all,—
There are none to decline your nectared wine,
But alone you must drink life’s gall.
Feast, and your halls are crowded;
Fast, and the world goes by.
Succeed and give, and it helps you live,
But no man can help you die.
There is room in the halls of pleasure
For a large and lordly train,
But one by one we must all file on
Through the narrow aisles of pain.

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...