Tuesday 28 November 2023


"I WISH YOU ENOUGH" by Bob Perks
Recently, I overheard a Mother and Daughter in their last moments together at the airport as the Daughter's departure had been announced.
Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the Mother said: "I love you and I wish you enough."
The Daughter replied, "Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom."
They kissed and the Daughter left.
The Mother walked over to the window where I sat.
Standing there, I could see she wanted and needed to cry.
I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking, "Did you ever say Good-Bye to someone knowing it would be forever?"
"Yes, I have," I replied.
"Forgive me for asking but why is this a forever Good-Bye?"
"I am old and she lives so far away."
I have challenges ahead and the reality is the next trip back will be for my funeral," she said.
When you were saying Good-Bye, I heard you say, "I wish you enough." May I ask what that means?"
She began to smile.
That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations.
My parents used to say it to everyone.
She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more.
"When we said 'I wish you enough' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them".
Then turning toward me, she shared the following, reciting it from memory,
"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright."
"I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more."
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
She then began to cry and walked away.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person.
An hour to appreciate them.
A day to love them.
And an entire life to forget them.

Author: Bob Perks
Photo: Donna Krech

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LOST by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

My darling, please know this:
Everyone feels differently.
And so we live differently,
love differently and
bear loss differently.
Navigate loss differently.
Grieve differently.
Do not compare your grieving with anyone else.
Their journey will look different, but it does not mean that one of you is going the wrong way.
You are both lost.
Maybe reach out to them.
Let them know that you are here
and that you are feeling lost too.
And whilst you will still take your own journeys,
at different paces and in different ways,
perhaps it will help a little – even if it’s just a very little -
to know that at least there are others
trying to make it down the same road.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by the very talented Paco Yao
'Lost' is from the book 'When I Am Gone' https://a.co/d/1PqFuzM

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


Monday 27 November 2023


(author unknown)

There was a hunter who went on a hunt. He began to run home when he saw a portion of the forest burning aggressively. In running home he saw a small vulnerable lion (cub) perhaps hastily left by its mother when fleeing from the fire. The hunter took it home to his sheep's pen.
The lion cub grew up, played and fed with the flock. The hunter usually open the flock to go and feed in a nearby bush. Sometimes a pup wolf will charge and intimidate the flock including the lion. Then they will usually run back home.
One day they went to feed on fresh grass.
As usual the lion growing healthier and strong , joined them. They dined on the best of grass and in ecstasy, they went far into the bush. Soon they heard a strange howling noise. The flock scattered and many began running for their lives. The lion frightened too much didn't know where to run to and stood still.
Soon a pup wolf approached the lion face to face. The lion had no choice but to fight back. It started to make a noise which it never knew it could. The roaring (noise) was so loud and frightened that the pup wolf took to its heels. Now the hunter has became the hunted. The lion chased it. From that day the lion didn't continue to stay with the flock. It went deep into the bush and was surprised that when the other animals see it, they flee!
Moral Lessons
Just like the lion which thought it self like a sheep, some of us are also the same. Limiting our potentials because of; where we were born or raised, our negative mind set, negative people around our lives etc. Am reminding you to awaken the lion in you. You are actually a lion, born great with the potential to overcome your adversities. Don't let your current struggles push you down and let people look down on you.
The struggles of today, may perhaps be a turning point to move to greatness (where you belong, just like the lion in the story). Yes you may be a lion among the flock, but it's time to wake up and move on.

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(author unknown)

"No one told me how terrifying it would be to love as only a mother does. No one told me about how much it would ache.
No one told me about the joy that was deeper and wider that anything I’d known- how somehow it hurt to feel that happy.
No one told me about the heavy weight of that love that would sit on my heart and make it impossible to breathe at times. How I would hold my infant to my chest and want to inhale him-  not just that new born smell, but some primal, unbearable desire to tuck him back safely below my heart — a desperate wish to keep him safe there forever.
No one told how I would hover over my baby at night, my eyes burning with exhaustion but unable to stop watching as his tiny chest rose and fell with each breath. How the adoration I felt for him would rise up from my chest and pour out of my eyes, buckets of tears I couldn’t explain.
No one told me how the love would swallow me whole. How somehow my life would suddenly feel infinitely more fragile and fleeting. How my own mortality would loom over me like a shadow I’d never seen before and make me want to stop time.
No one told me how giving birth would make me fear death in a way I’d never experienced- how I’d feel that my life was so tightly tied around this love that losing him would be worse than dying a thousand times. How the strings that tethered me to this child would become my life line and how watching him grow and go out into the world would be the most terrifying beautiful thing.
No one told me how becoming a mama would open a door in my heart to a love I didn’t know existed. And how the magnitude of that feeling would leave me scrambling to find my footing in a world that felt suddenly foreign and immensely  real.
No one told me because there aren’t really words, are there?"
Beautiful words and artwork by @spiritysol

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Dear Daughter by Mehr Lee

"Dear Daughter"
by Mehr Lee

You are the answer
To a prayer
I never dare
whisper out loud.
You are the piece of my soul
I never knew was missing
But recognized
the moment I laid eyes on you
You are the floating hope
I feared was drowned
long ago
You are the reckoning force
Far stronger than any cage
They’ll try to place you in.
You are the sweet antidote
To a poison
spoonfed to us for ages
You are a vision-maker
A mold-breaker
An Earth-shaker
And I hope you know
Though you’ve grown
within the safehold
of my heart
You were never meant
to be contained by it.
You were made for so much more.
Dear daughter…
You are the answer

