Friday 15 December 2023

I SEE YOU by Rachel Marie Martin

by Rachel Marie Martin

I see you.
I see you behind the busy. Behind the keeping it all together. Behind the “I’m fine” and smiles.
I see you.
I see your strong, your giving, your caring.
I see your showing up even without the answers.
I see your tired, your sleepless nights, your worry.
I see you work through the worry and cling to possibility.
I see you.
I see your love, your hope, your belief in the good.
I see your caring and hours spent trying that no one sees.
I see you deal with guilt because you want to be the best you can be.
I see you.
I see that sometimes you need to be told how much you matter, that your giving makes a difference, that you are enough.
I see you.
I see how hard you try.
I see how you let go of comparison and try to be real.
I see you stumble and yet stand up again.
I see your brave.
I see your courage.
I see your heart.
I see you because you are like me.
We give, we love, we are brave.
Thank you.
You are enough.
I see you.

original words by me
Rachel Marie Martin

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by Joanne Boyle

Thinking of you this Christmas,
as I do every other day.
I talk to you in my thoughts,
there's always so much to say.
I don't often speak about the weather,
small talk was never our thing.
We would talk about, well nothing,
to us that was everything.
Thinking of you this Christmas,
as I do every other day,
only at this time of the year,
I think of tinsel and your hair spray.
I remember those cosy nights.
The Christmas Spirit all around,
but that spirit is now you,
and in the memories that we found.
You are every twinkling light.
Every tune of every day.
Thinking of you this Christmas,
as I do every other day.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-


by Tahlia Hunter

Though I may feel like a misfit,
in truth, we are all misfits,
for no two people
who walk the Earth
see life
in an identical way.
Though I may feel like an outsider
and struggle to fit in with others,
this does not make me inferior,
for it is simply because
I am surrounded by those
who see the world
so vastly differently from me
that they fail to understand or appreciate me
and I am simply in need
of finding the spaces and places where I belong,
whether that be among people, animals or nature.
When I find myself feeling low,
or questioning my existence,
I may go out into nature
and look at all of the plants, animals and trees
and remind myself
that just as each of them is essential to life,
Life itself
would be incomplete without me
And like all whom have walked the Earth,
I am no lesser or greater than another
and my life is no less precious than another’s.
And while my purpose here
may not always be understood easily by others
it is no less magnificent than another’s.
And in feeling misunderstood,
I am connected
to all who have come before me
who have felt similarly isolated and rejected
yet, nevertheless, found their way
And I too, shall find my way,
for I am not the first
to walk this Earth
and feel like an outsider,
nor will I be the last.
But I may live my life in such a way
that those who come after me,
will feel less lonely and isolated,
for I have left it
a more loving and accepting place for all.
And on the days that I feel discouraged,
I will remind myself of this truth:
“I may never be accepted by others,
but I may always accept myself,
and the one that created life accepts me.
And that is the only acceptance
that I will ever need.”
Artwork by Kate Morgan Art

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

I LOVE YOU by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"And how was it that you learned to love yourself?"
"Each morning I would wake up
and stare at my reflection in the mirror
and speak the words
"I love you."
Though I did not believe it at first,
I repeated this practice,
day after day,
and slowly, I started to notice
that I was treating myself
with more kindness
and compassion.
Then I started to notice
that I noticed my flaws less
and focused on the features I found beautiful.
Then I noticed
that I noticed my body less.
And then,
the more that I continued this practice of speaking to my reflection in the mirror,
day after day
and year after year,
I began to truly see myself
for the first time,
for it was no longer my body that I saw,
but my soul shining through.
And finally, I reached a point in my life,
where I did not need to speak in front of the mirror anymore,
because the words "I love you"
had become a part of who I was.
And I realised,
that never did I need to learn to love myself,
but simply to remember that I was love.
But by this time,
my skin was old, worn and wrinkled,
for the journey of remembering to love myself
had taken a lifetime.
And so my dear,
may you learn from my story,
and walk proudly with your head held high
letting the beauty of who you are shine through,
for you do not have to wait an entire lifetime to love yourself
as life itself loves you."

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

“Goodnight my darling, I’ll see you tomorrow”
That is what we always said
As the night swallowed day and the moon made its way
To the darkening sky overhead
But one day my whole world was darkened
As tomorrow for you never came
And so now when I wake, there is only an ache
As I know I won’t see you again
And it’s hard to explain feeling empty
And yet so full of pain all at once
Like a door that’s been closed, yet left open, exposed
Like a spotlight on something that’s gone
And the thoughts of tomorrow are too much
So I’ve come for a walk on my own
And I’m breathing in now, like I’m just learning how
Asking why must I do this alone?
Then I realise that you are beside me
You’re the wind as it kisses my hair
You’re the birds and the flowers, the fresh April showers,
The leaves as they dance through the air
You are everything I can see life in
Like the feathers I find on the ground
And I suddenly see that the world beside me
Is where whispers of you can be found
So I’ll look out for signs that you’re with me
And in time they might lessen the sorrow
And as night swallows day, listen – you’ll hear me say
“Goodnight darling, I’ll see you tomorrow”
Becky Hemsley 2022
Beautiful artwork by @endmion1 via Instagram
'I'll See You Tomorrow' is from my book of grief and loss poetry

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

BUT I DIDN'T TELL HER by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley 2022

I remember sitting in a bar once and watching a woman dancing. She was so full of joy and life that I found it hard to take my eyes off her. She was mesmerising.
But I didn't tell her.
I remember being in the supermarket one day and seeing a woman who had matched her eye make up to the colours in her headscarf. Her eyes shone when she smiled and she looked beautiful.
But I didn't tell her.
I remember watching a fellow mum on the school run years ago. She had a toddler who kept stumbling, stopping to pick things up and pausing to point things out. The mum was so encouraging, patient and calm with her toddler, despite being in a rush herself. I remember thinking what a wonderful parent she was.
But I didn't tell her.
And how often have you probably been that person? Not the one noticing and saying nothing - but the one being noticed.
The one exuding calm, beauty and joy to such an extent that people will remember you years later as the person in the bar or the woman in the supermarket or the mum on the school run.
The one who was mesmerising. Beautiful. Wonderful.
And yet you'll never know because they never told you.
But they noticed you. I promise.
Becky Hemsley 2022
Beautiful artwork by Amilka Olga Vercholamova
This one is from my latest collection

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

Thursday 14 December 2023

REMAINING CALM by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"What is your secret to remaining calm?" she asked.
"I am a traveller of life.
I am here for only a short while,
for I am merely passing through.
I came into this life empty-handed
and I shall leave empty-handed
and in every moment,
I trust that I have what I need
and that what I need is enough.
I need not compare my path to others
for my purpose is not their purpose
and my lessons are not their lessons;
all that is required of me
is to be who I came here to be.
I welcome change,
knowing that all is impermanent
and only that which is truly real will last.
In the storms of life,
I find stillness within,
knowing that the temporary emotions I feel
are merely visitors.
And I do not fear pain,
for I know that I will find relief
and that pain is simply a messenger,
and so I welcome it with compassion,
asking it "What are you here to teach me?"
And I embrace each step of my path,
knowing that within it lies the destination
and in every step I take,
I am worthy of love.
And I affirm to myself daily,
"May my light shine
upon those who are presently in darkness,
and may the world be a different place
because I am in it."

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...