Words & Artwork by Raise Her Wild with Mehr Lee

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The Legend of the Moonlit Meadow by English With Mia

"The Legend of the Moonlit Meadow" by English With Mia
Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there existed a special place called the Moonlit Meadow. It was said that the meadow sparkled with magic under the soft glow of the moon, and wonderful things happened there.
In a small village nearby, lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was curious and kind-hearted. She loved listening to stories about the Moonlit Meadow that her grandmother would tell her before bedtime.
One clear night, when the stars twinkled brightly in the sky, Lily noticed something extraordinary. The moon was shining more brightly than usual, casting a silvery beam of light straight toward the edge of the village. It seemed as though the Moonlit Meadow was calling her.
Filled with excitement and a pinch of courage, Lily followed the moon's radiant trail. As she stepped into the meadow, she was amazed by its beauty. Flowers of every colour bloomed, and tiny fairies danced among them, their laughter filling the air.
Lily watched in wonder, and as she walked deeper into the meadow, she heard a soft melody. Following the sound, she found a young unicorn with a coat as white as snow and a horn that glimmered like a precious gem.
The unicorn greeted Lily with a gentle nuzzle, and Lily felt a warm connection with this magnificent creature. The unicorn, named Luna, shared tales of the Moonlit Meadow's magic and its ability to make wishes come true.
With a hopeful heart, Lily made her wish - for all the children in her village to be happy and healthy. Luna nodded knowingly and nudged Lily gently before disappearing into the shimmering mist.
The next morning, something miraculous happened. Joyful giggles echoed through the village as children played freely without a hint of illness. Lily's wish had come true! The village was filled with happiness, and everyone knew it was because of the magic of the Moonlit Meadow.
From that night onward, on every full moon, Lily would visit the meadow, and Luna would appear, sharing stories and spreading magic.
Lily realized that the true magic of the Moonlit Meadow was not just in granting wishes but in spreading kindness and hope to those who believed.
And so, the legend of the Moonlit Meadow and the girl named Lily who brought joy to her village with her selfless wish became a cherished tale, reminding everyone that sometimes, the most magical things happen when you believe in kindness and the power of your heart's true desires.

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


The Case of the Vanishing Cookies by English With Mia

"The Case of the Vanishing Cookies"
by English With Mia
Once upon a time in a cosy little town, there lived a group of friends named Emily, Alex, and Lily. They loved spending time together, especially when they made delicious cookies. Their favourite spot to bake was Emily's kitchen, which always smelled like warm cinnamon and vanilla.
One sunny afternoon, they decided to bake a batch of their famous chocolate chip cookies. They mixed the dough, added the chocolate chips, and carefully placed spoonful's onto the baking tray. The cookies went into the oven, and the friends eagerly waited for the sweet aroma to fill the air.
As the timer beeped, signalling that the cookies were ready, the friends hurried to the kitchen. But to their surprise, the cookies were nowhere to be found! They searched high and low, peeking into cupboards and under tables, but the cookies had vanished without a trace.
Perplexed and disappointed, the friends sat down, wondering what could have happened to their delicious treats. Suddenly, they heard a faint giggle coming from the hallway. Curious, they followed the sound and found Emily's mischievous little brother, Max, holding a plate of cookies in his hands.
"Max, did you take our cookies?" asked Lily, trying not to laugh.
Max grinned sheepishly. "I couldn't resist! They smelled so good, I just had to have one... or maybe a few."
Emily sighed, trying to look stern but failing to hide a smile. "Max, those were for all of us. You should have asked."
Feeling guilty, Max apologized and promised to make it up to them. Together, they decided to bake another batch of cookies, and this time, they made extra so everyone could have their fill.
As they sat together, enjoying their freshly baked cookies, they laughed and shared stories, making memories that would last a lifetime. From that day on, they always made sure to keep an extra plate of cookies for Max, so he wouldn't be tempted to make them vanish again.
And so, the mystery of the vanishing cookies was solved, teaching the friends the importance of sharing and asking before taking something that belonged to others. From then on, every time they baked, they made sure to watch out for sneaky cookie thieves!

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THEY DON'T TELL YOU by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2023

People say that life is a rollercoaster.
Full of ups and downs. Highs and lows.
And I suppose that’s right to some degree.
But what they don’t tell you about, are the times when life is like a long train journey. No ups, no downs. Just life whizzing past the window without you even really noticing it.
They don’t tell you about the times when it’s a bumpy ride down a narrow lane where there’s no escaping the pot holes. Where it’s just life showing you that sometimes things are in the way and you have to get through them.
They don’t tell you about the times when it’s a journey of twists and turns. Not highs and lows as such. Just life throwing curveballs that force you to keep changing direction.
They don’t tell you that sometimes the train journey is a bit dull. That the bumpy ride has you clinging on for dear life or that the twisty, turny road has you feeling exhausted.
Life is a journey.
And not every moment can be exhilarating.
Sometimes we have to take the train in order to differentiate the highs and lows.
Sometimes we have to navigate the bumpy ride in order to appreciate the smooth sailing.
And sometimes we have to change direction in order to follow the path that’s right for us.
All we can do is trust
that when the journey finally ends,
we’re exactly where we’re meant to be.
And that - for the most part -
we enjoyed the ride.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by @Ulla Thynell Art

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...